Vaguely describe the beginning and ending of a game you played and have others guess what it is

Vaguely describe the beginning and ending of a game you played and have others guess what it is.
>Fighting off a horde of robots
>Chilling at a beach

>You get off a train
>Flood the rivers of the town with blood from the earth

>you wake up in a cave, remembering nothing following a mission gone wrong
>you wake up in a cave, remembering nothing following a mission gone wrong

>Arrive in town during your first day on the job
>A cat loli sings your accolades

>In Casino
>In van on highway

Really hope someone gets this one.
>you start off in a prison cell being tortured
>you shoot lasers at an alien ship in space

>You fall down a hole.
>Everyone dies

>fighting off a horde of robots in a mine
>fight the big robot general you previously controlled

>Christmas shopping
>New Year's shopping

You wake up in the middle of the street.
You wake up in the middle of the street.

Bayonetta 2



Persona 5

>Play starts
>Play ends


Animal Crossing

>You're at a party with your friends and decide to leave
>Nuclear war

Mario 3?

>wake up in your french sisters house with leukemia
>kill some floating lightning guy with a nailgun in Antarctica and die

>you wake up in a hospital
>you wake up in a hospital

fuck, didn't mean meant

>You're playing outside with your brother.
>The apocalypse.

You gain Brouzouf

You do not gain Brouzouf

>wake up in classroom
>plant a tree

>you're sleeping
>you're on a flying ship

>brought back to life
>kill a giant terminator

Tales of Double Demon Fang.

>everything is fucked and everyone's gonna die
>everything is even more fucked, everyone is dead, and all you did was make it worse

This one is an entire series:

>You die to some thugs outside a bar.
>You, wielding yourself (which is yourself impaled on yourself, so yourself could gain the true power of yourself) grasp at last that desperate emotion: hope.

Mass Effect 2


Hotline Miami 2

>You jump out of a green cylinder
>You stand on top of a dessert with your damsel

fighting cyborgs and getting btfo
killing senators

Parasite Eve?


Mario 64

Blood 2?


>it was a cold and snowy day
>it was another cold and snowy day

Spec ops?


>you and your 'bro' "repo" some cars
>you and your two friends shove a car off a cliff

Legacy of kain series, way too specific


>spawn in
>kill a cat

>You visit a friend at a hospital
>You become the single most destructive force in existence

>Start your first day of high school
>witness the wasteland outside

>you start as a normal cop
>become god

Mother 3


Haven't finished it yet, but I'm gonna guess SMT Nocturne?

Nocturne/Lucifer's Call

Rules of Nanomachines Revengeance

>get off a train
>get off a train, in France
hint: it's a trilogy

>You are the baron of a small Irish county with an empty pocket and a big smile.
>You are the high priest emperor by virtue of no less than 46 different marriage ties to the northern hemisphere. Teeth are growing out of your back and you only have one leg (which is wounded) and the pope thinks you're the antichrist and the antipope you installed and haven't assasinated yet to replace with your indbred cousin (who is first in line to your throne) who hasn't read a book in his life hates you too. You piss blood and your wife is almost certainly an orangutan or catharic or jewish but you can't really tell anyway because the last time you fucked her you're almost certain you accidentally ploughed your treasurer who has a claim on your small irish county, has an empty pocket and a big smile.


>Demon takes your love interest
>reunited, You feel strongth welling in your body

>Stop the president from being assasinated.
>Travel back in time to assasinate the president.

>leave your home
>blow up a church

Boy buttfuckers machina


Modded Crusader Kings 2 with Dark World and assorted shit?

Man visits a theme park.
Man plays elaborate practical joke on his sole remaining acquaintances.

>A corpse with a key on it drops into your jail cell
>Countless centuries of immolation for nothing

Super Mario Bros 3

>Beat up a dude and take his money
>Beat up a dude on a boat and take his title

>dig through junk
>kill god

>get off of a train
>overthrow the government


>Bankrupt birthday party
>Generate infinite amounts of energy from wish granting aliens

Your fidelity is the subject of jewish mummery, this means WAR!

>the old god is missing, you must become the new god!
>the new god is missing, somebody else is going to jack your thrones

>wake up on an island
>wake up on same island again

>You're a cop.
>You destroy the internet,but not really.

>You're in a pink plane
>You're at a beach in front of a hotel.

>It's raining
>uncle is alive

>wake up in jail
>kill santa

this one might be too easy

You meet your partner at a beach. Hard to break the ice.
Your friend disappears after fighting you, never to be seen again

Bethesda's Fallout

A distant relative asks you to come spring clean.
You ask your distant relative to come spring clean.

Dark Souls

Half Life 2


You lose your child
You find your child

What submods are you running with it?

Sounds like one of the Deus Ex endings.

Super Mario Sunshine
LoZ: Link to the Past

>won a mansion
>build a new mansion

>ninjas break into your workplace and steal your girlfriend
>you kill the bad guy on a weaponized satellite with your co-workers


Luigi's mansion. izpizi

>Rob a museum
>Your friend's a cripple now

none, I was being hyperbolic

luigis mansion


>you wake up in a bunker
>you kill a bunch of scientists

Luigi's mansion

>drive on a racetrack
>drive in space

Thought maybe I was missing some good stuff or something.

>You find a girl
>You turn into a monster

Dark souls



>MC's home town gets destroyed
>MC's home town gets rebuilt


Both Xenoblade

Silent Hill

You are bullied
You destroy an entire world for entirely selfish purposes, at the cost of countless lives, the improved lot of your friends and the legs of your closest kin. Your greatest sin is to convince most who hear of your tale that you are a hero.

Xenoblade chronicles.

Sad that nobody else seems to have got that.

Xenoblade Chronicles?