Why did health regeneration become a thing?

why did health regeneration become a thing?

were people too bad at video games?

It make people do more playing and less running around looking for health. People want to shoot stuff and feel good.

There was a recent coming back to no health regen due to the "hardcore being cool" movement of Dark souls and Rogue lites.

Using items is no fun.
I had to drop Half Life 2 because of this.

Half life 2 has some health regen though.

t. COD babby

Because medkits lying around all over the place was fucking retarded.

literal casual

I'm glad you recognise perfect dark for the masterpiece FPS it is

Health recovery on kills is the most fun

name one game without health regeneration

Health regen is not inherently bad, you philistines.

whats the difference between hp regen items and hp recovery items? i cant into english sorry


Hard games are bad.

Jackie Chan

Rainbow Six
Ghost Recon

health regeneration items = something like a ring that gives +2 hp/second. popular in some MUDs and games based on them

health recovery items = medpaks and shit


What about a health recovery item that gives health regeneration?

>There was a recent coming back to no health regen

You get so many healing items in those games it may as well have it.

but don't they all do that anyway?

No health recovery at all makes the gameplay more prone to erroneous failures.
Say, the player could've been performing very well on the average, and maybe would have even improved further, but because he made one mistake, it completely negates all of his efforts.
Some sort of health recovery smooths out the performance over time.

Health is for scrubs t. shmupfag

>were people too bad at video games?
Developers pretty much always want to appeal to a wider audience.
So health regeneration was added since it meant that new players gave the genre a chance.

To be fair, there is also permanent recovery items, such as Regenerator's Ring and Fragrant Ring and the newer counterparts.
Of course they heal you slow as molasses, but you can just sit about if you wish while you wait.

>Literally nothing but tacticool garbage.
>but i like playing those with my fwnds xD

Real man always have played Arena shooters.

no form of health recovery at all was just used by older games to jew extra quarters out of children

Does it? I think the only health regen is after you get chomped by a poison headcrab

tribes 2

Arena Shooters are a dead genre

There's a reason CS is coming up on 20 years. It's just a better type of game.

>game has health recovery items
>picking hp items up is usually not worth it because it triggers deadly traps and you end up with less hp than you had before

not to mention most hp items are just +1hp anyway

You're technically right. This game is really fucking good.

life steal is better in every way shape or form
prove me wrong

>t. shitter who doesn't even play arena shooters
you are trash and csgo is too cerebral for your two digit brain

You know what's actually retarded? Getting shot and not agonizing for weeks and possibly not recovering the use of body parts.


Health restoring mechanics should only exist if taking damage is not preventable and predictable.



Lifesteal creates too much snowballing, because in a fight not only you reduce your opponents, health but replenish yours. Plus, the ability to gain the health back by just attacking diminishes the aspects of avoiding or mitigating damage in the first place.


>no health recovery
>play warband
>get hit by stray arrow at the start of the battle for 95% your total hp
>spend the rest of the battle riding around the battlefield in circles and praying a crossbowman doesn't aimbot over the rim of your shield

>here's a reason CS is coming up on 20 years. It's just a better type of game.
Your shit game would be dead if wasn't for overated plastic weapon skins and market and because it's literally used by all kind of losers as a Steam meeting point so they can show up their shitty profile.

Want to duel, fucking faggot? I have been playing Arena shooters since UT99 and i'm a Quake Live regular player, for me arena shooters are alive as before and the only reason they are not popular is because people don't have balls anymore.

It goes back up to 10-15% I think.

>by just attacking diminishes the aspects of avoiding or mitigating damage in the first place.
The vast majority of people playing games focus on how much more sick deeps they can do, nobody gives a fuck about how much damage they blocked or avoided

>some faggotbaby is assblasted no one plays his shitty game anymore
oh well, enjoy QL with your other 20 players ;)

I don't know about that, I played it a few days ago. Drowning damage is healed though.

It can make sense in some games
For example, KotOR needed a bigger health recovery outside of combat in the late game, because you were just standing around using heal and then waiting for your FP to recharge

I hate no health recovery, because it makes you quickload until you make it through a section with minimal damage.

The last time I played CS was Source about 8-10 years ago, but you're being silly. I highly doubt all the millions of people playing GO do it just for skins


Sup Forums has come to a point when it has posters like this and they are not immediately banned.

Sorry about your dead game.

Perfect Dark, Zero and Goledeneye all have shields/body armor which is essentially an extra health bar

More enemies started using hitscan weapons over projectiles, so developers gave players health regen since you were much less likely to make it through a room without taking damage.

Does the game have any kind of medic characters, medkits or health stations?
If not, it bad game design unless they are trying to do a simulator.

Just because it makes managing your health easier doesn't mean it makes a game worse, if you rely on health packs you gotta change the level design to fit that and that could then make a shitty game if you don't do that well

I played CSGO before the economy and all underage retards with a steam account jumped into it, the game was dead as fuck right before before they implemented the shitty market, even fans of the older CS games hated it at first, the game would be irrelevant as fuck if wasn't for the skins market which makes people play it as a shitty gambling sim.

CSGO is really not a good game, the maps are shit, gets repetitive fast, shitty gunplay, why people plays it over arena shooters only means humanity needs a reboot.

I agree with what OP wants to say but health regen can be done well too, like in Ys or Baroque. But that's all before the modern interpretation of health regen.

You recover as time passes while out of battle, faster if you camp, rest at cities or if you are a trained medic/got companions who are medics. There's absolutely no way to recover hp during a fight unless it's a multiple stage fight (like sieges where you fight on the walls, then the streets, then the keep) where medics can recover some of your hp between stages

Ghosts n Goblins

>no health regen=bad design
An additional layer of real difficulty doesn't neccesarily mean bad design.
In a war and/or medieval game,it's only natural that you either won't get any treatment for your wounds, or the healing will come after the battle

Then it's more or less realistic, which seems good to role play..
You got owned by an arrow at the start of the battle, by bad luck, but that's the point of arrows.

It's because people decided ducking behind a wall for three seconds to expunge the bullets from your spleen was less immersion breaking than eating a turkey leg or a health kit that's spinning on the ground. Notice that this trend mainly comes from 'realistic' titles like CoD.

>why did health regeneration become a thing?
Because Devs wanted players to be in prolonged fire fights more often.

It becoming used in all games made it a meme and you're all idiots who parrot things

Who is Mercy

This is why RA3 was the best quake mod.

what about infinite ammo?

Because games became more cinematic. When people started demanding a sense of suspense, complex terrains, smart enemies that behave like real people, and so on, games started to feel "unfair". People wanted it both ways, and the regenerating health was the compromise. Think about it: Doom has no vertical axis or very complicated terrains. All the enemies walk in predetermined motions and you can always turn to locate who is shooting at you.

People want cinematic realism at a superficial level, but they also want to maintain a basic "fair system" that can be understood and master supporting it all.

What do you mean by 'health regeneration items'? Ones that heal you over time as opposed to having an instant effect?

Stuff like +4 health regen every second.

>real men
>video games
Don't delude yourself, electronic entertainment is by definition for cuckolds.