
This shit upsets me on so many fucking levels. Nintendo couldn't have fucked this up harder if they tried.


Look at all those attachments in there. Nintendo has always made shit hardware and then added tons of overpriced peripherals just to restore functionality to their shit. That's pissed me off since forever and I will never not be mad.

It's intentional. Do you want to hear how someone 1/3 your age fucked your mom?

Explain to me right now why I should bother with Splatoon 2 especially with this retarded nonsense. Keep a few things in mind:

>I hated the first splatoon
>I hate any game with online multiplayer
>I hate shooters without KBM support

Nintendo has nothing to offer me.

this looks fucking awful

>implying this wouldn't still happen
how delusional are you that you feel obligated to defend this shit?

>I hated the first Splatoon

Then you just answered your own question. Splatoon 2 is the same, but more of it. I swear, it's as if this whole board loses its mind once Nintendo releases something.


>caring about voice chat at all
>even wanting to use it
>not just sitting on discord/vent/ts/mumble if you care that much
>letting voice chat dictate whether you have fun with splatoon 2 or not

kill yourself

>much voice chat

this is so retarded i don't even get it, anyone to explain? it better be not not what i'm thinking it is


Why are you even asking this question

The voice chat issue is justone problem I have with Splatoon. If the rest of the game wasn't a disgusting trash heap of poor decisions, I could ignore it.

You just have different taste then

wait for model revision, it doesnt even have new games right now

this is actually one of those "what were they thinking" moments
people will have a good laugh at this in 10 years

>headset plugs into a thing which plugs into the tablet as well as your phone at the same time

Why would they opt for something so stupidly convoluted?

If you hated the first Splatoon obviously you'd hate a blatantly iterative sequel of it.

I bet Myamoto designed it like this just for the purpose of it looking like a squid

What kind of a fucking retarded question is that?

>why should I game I have no interest in should interest me?

That's how retarded you sound

lmao and nintenbros pay for that online service (with shitty tick rate and no dedicated servers)

>hated splatoon 1
why would you even ask Sup Forums to sell a game that you don't like to you? especially a shooter because you know that genre is PROUD of being rehashed every 2 years

I like how they purposely threw it together to make it look like a mess.

This shit is so brutaly retarded i cant even, JESUS.

Thank god i would never think about using voice with my switch, still holy fuck nintendo what in the fuck were you guys smoking.

Voice chat was obviously a complete afterthought.


It has nothing to do with wanting to shelter kids from voice chat. Switch just isn't powerful enough to do voice chat and run a game at the same time. Of the system's 4 A57 cores, 3 are reserved for the game and one is reserved for the OS. You'd need a dedicated core to handle voice chat, which would mean less processing power for the game since the OS's core can't be sacrificed

Yeesh, no need to be so angry. I asked only because there have been so many games whose first installments I hated, but I got into their sequels because they improved so many retarded decisions. I can't tell you the amount of RPGs that have fit into this, like the Tales of Series.

This setup still doesn't make any sense to me, can you use the headphone jack even if it's docked?

Ideally couldn't they just make a wireless headset that can take 2 inputs?

Except they won't. Nintendo fanbase is the only one who supports these backwards decisions and the only reason Nintend keeps getting away with it, they KNOW people will buy it. Also, do not forget this is paid online we're talking about

>all those seething Sony cucks itt
Top kek. Enjoy your no games till QTE capeshit simulator.

>It has nothing to do with wanting to shelter kids from voice chat. Switch just isn't powerful enough to do voice chat and run a game at the same time.
You're literally retarded. Like actually. The motherfucking DS could run voicechat.

Stop memeing. I love how you tried to bamboozle me with idiotic tech stuff in an attempt to give yourself more credibility.

>can you use the headphone jack even if it's docked?
I regularly plug my switch into my amp.

Does the app have ads?

Isn't effectively an audio splicer so you can get the audio from both sources into one device?

do your own research
asking someone to shill to you is asking to be burned
you make yourself sound reasonable so don't just say you're too lazy to do the only reasonable thing available by googling the changes spla2n makes to the old game

Anyone trying to make this look like a blunder of the century is a faggot, but lets be real, there's no defending this. It's a good thing most games with voice chat turn to shit anyways. PCbros know it.

Why would it have ads?

>You'd need a dedicated core to handle voice chat
You're hilarious.

>Want to play Splatoon 2 with friends
>hop on discord
>problems solved

Why the fuck would I do all this? I want to play comfortably from my couch.

Most of the info on Spla2n is from clickbait articles and Nintendo websites. I have a natural distrust of those clowns for obvious reasons.

I'd say its a mixer

Ideally the headphones should have been wireless and you just connect your phone to your switch via the mixer. Not ideal but way better than all these wires.

>mfw real life friends so all i have to do is call them over the phone with a headset and play

Nintendo doesn't know what the fuck to do anymore.

How do nintendo continue to consistently fuck up online every single time? It's like they only have a vague understanding of the internet so this is the best they can come up with.


Shitposters are ragging on Splatoon 2 as hard as they can by finding stuff we knew about for fucking months, but it only matters now.

It's a free app, ain't it? I assume most of them subject their users to ads.

The DS had no native voice chat that could run in the background independently. I don't know what you're talking about

Why does Splatoon needs a fucking voice chat? This is stupid.

>Have to use Discord to play Sla2n with the lads
Not a problem.
>The headphones I use for my PC are noise cancelling so I can't hear SHIT from my TV

None of Nintendo's free apps have had Ads.

No it had several games with in-game voicechat that could run while the game was playing.

Now you're trying to move goalposts again, and continuing with your moronic little attempts to trick me with technical jargon.

>Enjoy your no games till QTE capeshit simulator.

Excuse me? Are you still playing Zelda?

This will almost certainly run Nintendo's ads.

Sony paid for reviews for all of those games.

>pull one side away from ear
Problem solved.

well where do you think we're getting the info from?
Sup Forums isn't some insider site, we get the same info you would and twist it to shitpost about
do your own research, get your info from the maker of the game, and wait a week to see if they weren't flat out lying, which usually only happens when the director wants their face recognized like todd howard or sean murray.

Everything about Splatoon 2 that we've played so far is better than the original.

I see Nintendo's problem, but their solution was just terrible.

>hybrid console
>could have input jack like the 360/x1/ps3/ps4 controller
>this works great for portable mode but screws things over when you want to dock

Why didn't they go with one of these options:
1. wireless bluetooth headsets
2. input jack on left joycon(works in portable and docked)
3. make cheap $39.99 controller with input jack and require players have this model or the more expensive pro controller(also has input jack) if they want to voice chat

Im laughing at it now.

>literally the only good game on that list is BB
Damn...rly jimjams the cashews huh...

I wear glasses, I can't do that.

It'll probably give you a news update feed but that's about it.

Metroid Prime Hunters did

Can you think of worse? Every VR set up looks less intrusive than this. Haven't seen anything this bad before and I thought the plug into the controller set up was shit on ps3 and xbox.

>still has a retarded, restrictive online userface
>singleplayer is still casual garbage that even a 5 year old could beat
>people would rather masturbate to the squid sisters and newcomer Marina than actually play the game
>still no KBM integration

It is trash sempai.

>Not muting children immediately
Are you fucking retarded? Also
>"I fucked ur mom xD"
This doesn't happen anymore, oldfag. Times have changed a bit since you last got over your social anxiety and put on a headset

I'm not that guy, I'm just saying it's not the same thing. Devs can implement their voice chat solutions into their games by budgeting resources available to running software, but it's another issue to provide voice chat that runs in the background. You don't need an entire core for that but you do need to budget resources available for the OS.

It's easier to just fucking download Discord or some shit on your phone instead of this trash Nintendo software that is probably riddled with bugs and security loop holes.

>>still no KBM integration
The gyro controls are fine. It's a console shooter.

Ideally the switch would have voice chat so none of this would be needed.

lmao faggot why did you put miku in there

>still no KBM integration
>Implying this is a valid complaint

the splatoon headset would be pretty sick if it was all bluetooth and just paired with the Switch like it bloody should. what's the point of going through all that when there's going to be no one to talk to?

more like
>do you want to hear anyone at all because maybe 1/50 people will bother with this shit?

I'm sure for the sake of your argument, your answer would be "yes." Which would be covered by having a "mute all" function like games have had for over a decade.

>using voice chat in shooters
the only time this is acceptable is if you're playing with friends. I wonder if you're playing in console mode you can just hook into your phone, or if you still have to put up with this. Seems weird that you'd have to mix the audio.

BREAKING NEWS: Nu-tendo is fucking retarded. They have been since around the gamecube. Sadly.

The discord phone app is bad in its own way though.

whoops the reply was ment for not for

well thats what I meant

>no KBM
jesus christ. i was kind of with you up until then.

>but it's another issue to provide voice chat that runs in the background.
Yeah but that's the moving goalpost. Nobody is talking about a party chat system akin to what's on PS4/XBL. This shit is just for Splatoon.

I use voice chat in overwatch to tell people to stop playing like garbage

It's not native to the DS, retard. It's part of the game software

>mfw this was all done so the Switch has less software to exploit
>people already have kernel access

No you don't.

>people will actually defend console controls instead of KBM, which is objectively better in every single area ever conceived by man

>Samurai Jack/Simpsons/Spongebob poster
>always retarded
Am I the only one who started noticing this shit lately? This is a fucking conspiracy

>Faggots like this exist on Sup Forums
Not surprising

>a console game should have KBM because I'm an autist that wants an unfair advantage over people that don't want to use them
at least have your complaints be realistic.

>even Kotaku is shitting on it

What was Nintendo thinking? Honestly? It's like they make things unnecessarily convoluted just for the sake of it.

ITT people who will eat DICKS AND CROWS in two days

lmao amirite? pls laugh i even made that screencap

Use the gyro controls, retard.
It's a console shooter. If your MUH KBM shit bothers you that much play Splatoon on your PC.

Go point-and-click somewhere else.

>he thinks that every console uses twin sticks instead of the superior gyros.

>Its literally okay when Nintendo does it! they cant do anything wrong!

Why do people comment on something they haven't researched? 85% of the people saying it's a blunder act like you have to use the Hori headset. That's literally a 3rd party accessory purely intended for handheld mode, it's just a head set with a audio splitter. All you need is a mic and phone. If you hate that sure, but don't act like the audio splitter is a required aspect of it

>wanting to plug a keyboard and mouse into a portable
>not knowing that gyro controllers are great and way better than using the sticks
I play on PC primarily and I'm not even as much of a bitch as you

Can anyone explain this new meme to me?

That's actually a brilliant move from Nintendo.

They have done it with all their previous consoles.
1.-Release a first revision. Barely functional and with lots of design flaws.
2.-Release a new functional version a year later. All consumers have to repurchase the console again. Pretty much doubling the sales.

They have done it since the DS, and casuals always fall for it.

See you in a year with the iSwitch, voice chat included.