>there are many powers to choose from
>the most reliable one is the most simplest
What was her name?
There are many powers to choose from
Dishonored - blink
>everyone complaining about armor lock
fuck those shitters, armor lock was completely balanced. like nigga, dont shoot, like nigga, wait until i pop and then melee me to death, like nigga, time a grenade and blow me the fuck out. fucking idiots.
>shoot guy
>almost kill him
>armor locks
>the duration of the fight just extended by five seconds of no input, challenge, or otherwise stimulation
>kill guy as he pops up
How can you not understand why this is a shitty mechanic? Best case scenario it adds nothing, worst case scenario it adds tedium. It's like if you had to solve a captcha before each spawn.
It had its uses but yes, it slowed more fights down than it should have
>It's like if you had to solve a captcha before each spawn.
I want to see a game do this.
See: Nexon owned Dungeon Fighter circa a few years ago. It had a fucked up captcha system that made you SOLVE A FUCKING CAPTCHA IN THE MIDDLE OF A BOSS
It's not even a real captcha either, it's a "keyless" one designed to prevent keyloggers by making you walk a gnome into a hut labelled with the correct number in sequence using the arrow keys. I'm not fucking kidding.
If you knew how to use it right armor lock was OP. I would have games without dying at all because nobody could stop my armor lock. Especially when in close combat situations I would always wreck whoever was in the room with me.
Is halo reach still alive?
The most reliable power is kill enemy.
They still have that, its goblin pass
Can't sell trade or buy things until you enter the code.
If you play Deus Ex and you don't get nano-augmented legs I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Running around at full speed and jumping 30 feet into the air, shattering glass windows and bouncing over roof tops- it's the shit.
My favorite was bubble shield for Firefight, but PVP, Sprint was always my only choice.
Sorry, but if you think armor abilities and spawning with sprint and thrust belong in halo then fucking neck yourself. I remember when halo was just 50% shot 25% brain power and 25% exploits. Now every 11 year old with an adderall prescription and a godly internet connection is going pro. I remember half the pros on H5 used to get dicked on by me and friends on REAL halos. Makes me fucking sick. What happened to competitive shooters?
>Halo Reach finally adds a permanent infection playlist
>same maps recycled constantly; every so often, the go to camping spot for each map gets nerfed so you can an out of bounds message
>alpha zombies comes out and all the zombies now sprint instead of combat roll
>infection becomes SWAT pistols minus the challenge of getting shot
I gave up on Reach multiplayer after that. The occasional Grifball wasn't enough to keep me interested.
>wait until i pop and then melee me to death
That would work except for the fucking EMP. Armor lock is fucking retarded in the hands of a greasy player
Doubt that, you seem like you're garbage at the game, literally any of them.
Armor Lock is one of those things that's fine if you don't abuse it too much. In games such as Slayer (free for all versions) or Team Objectives, that's when Armor Lockers should just become an heros.
I'd 25-0 you and any one you know on CE or H2 blindfolded
Armor lock would be fine if it was only HALF as long. That way the shields don't recharge.
But above all else having armor abilities as map pickups instead of everyone getting whatever they want would be better
hows installation 01 coming along?
That doesn't say anything about balance
Moreover just because it's balanced doesn't mean it isn't frustrating and bad for the game; technically it'd be balanced to remove precision weapons and give everyone autos but that is a retarded decision that nobody would like.
>Erectile bloom
I miss pre-Destiny Bungie forums
Be honest, how often has this happened to you?
I don't think this ever happened to me, and all I played on console was Red Dead Redemption, Halo 3 and Reach.
This is what halo is all about. Picking the shit up and controlling it. Everyone starts off with the same exact shit and has to fight to get power weapons and abilities. Reach and 343 ruined halo
But that's literally exactly what Halo 5 went back to
The thing that happened the most was a kid would armor lock and his teammate would just clean you up. It's basically an I win button if your teammates had half a brain, but in all honesty social playlists have always been trash in halo. MLG is the only thing that matters. IMO opinion reach was trash due to the mechanics, net coding, bullet mag, and shitty forge maps
Lmao, super unbalanced shitty maps. Except for maybe Truth and Regret. Radar in competitive playlist. Sprint, thrust, insane bullet mag, shitty servers, retarded OP power weapons like the railgun and super easy to use sniper rifle (literally shoot people in the foot and get head shots), way too much aim assist. Do you want me to keep going? Halo 5 is call of duty with shields now. I fucking hate it
>Fighting someone 1-on-1
>He Armor Locks
>The rest of his team converges on the spot to bail him out while he's doing it.
Also, at the beginning of halo 5 you spawned with a super retarded over powered AR with a fucking retarded radar IN THE FUCKING COMPETITIVE PLAYLIST. It's one thing to have it in social playlist, but they ruined the competitive.
I agree sprint is bad but the bullet mag/auto aim is no worse than H2/Reach and certainly better than H4 (not high bars, but still)
They replaced radar/AR starts for HCS playlists now, it's Magnum starts and the radar only shows movement while sprinting/firing
Armour lock is fucking great, the only counter to the ceaseless grenade spam that plagues all Halo games
That was pretty much the intended use after a while
Just stall for time if you know you're fucked
I GUARANTEE you played against shitters i would trash you if we tried armor locking in front of me