Literally invent the FPS genre

>Literally invent the FPS genre
>Can't even get your kickstarter funded
What went wrong?

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what sort of shitty gas station needs to be kickstarted

Not enough people give a shit about reviving "old school" shooters

when did john transition?

suck it down

guy hasn't been relevant since the mid 90s. no surprise he'd have trouble now.

>a man can't enjoy his hobby without fags from Sup Forums bashing it

What a fucking world

What's his name again?

>10% concept art
>90% John Romero speaking about how you can make him your bitch by supporting his Kickstarter
>29$ lowest tier

fuck you John

this went wrong and destroyed his career and any credibility he had

John "lemme pump gas into this Camero" Romero

>died in his sleep

John "Suck it down oh whoops my career is dead and I'm irrelevant now" Romero, lol

Fucking this

He is not Carmack.

Whatever happened to that demo he said he was working on?

Yeah maybe romero should get into selling business attributes to the competition and google how to delete all traces.

hahahah Romero would be laughing at you pansies hahahah

romero is a just a good mapper, Carmack is a god.

The one he released as a doom 2 wad?


Not sure if retarded or bait

romero owns

good maps are more important than good engines

No, that was stuff he released before he made the kickstarter. He said he'd be doing a demo when he cancelled the kickstarter.

He made some new Doom levels last year (they were actually really good).

just make a corridor with a good story

He was banking on DOOM 4 getting trashed to kingdom fuck when it got a moderately positive reception. Even the niche crowd. Like a DXHR "oh I guess this isn't the worst thing either".

His own game was nothing the first time around, it was just his name on a slip of paper.

I'll have to give Daikatana a try, considering how much people just meme it out.

What a bunch of turbonerds.

Video Game revival kickstarters in general aren't doing nearly as well as they used to, as consumer confidence in the concept has dropped significantly after all those blunders. The proposed Parapa spiritual successor also failed.

Daikatana is on his resume

According to John Romero, the best Doom mod ever is WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony.

Ion Storm games and their designers
>Warren Spector = Deus Ex
>Tom Hall = Anachronox
>John Romero = fucking Daikatana
Spector and Hall made their dream games while Romero fucked it up.


He's a "literally who" to modern """gamers"""

Generation Z are subhuman assbirths.

>cant even get your kickstarter funded

he put the kickstarter on hold or something until he had a proper demo/trailer, and it had already reached the goal before he did that

>Was part of a team that invented the FPS genre
>Was head of a team that produced the 40 million dollar blunder known as Daikatana
>has been banished from gaming since then

>this went wrong and destroyed his career and any credibility he had

Peter Principle in action. Romero demostrated skill at level/game design. Therefore he should now be the head of a project? Of course he was probably gonna fail. Eidos then assumed the game had to be a hit, and then later did cost sunk thinking, throwing good money after bad.

He'd be perfectly fine as a director without this game. He'd need producers above him to keep him in line, and explain how his project plans were bad.

>I'll have to give Daikatana a try, considering how much people just meme it out.

No clue why he never went back to that to make a "Director's Cut" version that fixes the game's problems. It's an infamous game, so it might get some notability.

>wahhhh why won't Gen z donate money to a man to make million with their money instead of taking out a bank loan. Waahhhhhhh

Didn't he cancel the kickstarter because he decided he wanted to have a demo ready?

Or did he finish that and put another one up? If so, link please.

Gimme some context

he died recently, RIP

You say that with the implication that inventing the fps genre is a good thing.

It's not.

>Invented the FPS
Yes, but another company invented all the shit that made them playable.

Thats because the old school style shooter is not as popular as people like to think.