What went wrong, Sup Forums?

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Nothing m8.

Nothing it was lots of fun, Most of the R&C games are fucking great

Doesn't replace the original, but for a $40 movie tie-in it was great. One of the best looking games on the PS4.

Too short and casuals thought it was a straight remake of the original even though it wasn't

bad animations.

nice timestamp retard

Ratchet has zero personality, banter or edge
Clank has is soulless
Q-Force was mishandled so bad
Quark is given too much attention
Nefarious is the final boss just because
So many cut levels
Ruined the music

And above all else: Was based off the move which was laughably bad

check the gaming bit, he made a video on it

Yeah, I've listened to his complaints. It completely ignores the fact that it was a budget title. You literally shouldn't be expecting more from it since it was charging 1/3rd less than even the original 2002 version.

No DLC either.

what's the ranking of the franchise?

I honestly didn't like Up Your Arsenal, thought it was pretty weak.

also the fucking sub-30 fps went wrong

Mostly the humor is now stale as shit and Ratchet just doesn't feel like the same character he was in the origina R&C. Not to mention that character interactions barely have any chemistry like they used to. Just a hollow husk of the original.

It's usually a debate between UYA and GC for being the best. I find UYA better because I think it refined things the most.

A Crack in Time is also a personal favorite. I'd actually put it just below UYA.

Movie was pretty good

This honestly



I thought UYA wasn't very fun, like the levels didn't "flow" in a way that made them appealing to me.

What's his name again?

Upset Ulrich

They also cut many fun weapons
It also has terrible dialog cutscenes.
The only good thing are the graphics and the gameplay that really didn't change that much since R&C 2

Furious Franco


I'll tell you what's wrong with Ratchet and Clank, it had no FUCKING waifus!

>What went wrong
What did you guys expect?Its the first game remade to be like the new games.In terms of new ratchet its one of the best.Its at least as good as a crack in time, or better.

Shut the fuck up.

>what went wrong
What went right?

By itself, it's fine. As a "remake" it falls flat in some areas compared to the original, but ultimately the game is a tie-in for the movie under the guise of a remake.

Fuck off fag.




shill alert

this fag sums it up

have you ever touched an aluminum anything in the morning?

do you realize how cold that shit is?

your dick is going to freeze off

it's the new super mario bros of r&c desu

This is being controlled by this discord.

>brit, lol

how about some bit in your life

Stop hiring Tumblrinas, Insomniac.

>Posting the weakest link of Bit&Brit

>Watching inferior E-Clebs



playing Ratchet and Clank (2002 original) on PS Vita for the first time. Started off strange, but it's gotten a lot better.

One thing I hate is how there seems to be some kind of input delay with the camera movement, and how maneuvering isn't as easy as it even even back in older 3D platformers like Mario 64. It's so easy to "slip" off a ledge because the game has this permanent "ice stage, slippery" mechanic when you land after jumping.

That's a minor annoyances. The two major annoyances so far have been those hacking mini-games, and the first hoverboard race.

The game is a lot better than Jak 2 at least.


Ratchet & Clank franchise ranking, go



PS2 > rest
do you really need me to go into any more detail than that?

Going Commando is the best one

>Ratchet has zero personality, banter or edge

Yeah I completely agree with this, the relationship between them in the first game was one of the major points. It wasn't forced and it didn't happen instantly but throughout the course of the game. In the remake it was literally "we're best friends now" for no reason and they didn't even act like it.

They retconned what made the characters great in the first game and turned R&C into a generic, boring, happy go lucky pair of people. They removed several worlds. Also the cut scenes somehow have less animation than the original game. Whereas characters in the original game were animated, lively, with personality in their movements and mannerisms, literally the most characters in this game do is move their hands a little bit.

It's very obvious that this game was nothing more than a cash grab tie in for the movie, which sucks.


R&C GC > R&C > R&C DL > R&C UYA


R&C CiT >R&C FToT > R&C A4O >R&C QfB >R&C ItN > R&C FFA

You can't refute this.

>R&C 3

>R&C 2


>R&C 1


>R&C PS4

>R&C Gladiator

>R&C A4One

>R&C Nexus

It's hard to rank because I liked them all but I guess I'll go with that order, even Nexus wasn't that bad but it was incredibly short and just felt like a half-assed attempt at a R&C title. R&C 3 nailed practically everything the previous games had issues with and it was just a solid game.

>You can't refute this
You're literally the only person in the world to put Up Your Arsenal last.

How can you rank GC and UYA on opposite ends of the spectrum?

Like, I can understand preferring one of the other, but I have never seen anyone put UYA dead last.

Boring music, characters, story
fun gameplay and good graphics

UYA is a bad game.

Enojado Enrique

That's not an argument.

UYA basically took everything GC did, and expanded it. The weapon upgrade system from every following R&C used UYA's model, not GC's.

Still mad that they used such a bad OST when the original had such a great soundtrack

>too short
>rehashed mini bosses
>should be called ratchet and quark, as clank gets barely any screen time
>ratchet and clank barely develop a bond
>I get robots being bosses or giant monsters but how is quark a boss, he should die to a single bullet.
>characters aren't interesting and feels like modern Hollywood humour
>feels rushed at the end

It's not Ape Escape 4

You think that, but its just because you're removed all knowledge of how absolutely tedious the 2nd half is


It was longer than the original game. What the fuck are you talking about?

Hmm apparently I disliked the video but I don't remember


I agree with pretty much everything this guy says. He nails it.


Haven't played Nexus or the reboot, but I heard they aren't great.


Dont watch this trash. watch


No idea, watching it again and I agree with it so far. Must have been a mistake.

shut up bitch
a hoe's gotta eat

This is actually a pretty enjoyable review. He gets a bit nitpick and hyperbole at times, but the good humor and seamless segueing (s that even a word?) more than makes up for it.

I'd give it a 9/10

abandon this thread lads
it's full of sub min wage shills

I miss the old feel of the PS2 games, they made everything more kid-friendly. Other than that not much.

Just watch HyperBitHero instead, TheGamingBrit is garbage.

>>I get robots being bosses or giant monsters but how is quark a boss, he should die to a single bullet.

are you for real

Drek's eyes.

I just finished this. The humor was shit, the characters outside of R&C, the rangers, and the villains were shit.

Everything else was fantastic.

The movie was mediocre as hell, though.

The kids LOVE their social medias!

Maybe that's what would have happened to Jak & Daxter if Naughty Dog would still making games about them
well at least SOMETHING'S happening to Ratchet & Clank

shut the fuck up grandpa get yoinked on a flagpole

Honestly, if you can spare an hour, Gamingbrit summaries the issues with Remake Ratchet anc Clank soundly. Warning, there's is bias to it as he's stated to be a fan of the OG series but the points he brings up about the Aniamtions being lifeless, the tradgey that was the OST, the weapons and the overall kidifying/ball cutting of a beloved Sony classic.



What the fuck went wrong with Sup Forums? Why are you posting links to random jackoffs explaining your opinion? Why don't you post it?


I fucking hate you and Sony


i don't get why this triggers Sup Forums

is saying "hashtag" the bare minimum to make Sup Forums upset

>an hour

Jesus, why the fuck?

the main character of the game doesnt die to a single bullet, obviously qwark can survive one too, ya doofus

Nefarious without Lawrence

The sad thing now is they always played off each other at some point Ratchet even says there's no point to fighting the big bad since it has nothing to do with him. He only wants money, tech or adventure. But Clank makes him into a hero.

In the new one it's like they don't want to hurt each other in any way.

Also Nefarious isn't a robot
It allows for more slapstick if he's robotic

What the fuck, seriously?

Oh yeah I nearly forgot the worst thing

>Making it fucking 30fps for that cinematic look
>In a game where gameplay is important and you need that feedback fast
>But muh better graphics

Seriously fuck the graphics it needs to 60


Still mad

Posting some classics from the ps2 era


It was a very thorough step by step comparison and commentary over the contrasting differences between the 2 games. From first explaining the premise of the 2 games, he works his way through the 2 games and goes into further details about the changes to characters, the story, ost's, ingame features. Watching the whole video you understand how it is the guy loves this game and why he's not happy with the remake.

The things he described, I started drawing parallels to how this exact same shit is happening with cartoons. You have new creators and corporate CEO's handling something that was once held with care and not honestc intentions and cash cow the cuck out of them. That's why we have New Power puff girls and Teen titians Go (fuck yourself) and Ratchet and Clank (2016).

I remember the devs saying a few years ago that they would stop making 60fps games because it had no impact on review scores or sales so it was pointless to do the extra work, such bullshit really.