I legit don't ever think I've seen a game more predicted to be DOA, not even on/v/. What's going wrong?

I legit don't ever think I've seen a game more predicted to be DOA, not even on/v/. What's going wrong?

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vee hates fun things

ANOTHER battleborn expansion? Wow ... gearbox is handing out some real love this week.

wait I thought this was cancelled

Sup Randy.

people can fly is a developer

Yeah, sure thing, Randy.

Wow! This game looks BADASS!

Dunno, looks super bland and generic to me user.

So far I've only seen people praise it outside of Sup Forums
and everyone who player alpha says it's a fun game
it will become pubg 2.0 in popularity


also agents of mayhem

>it will become pubg 2.0 in popularity

overshadowed by overwatch

Gearbox is only handling the physical distribution. They had absolutely 0% to do with the game's development.

>and everyone who player alpha says it's a fun game
A majority of people who have played the alpha in the past 6 months advise against buying it because of gacha based progression with garbage rates and real time blocks on the skill tree.

Their marketing team is doing a good job on pushing the product to the right audience

friendly reminder randy is so fucking cucked that he has to watch a different game, not even made by him, get published by his very own company and so a fuckload better

not that it's particularly hard to outsell a piece of shit, but still

*do a fuckload better
i'm sorry it's early for me

>gacha based progression with garbage rates and real time blocks on the skill tree.
so like Warframe? still a poplar game tho

>I legit don't ever think I've seen a game more predicted to be DOA

Want to see a game that is pretty much confirmed to be DOA?

>thinking anything with the name of Monster Hunter will fail

What is it even? The trailer made it look like yet another shitty tower defense game

PS4 exclusive is a mistake

It might fail outside of Japan

It's a Warframe with tower defense and semi open world

I don't think it'll sell nearly as well as Capcom's hoping for personally, and I think the game looks alright

I see you haven't been around here since the announcement.

It was mostly nintendokids who talked shit about it

Except MH Stories; the biggest Capcom's bomb of all time.


Only in Japan due to no portable. In the west it will probably do as good as ever, probably a little more, but not as well as Capcom wants.

Please go on

How much does Capcom want?

It's too early in the morning for console war shit

lol for a vocal minority it is. That shit will sell millions

>Gearbox is only handling the physical distribution. They had absolutely 0% to do with the game's development.
then i feel bad for epic in trusting gearbox. gearbox's name on the box is basically a scarlet letter. anyone familiar enough with gearbox wont touch the game

Should've made it multiplatform and it could sell BILLIONS

i want to hug_ Shelly

Tell that to the 3DS games

> White men not welcome.

Okay then. Guess I'll play something else.

3DS is a different case because literally every Jap owns a 3DS or 2DS

like warframe except warframe is free

Obviously not since MH3G, MHXX and MH Stories all bombed. And all of them still sold lesser than MHP3rd despite the higher installbase than PSP in Japan.

Fortnite will go f2p by the end of this year

>6 years of "development" meaning they've done fuck all
>mmo pricing scam with founders packs for early access in a PVE game
>it's still being launched as an early access game
>Epic Launcher
>personally never heard of the game till someone posted a pick of the hammer chick a couple months back in a THICC thread

The ship has sailed for this game long ago .. should have released 3yrs ago .. it was announced like 5 yrs ago

But it is multiplat. Was announced to be PS4/XBone/PC on the official Twitter before the PS conference was even over.

It's not DOA.

It's a tower defense game.

Very few people play it.

I'm going to enjoy it.


Is announced or just a prediction?
If they gonna do that, why the fuck anyone gonna buy the game?


It was announced
To play game early and with b2p players


Wew lads
I like Tower Defense, prolly gonna give a try in the f2p period


What the fuck is this game even, is it a Battleborn clone, an Overwatch clone, something else?

Their logo is the kiss of death nowadays except for Borderlands and even then that's not gonna last forever
Maybe if they had kept it off the front of the box and said "from the studio that brought you Gears of War"

Orcs Must Die clone

It's not a clone of anything really

The one trailer I saw leads me to believe it's 4 player co-op zombie survival bleh.
To it's credit, the art is decent and they have diversity without feeling TOO Tumblr.
To it's detriment, no gameplay shown.
I'm indifferent on this one.

>no gameplay shown.

I din't mean at all, I meant the one trailer I saw. Haven't been following this game for any amount of time, and I don't think I would really like it given my past game preferences. Hence why my knowledge stops at the one prerendered trailer I saw.

I watched the Jesse Cox video on this and it looked like it's fun for a couple of hours.
Fuck that UI, though.

at least it's something to play while waiting for destiny 2

I guess.
Titanfall 2 just got a new update, so I'm good.

that's not Warframe

>4 player co-op
Sounds good
>open world but not empty
Alright cool
>third person shooting with mix of swordplay
Sounds promising
>unlimited crafting tower defense style
I'm liking this
>made by Epic games
Gears was good, fine with me
>Gearbox logo


How many characters are there and how can you customize them? It seems you can at least change their colors.

From what I've seen the characters are randomly generated or something like that

it's a bad game, plain and simple. If you want a mediocre f2p tower defense, try the new orcs must die. It's less p2w.

Gif sauce?

Stay mad Randy

you get heroes, of varying rarity with better or worse stats, and they're randomly generated within that hero's style. so take weeb ninja there in the middle. He can have a black suit and red headband, or a different hairdo. There's no major customization on your end, besides premium skins you can spend real money on.

Prolly u can buy cosmetics or special features (hair dye, eyepatches, tattos, etc) with $$$

LITERALLY maplestory 2. Right down to the cube aesthetic.

have you played it?

Yes, they gave out dozens of keys to paragon streamers, and that's how I got mine.

>new orcs must die
it's shit, if you want good tower defense game then just play Dungeon Defenders

either 4 or 5 classes for both genders with probably skins

They're all shit. orcs must die unchained is significantly better than fortnite at everything fortnite tries to do, and it's free now instead of charging fucking $60 now and announcing they're going f2p in a year.

different looks are effectively different heroes and you can get them from LOOTCRATES

>Played qt blonde constructor man
>Epic updates him into black guy
Did I get cucked

Twin Peaks, my dude. Now go watch it.

I thought this was suppose to be a pc minecraft style game on unreal? What is it.

Tower defense type game at your base, you lay down traps on the floors walls and ceilings like orcs must die, you build stuff up (all prefab, though you can mix and match lego style, it all snaps together), and to get materials and better weapons/gear/characters with better stats you go out into instanced zones and grind for better color loot.

Gearbox is making the physical versions in Europe only.

Whatever happened to the actual MapleStory 2? I remember the announcement a few years ago.

it came out and ahs been out for 2 years now. It's not anything like the original maplestory, so no one plays it. It's a generic top-down isometric action RPG. The only thing it has going for it is it's customization which is all locked behind paywalls so it's doing pretty well profit-wise, but there are less and less players every month. China got their localization I think around october of last year (the official release anyway, beta's had been running since the KR launch).

Basically they just fucked it up. It feels nothing like maplestory, and outside of monsters being vaguely similar and some fanservice like being able to find a hidden map with mushmom in it that's entirely in 2D, and the zakum fight which was redone since the closed beta, now also being entirely in 2D, it's nothing like the original so nobody plays it.

Meanwhile maple 1 got fifth job and is getting tons of content every year.

I think it released but obviously couldn't attract a large enough playerbase from 1, so it's just there.

>were going to reach a point soon where realistic looking games don't look as generic as Cartoony looking games

What a time to be alive

Base building zombie survival