Activision literally admititng they fucked up the crash remaster.
>Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game, and combined with the addition of physics, certain jumps require more precision than the originals
>For those of you who played the originals and acquired a fair amount of muscle memory, re-learning the handling in our game may present an additional challenge you weren’t expecting
I was going to buy this game but this post persuaded me not to.
Joseph Walker
>having x to load and square to save >no 60fps >long ass loading times >unskippable intro when you first boot the game >fucked up physics this has to be the worst remaster since the silent hill hd collection
Gavin Edwards
>crash fags are so casual that they can't relearn how to jump
Aaron Phillips
>hey guys we're remaking your favorites and they'll be just like the original >sorry guys they are not like the original
Charles Stewart
>press x to jump >dark souls of platformers wow
Nicholas Rogers
>that >fucking it up Yeah, nah, cunt.
Gavin Campbell
Yet somehow I beat it
Joseph Perez
You can beat silent hill HD. Was a pretty good remaster, don't you agree?
James Powell
worst part of the remake is not the physics or collision fuckups Its that they completely ruined Ripper Roos laugh, it took away the thing that made him great and memorable. They may as well have continued to use the Indian tiger Tiny or pig looking Dingodile
Carter Phillips
Like Tetris
Alexander Reed
Leo Nelson
are you seriously gonna cry about some laugh track on some just random boss?
Jordan Edwards
Literally like the monster hunter or dark souls fanbase >what, you have actually legit critizism? the game was just too hard for you
Reminds me of Sup Forums when you talked shit about eva and they'd just say it's too deep for you.
>Go to remake old games >The code is so fucking old it's completely unusable in any form >Have to remake the entire thing, from scratch, from the ground up, including the physics. I'm amazed they were as faithful as they were.
Levi Perry
But its not a legit criticism, your only point is that its bad because it requires more skill and precision
Brandon King
>too retarded to even read a single line correctly
Liam Mitchell
My argument is that it's not faithful to the original. Nice assumption you made there. How do you even go from
>Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game >you just think the game is too hard
It makes literally no fucking sense.
Aiden Jenkins
Such is life
Landon Morales
Yes. Because there is much, much worse problems with potential game remakes than shit like the collision boxes being slightly off and completely changing something that made a character memorable is one of them.
Benjamin Bell
Except it is faithful to the original, cunt. If you want something that isn't faithful hit up that shitty Abe's Odyssey remake.
Jackson Moore
You do realize in the original game you could be floating in mid air because the hitbox could be just barely touching the platform right? Its a direct improvement and you are mad because it makes the game harder
Liam Rogers
how is Ripper Roo memorable? Was crash the only game you ever own as a child?
Carter Adams
They fixed the game because the PlayStation launching without thumb sticks gimped literally 99.99% of the library, Crash included.
It was nevet a conscious design decision to have jumping be so imprecise, just like all the tank controls and and shitty cameras they were forced to compromise that plagues the PlayStation library.
Nathan Reyes
>Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game >Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game >Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game The developers themself said it's not. But apparently your god complex overwrites an official fucking statement of the developers.
Ian Campbell
Nowhere in there does it say they fucked it up. Oh no, you have to jump slightly closer to the edge than before. What a tragedy.
Jayden Edwards
>if you change one single thing at all it's not faithful I guess it wasn't faithful from the start since the visuals changed. Neck yourself, autist.
Jonathan Lee
his laugh was memorable and they changed it like I said they might as well have made Tiny into a Bengal tiger again and Dingodile into a pig looking thing
Brandon Edwards
>certain jumps require more precision than the originals shit dude, I was just playing the original earlier today and have no idea how the fuck I found that game "fun" as a kid. Thank fuck for emulators and save states.
Samuel Parker
>if it's unfaithful it's not faithful The absolute state of Sup Forums right now.
Kayden Reed
Not him, but the visuals are literally not faithful to the original in much of the game.I don't get the complaining about the jumps, and collision being slightly different though.Its still basically the same.
Cameron Cook
Oh yeah well why didn't they sue New Line Productions for Elf?
Cooper Anderson
>being faithful only has two states it can be in The absolute state of (You) right now.
Connor Brooks
>harder equals fucked up
Matthew Allen
Is a faithful remake just litterally the same game re released?
Jonathan Lewis
>change a bunch of shit in a supposedly remake equals fucked up Yes. It's no longer a remake if they change it.
Michael Gutierrez
Glad they admitted their mistakes, but I'm still not planning it. It looks like shit.
Nathan Rodriguez
Did you miss the part where they stated beforehand they were completely remaking the game and not just re releasing an hd remaster? Theres no way you aren't autistic
Jeremiah Butler
A remake requires changing something. If it doesn't then it's just a remastered port. Go download the originals off of PSN or emulate them instead of sperging out, autist.
Jason Kelly
>had to change the physics >didn't alter the levels to accommodate this
Fucking amateurs.
Luis Roberts
Guess that makes it a reboot then.
Jaxon James
this thread is a joke right? the game plays fine, take 2 seconds to adjust to the newer jump for fucksake
James Lee
They didn't need to. With the way it works you get far more time to jump before falling. All it changed was that you jump closer to the edge. You can also keep momentum by turning in the air, which wasn't possible before. People that have trouble with High Road are seriously too stupid to cheese the physics.
Christopher Murphy
they changed the music too
Nicholas Phillips
It's not a remaster at all though.
Kevin Bennett
Nah user if you change the physics in a game then you've got to alter the elements that are affected as well. It's real simple stuff that even an indie developer should know, let alone people on Sony's personal payroll.
Charles Thomas
I hope you know older games always had dumb buttons to save so you won't accidentally press them due to muscle memory and carelessness and overwrite your shit. A warning prompt isn't enough because muscle memory is part of telling the prompt to fuck off.
Tyler Green
But can Sup Forums explain why ___________I had fun?_______________
Dylan Martin
All the levels down to the smallest details are the same so no it isnt a reboot its a remake of the same game
Nathaniel Johnson
It literally can only be a 'remake' if something changed. Otherwise it's a remaster.
Adrian Brown
Like I said, they don't need to be.
Adrian Martinez
They clearly did by the sheer amount of complaints the game has received since launch. Even on Sup Forums Crash went from beloved hype 10/10 to a joke and insulted. I got it day one, played the fuck out of it but you're just a blind fanboy if you can't acknowledge that they fucked up in areas that they had no right to fuck up in.
Jason Edwards
>Even on Sup Forums Crash went from beloved hype 10/10 to a joke and insulted What fucking Crash threads have you been in? >but you're just a blind fanboy if you can't acknowledge that they fucked up in areas that they had no right to fuck up in Or I'm just not a huge retard and I quickly adapted to the changes, which made my experience about as painful as playing the original High Road, give or take.
Liam Sanders
I honestly hadn't noticed since I haven't played the old games for like 20 years. git fucking gud faggot
Hunter Stewart
>.I don't get the complaining about the jumps, and collision being slightly different though.Its still basically the same.
Not really, especially regarding Crash 1, because the original was designed with pretty lenient collision to jumping on platforming
That was because some levels have the camera positioned in the worse place possible to fuck with depth perception.
The new game is inadvertently harder by changing the collision, now making it unsafe to land on edges of platforms/enemies/boxes, etc.
Which the game was never designed for.
Hunter Roberts
Yup. Blind fanboy.
Dominic Collins
No where in there did they say they fucked up.
Jonathan Jackson
>by changing the collision, now making it unsafe to land on edges of platforms/enemies/boxes While also making it safer to jump further from the edge. Not an argument.
Christian Wilson
I WAS going to get a PS4 for this. I knew they'd fuck it up
Sebastian Smith
>developer doesn't flat out say that they fucked up Neither did the mass effect andromeda guys. Does that mean they didn't fuck up?
Jace Ward
>Have to remake the entire thing, from scratch, from the ground up, including the physics.
You mean like any other game ever?
Even within the crash games themeselves (Specifically the jump from 1 to 2) they've scrapped physics & controls completely.
The problem here is that devs had to remake 3 games that had 3 seperate jump physics and collision detection, and ultimately said fuck it, and just used Crash 3's design on Crash 1 & 2
Jace Jackson
I gave you the argument and you proceeded to ignore issues the devs themselves have admitted to in a repeat of "I did it so there's nothing wrong" because god forbid you say anything bad about Crash.
So I'll repeat: fanboy.
Lincoln Parker
>They fixed the game because the PlayStation launching without thumb sticks gimped literally 99.99% of the library, Crash included.
Playing Crash 1 with thumb sticks is a good way to make the game alot more difficult,
Julian Ross
Jumping physics are fine but the collision detection is definitely a bit fucked. In terms of gameplay I'd say that's all that needs patching, just the edges of platforms and some enemy hitboxes in 1 like turtles or spitroasts. The vast majority of this remake is fine, though. A little different but not inherently awful, though apparently some bugs also need working out. I was lucky enough to see very, very few in my playthroughs though.
Eli Clark
>Our game engine features a different collision system than the original game
Well of course it does. Crash Bandicoot's collision was binary; you were either standing on something or not standing on something. In the remake you have varying degrees of being 'on' something. The bridge levels are the best place to notice this. You can be standing on the ropes in the remake and already be a dead man, because the second you move you'll slip off. Having smoother collision geometry itself can also be cause for inaccuracies. Obviously the ropes in the original weren't made of round collision, but instead of more rigid shapes.
As somebody whose gotten all plats in 1 and 2 so far, everywhere else in the game doesn't really suffer from this minutia, but High Road/Road to Nowhere is all about jumping on the thinnest platforms in the trilogy, and the devs beveling the collision + making Crash able to slip off platforms makes it too obvious that things are too different.
Ryder Garcia
Not an argument. Come at me with something other than your assmad whining. It changed but it's not harder now than it was then. If you cannot adapt to the changes then the increase in difficulty is on (You). Now fuck off, cunt.
Zachary Reed
Fuck Crash 3 and it's platinum relics. I skipped the original Warped and I'm glad I did.
Ayden Morris
Is it because It's Sony exclusive by any chance? is that why you're so determined to ignore the issues the devs themselves have admitted to? because It can't be just Crash fanboyism at work.
Jason Robinson
I wouldn't call it a Sony exclusive. By the marketing language used we can determine it is only a timed exclusive.
Jack Gray
>While also making it safer to jump further from the edge.
That fixes some problems but still fucks up other levels.
It's no wonder all these problems seem to be at the High Road bridge levels, where jumping on the turtles is alot less reliable, the momentum and falling speeds now make the long jumps harder, and jumping on the rope is now unreliable.
Not to mention you can't run over closely stacked planks anymore, you'll fall right through, meaning you have to jump over alot more shit.
Basically they fucked up those levels/
Alexander Howard
no doubt but until confirmed it's an exclusive.
Landon Ortiz
How can it be exclusive when these are basically straight remakes of PS1 games?
Juan Sullivan
Not an argument. And no. I don't even own the game or a PS4. I went to a bro's house to play it and 100%'d it, not counting relics, in a single day with him. Do you really feel the need to blame a game for your lack of ability? That's pretty sad. Adapt. It fixes most problems. It makes the ropes harder but you shouldn't be on those to begin with if you're playing the game normally. >the turtles >less reliable Curve in the air for more take-off space before hitting it. This is seriously not an issue. The fucking boulder stages are worse than the High Road since you can't zigzag anymore/as well.
Jaxon Young
They literally have uncharted 4 footage and a picture of nathan drake in the game.
Connor James
Not really in the mood for semantics with this.
It's not something they said. The thread is misleading.
Juan Price
Alot of this game seems weirdly rushed, not play-tested, with fairly obvious bugs and issues that were just left to hit release.
It's fine, but anyone can play the originals to compare for themselves, and despite being a remake it doesn't ever feel like the originals control wise.
Liam Baker
Because right now it is exclusive. It will probably change down the line but that's not the case as of this moment. It's PS4 only for now.
Whew look at you Mr. Hardcore. Any other achievements you want to brag about on the Taiwanese finger painting forum while you're here? Crash is broken, I've already said I've been playing it non-stop so your argument about skill is right out of the window, only difference is I'm not busy sucking down that Sony dick.
MGS3 also had Ape Escape and they removed that so they could put it on 360.
Parker Clark
>This is seriously not an issue.
If its causing unintended challenge because of poor design, it is an issue.
Because this same issue was solved 20 years ago on ps1 hardware.
It's not gamebreaking shit, but it certainly is not in game's favor
Dominic Collins
But that's exactly what happens when you're trying to save. You just immediately think X and then accidentally load it and risk all of that progress. Thank fucking god for the autosave.
Jack Moore
I'm not bragging. This is easily possible by most people. If you think this is bragging then you're likely extremely shit. >b-but I've played it a lot I play Tekken a lot but that doesn't mean I'm good at it, chump. >u-ur just a fanboy ;_; I'm not the one that owns a PS4. Fucking kek. Stay btfo. The issue that arose came with its own solution. It still ends up evening out just the same. Get over it, redditor.
Zachary Davis
Zachary King
>actually resorting to stutter greenposting
Oh dear. It's ok user perhaps someone will be impressed with your "achievments" one day, not now, but one day.
Grayson Bailey
>The issue that arose came with its own solution
If the problem's still there, then they haven't solved it faggot
Joseph Butler
Coming from someone who platted all three games within a week it is broken. Crash 2 especially has been fucked hard. Those Nitros that jump 50 feet in the air when they decide they feel like it completely break the level design and kill you through no fault of your own, not to mention the fucked ice physics.
Crash 3 also fucked up the jetski controls and there are numerous glitches throughout the entire collection like just randomly dying once after getting knocked off the T-Rex in the lava despite being on safe ground. I've also been clipped out of the level in the first game and it is not exclusive to that game from what I've seen. I had already made peace with the worse animations, missing dialogue and fucked soundtrack before getting it but this is shit that actively hampers the experience and shows that they are complete hacks compared to ND. When you can't even be as technically impressive as a PS1 game you fucked up hard.
Jason Taylor
Obviously you're impressed since you keep bringing them up so much. Considering it's not a problem, there's no need to solve it. If it didn't come with more ledges to jump from then it would be a problem. Try again never.
Hunter Ross
*more lenient ledges
Parker Fisher
I only bring it up because you kept making a point about it in your posts out of a desperate attempt to protect Crash. Pretty sad to be honest.
Aiden Robinson
I'm 3 gems away from 100% the first game, fuck the relics. I'm not that crazy >getting the red gem Jesus that was a challenge
Asher Murphy
I made it a point once and mostly to call you out as being bad rather than defending the game. But you've got your head up your ass so you'll only believe whatever shit's in there.
Anthony Flores
>>The code is so fucking old it's completely unusable in any form That's not how code works.
Jonathan Green
I do admire their dedication at least, and the final product does feel good, though of course different. I remember the Gamestop demo being noticeably worse than the final, so I wouldn't be surprised if a patch rolled by that fixed some of the issues (we'll for sure see a patch when the DLC hits).
In the Gamestop demo, there was no transition from crawling under something to getting up making it very easy to run off the bonus stage in Hang Eight. I'm not expecting a fan-project-tier level of updates to basic physics (especially with the leaderboards for relics being a thing already), but I expect the bridge levels and the turtles to have their collision changed to better represent the original difficulty of the levels.
Michael Diaz
I didn't think I was that crazy either but then I went for the golds for the trophies. Wasn't the worst thing in the world in retrospect. Fuck the plats though, my autism has its limits.
Isaac Lewis
You people are busy arguing it's a game design issue and now directly impacts the game's enjoyment
I'm sitting here ecstatic I can play Crash 1-3 with less than 99 lives and actually get a few game over screens every now and then.
It finally feels like the lives mechanic is being used.
Nicholas Mitchell
>that n. brio remix Made losing to him multiple times bearable
Luis Cruz
But the incredibly success means it will get a patch, right? At least to skip that opening intro video?
Kayden Mitchell
>no death running high road and road to nowhere nah bruh
Jack Brooks
There's DLC so a patch for the babies and also a few other things is likely.