is there any vidya that youd like to see turned into a television series of some kind?
Is there any vidya that youd like to see turned into a television series of some kind?
like what?
If pic related, i would only like a Mother 3 cartoon. If it's Earthbound or Mother then no.
shit taste
A Star Fox Cartoon or Anime would be awesome imo.
not him but mother 3 is much better than earthbound
honestly a short anime series that goes into detail about how and why George stole the XX race tech secrets could be cool
I kind of want to see Dark Souls as a Samurai Jack-style show with minimal dialogue and a new threat in each episode, but also with some continuing story.
youre entitled to your shit taste :^)
It's either an OVA of this, a Mega Man X series or a series of shorts based on FFIII (especially the unused scenes and the Memory of Heroes adaptation).
It helps that this game apparently got a novel adaptation (only in Japan, naturally)
It could work, seeing as GoT is pretty trash now.
from what ive seen it really just comes down to personal preference
Mother series, any of them because I have taste and love all three. I always thought Mother would be perfect for Ghibli to make. Miyazaki and Itoi actually were somewhat of friends, Itoi wrote the taglines for a lot of the Japanese releases of Ghibli movies and plays the father in the Japanese version of My Neighbor Totoro.
Resident Evil horror anthology series like what they had in Clancy's intro for REVII. Could be a companion piece that follows what happened to side characters like Billy and Carlos.
i'm sure miyazaki despises video games
people still watch tv?
Miyazaki isn't involved with Ghibli anymore anyway, The Wind Rises was his final project.
>15-30 minute episodes
>Hyper violence ala superjail, as well as similar animation perhaps or at least season 1 animation
>No real continuity, just deja vu
>fucking jian
>Brozouf everywhere
i can dig it
Metal Slug
>Prinny: Can This Really Be the Animated Series, Dood?
hell, even a proper Disgaea anime, with non-eye-gougingly-awful art and writing, would be nice.
I didn't know I wanted this until now
No More Heroes anime
This actually almost happened, but Adult Swim backed the fuck out once they understood how Valve's scheduling works. The pilot episode for it got retooled into Expiration Date.
what did valve do this time?
They probably revealed what Valve Time is.
Because, ya'know, coming up with the next hat scheme takes far too precious time to do.
The game's strongest point were the character interactions and the plot (its cliche in a lot of ways, but still enjoyable) anyways.
Plus theres the chance of adding/seeing the extra story content that the artbooks have and red data chidren.
Didn't nintendo announce or at least say that they wanted to make more anime adaptations of their franchises?
I'd love to see it in that "western series animated by a eastern studio" style like a lot of cartoons used to have, but this kind of style is as rare as a miracle on this day and age.
why does valve have to write it? why couldnt they hand it over to AS?
Only if my daughter is in the next episode
We'll probably get metroid in a year or two.
tv is dead.
God dammit this would've been so fucking cool.
animated by trigger.
>all those sick animations that were released for a pachinko machine
I was hype for nothing.
Shantae would be pefect a comedy anime
>stephen universe style
please no.
not with that shitty artstyle I don't
>Yakuza anime
I was thinking of something like Samurai Jack.
But Earthbound would make a much better tv series.
>Fix the obtuse designs
>Actual Writing
I'd probably be like L.O.S.E or SlugTerra.
A complete version would be nice
this would make a nice animated series
Just endless gore and neon and synths, with minimal dialouge and all those bizarre dream sequences
I thought about it, I think I just like the americana more, and I think jumping from town to town would make it more fun. Plus I feel like mother 3 is already more "complete", and that you'd have more things that could be organically expanded upon in earthbound.
That sounds like a terrible tv show
that's your opinion
With top tier animation I'd watch.
Seen the first episode, seen them all
I don't have the screencap but one time /xcg/ planned out an xcom TV series that would actually be amazing if it was made by competent people.
>That art style
Unrelated but there was a tv show called Moonbeam City on Comedy Central with the Duran Duran album cover artstyle that had the shittiest humor but a suprisingly good cast.
yes, yes CALarts is a cancer upon animation
There is someone making an animated series out of Star Fox. There's only one episode, but its pretty great.
what's wrong with it?
im walking distance to cal arts.
life is suffering
pixar is cool tho
>Didn't nintendo announce or at least say that they wanted to make more anime adaptations of their franchises?
Episode 2 when
series not base on any of the games would be ideal.
it all looks the fucking same and flash is garbage hentai shit?
well then why even make it about the mother games? fucking retard
not valid criticisms. a lot of things look the same.
if you ever want to do a shooting you know where to go
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (River City Ransom) is already a TV series and it's fucking great
don't joke about that shit.
hahaha no
Stick body and bean head are fucking shit, off yourself
>they're shit
why? because they're common? that doesn't even make sense.
no they look exactly the fucking same
The artstyle spoon-noodles bodies and bean faces have gotten a little stale. With flat colors and little definition is easy to make, which makes it popular. It might just be the times but people on co hate it.
Blaming CALarts on starting the the trend.
so does disney, pixar, and most anime. your point?
Its fucking gay as shit you autist
The writing and tone of this game is perfect for a weekly show. More adventures with Pit and pals pls.
you have no argument. could've just said so.
The framework's even there with those shorts they did.
my brother of african descent
Similar to the good Wing Commander cartoon in style, but with space trucking, smuggling, pirates and fights with Terrans and Kitties.
>fun shenanigans involving pit trying to be a good hero and trying to fly
>pit has to foil another one of viridi's wacky plots to genocide humanity on an episodic basis
>dark pit constantly switching jobs depending on who feels like hiring him that week
>more gods and champions introduced
>episodes dedicated to side characters that don't get a lot of screentime in the game
I'm just sad it's not gonna happen
Well sort of.
Mother 3 makes for a far better self contained cartoon, maybe 12 20 minute episodes to capture the whole story.
Earthbound works best as a more sprawling Saturday morning cartoon type affair where the destination isn't as important as the weird wacky adventures the kids go on during the journey.
Though honestly I think that Lisa_____ would make for an infintely better experience.
>mfw none of this will ever come to fruition
Because it's lazy and generic
Secret of evermore could make a great western styled cartoon, and it could also make an amazing anime too. The style and atmosphere works both ways.
So do Hannah Barbara cartoons, you stupid fucking retard.
those are shit too
>gotten stale
you're in the minority. everything is "stale" depending on your viewpoint.
you can argue anything is generic. you know that thing you love so much? it's generic shit in someone's eyes, because they've seen it done to death.
they both have destinations and endings. neither would make for a good cartoon. maybe movies. you'd have to make a new series set in that world in order to do the concept justice. besides, you already know how they end. if you want to see the stories, just play the games. they'd be lacking if you tried to adapt any of the games, since so much hinges on gameplay too to sell the charm.
Huh, ya know that would actually work really well. Never thought about it before. But the story structure and fight scenes would translate really well to anime.
Nothing. Just like usual.
They do nothing.
I need it
it was hilarious when valve wrote it
Earthbound has spawned so much cancer it's unbelievable