What do I get? Doom, Prey or Wolfenstein: The New Order?
What do I get? Doom, Prey or Wolfenstein: The New Order?
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Prey, but only if you want bioshock with a plot that's not in its own ass and all characters written well instead of just 2
doom is the best of the three
Samus isn't really that hot
I hate niggers.
Wolfenstein, then doom, then prey.
>dark skin with blonde hair
yes please
Doom no question.
Prey is the best but you need to like the Immersive Sim genre, some find those games boring.
If you just want to have fun shooting things, Doom.
TNO is good but not as good as the others.
Stop culturally appropriating white characters kthx bye
White boy, give me your pud pud
who is this demônio de sêmen?
>tfw no black gf
How do you deal with your jungle fever vros?
might as well have posted a sock stuffed with shit
Dem quads and butt, yum
Also is that PIKACHU?
>dat face
Isn't that the blonde that you can find in all those old horse bestiality movies? She certainly looks like her.
Yellow fever I get.
Jungle fever is disgusting though. Would you fuck a monkey? No. Then why fuck a monkey? Don't stick your dick in inferior species.
>triple A trash
She's hot, everyone ITT is crying but 100% of people in this thread would bang her if given the chance
That ass is unreal oh my god
If she's a WEWUZKANG BLM nigger, I'd opt for punching her in the ovaries instead.
ST Peach
>Don't stick your dick in inferior species
Unless you want to exclusively fuck guys, then you have to.
STPeach is her handle.
pretty much the perfect body. Women should be forced to do squats.
More like "STD each" amIrite
doom then prey then wolf
Has that chick taken other pictures with her desk in shot? Because I swear to god I've seen that same desk with the same cutesy Pokémon shit on it before in multiple pictures
She is asking to get BLEACHED
Wolfenstein had a good mix with being able to do it stealth or loud while DOOM was run and gun the entire time although it did have more weapon variety and it seemed to me like it was way longer than wolfenstein. I was actually surprised by how short wolfenstein felt actually. prey i haven't played however as im too poorfag but i do plan on playing it.
>Wolfenstein TNO:
Cinematic shooter often described as Tarantino-esque. Main gimmick is that you can dual wield basically any gun you can find two of, up to and including assault rifles and auto-shotguns. Very fun and tense on Uber difficulty
Damn-near immaculate modern translation of what made older shooters great, honestly. Your mileage may very on glory kills but I don't think they hurt the pacing too bad.
A pretty fun and at first incredibly interesting Immersive sim. It's very, very easy if you know what you're doing in the genre and I wound up finding it disappointing both because of that and because the story and pacing falls flat in a few areas, mostly towards the end. I think it's worth a play if you like the genre.
>DOOM: Must Play, IMO.
>Wolfenstein: Very fun, might actually recommend playing before DOOM because it doesn't quite match up to it as an old-school revival shooter, but it's still absolutely worth a play.
>Prey: Are you a fan of games like Bioshock and Dishonored? Sure. Not really? Maybe pass.
I'm black and I wish more black girls would wear blonde wigs or any other hair color than their natural one. Our fuckin nappy heads do not look good and the women suffer for it more than the guys, at least I can go bald.
>if she has an opinion I don't like, I'd rather opt for violence
Wolfenstein is my favorite franchise of all times. Every single wolfenstein game is a masterpiece.
That being said, get DOOM.
How do you know this is her?
Why isn't there a fucking noose around it's neck?
>I'm black
There's your problem, fuck off with your pasty blonde bimbos
>when your fetish is women in practical outfits and now every ZSS cosplay uses those jet boots that just so happen to look like designer high-heels
sakurai has forsaken me, specifically
>not posting the version with the lighting edited out so you can see her butthole
there's some album from the thirsty boys on her subreddit with shit she deleted over the years. she's bascially an IG model but just uses twitch for donations, it's a wonder she isn't banned
>those short legs
>topped off by toned ass
>she's bascially an IG model but just uses twitch for donations
This is code word for Saudi Arabian slut right?
Prey is the by far most well-done, complex, and interesting of the three games. But it's an immersive sim, direct successor to System Shock 2, so if you are not into that kind of gameplay and want something more direct action/shooting oriented, it's not the best choice.
If you really want just dumb but fun shooter, I think Doom is a bit better than Wolfenstein in terms of core shooting mechanics and a lot better in terms of pacing and level design.
On the other hand, Wolfenstein has surprisingly decent, very half-life-2-esque narrative, characters and environments, with even some good world-building.
So yeah. If you want actually interesting gameplay, Prey.
If you want well-crafted pure shooting carnage, go Doom.
And if you want a good roller-coster story ride with decent shooting, go Wolfenstein.
this is disgusting.
if black women are so good why don't black men want them?
How does it feel to have shit taste?
lol just pirate them all
i enjoyed Prey, Doom is shit and i still didn't play wolfenstein but already have it installed.
Once again, shit taste
got doom this week and having lots of fun with it
>Prey is by far the most well-done, complex, and interesting
I honestly disagree and I finished all three on the highest difficulty.
It's trivial to stack up resources and level up to the point of being overpowered for the rest of the game in Prey if you're good at exploring in immersive sims (although when it initially opens up, the exploration and possible solutions are really cool)
Prey. its surprisingly good.
Someinconsistencies here and there and some bugs too but nothing major, overall a good game
I have chocolate fever to be quite honest.
Wolfenstein is relatively story heavy for an FPS and has lots of cutscenes. The guns all sound like peashooters and there isn't much hitstun. Found the gunplay kind of unsatisfying to be honest.
Doom is the complete opposite. Only a few cutscenes the entire game, story is light and told to you through exposition you can skip. All the guns feel super weighty and sound great, gunplay is amazing.
Doom and Wolfenstein: The New Order should be cheap now. Prey is still pretty expensive.
>the guns all sound like peashooters
you think THESE are unsatisfying peashooters?
You just have caramel fever user, the best fever.
Prey actually sold like ass so it's already getting the bargain bin in some places
I did.
And it's also trivial NOT to do that and thus have an incredibly enjoyable experience. The possibility to break the game comes as a pretty much unavoidable side-effect of having very complex gameplay with a lot of potentially emergent problem-solving options.
I do wish that Prey would get some final destination expansion that would nerf some of the mechanics, and I do think it's easier than it should be, but it's nowhere near lacking challenge, especially if you just don't fucking power-game from start.
Both Wolfenstein and Doom are mechanically braindead and very easily just become boring: not because they would be easy like Prey can get, but because the actual actions required are braindead and uncreative. And in case of doom, the actual environments are too.
pls help
Why contain it?
Yay, post cute """niggers"""
Because there's none of those around here.
That's a fucking shame. I enjoyed the game so much. They should have marketed the game better.
I think you should get Doom mainly for those secret retro levels. Only $15, too.
Those butts are far too big tbqhwy.
They should have TRIED marketing the game.
Seriously, it came out and literally nobody noticed because the marketing budget was probably $30.
Keep it vidya
This one always gets me right in the dick.
Tru dat.
No they aren't
I normally don't like black chicks but this one gets me going
>Don't explore in an immersive sim game or you'll get overpowered and the game'll get really fucking easy
Come on, man. At least the Bioshock games balanced it so even if you use a guide and straight up one hundred percent that shit enemies will still provide some kind of obstacle.
Prey's difficulty problems for me include:
>Enemies that are super easy to evade, for the most part
>Incredibly plentiful supplies
>The way health works in Prey means if your medkit supply is any good you can just mash inventory and heal yourself to full whenever you're in any danger whatsoever
>They literally render the most interesting enemy in the game redundant through an upgrade offered partway through
You have to deliberately gimp yourself out of one of the game's main mechanics (upgrades) to get a truly challenging experience out of Prey, it doesn't make me think outside of the first hour or so where you don't have quite enough damage to fight Phantoms head-on.
DOOM can still kick my ass on Nightmare but the enemy design is so good that it's very rare that I die in that game and think "that wasn't my fault!"
What's this strange feeling I get when I see these pictures?
By the way
>Dark Skin + Blonde Hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Skin + Red hair, which is by all menas a trash combination.
Arabs are often ugly, but the cute ones are wife material.
too hard
Her ass is too large
They had that demo that was like, the first two hours of the game. They really should have pushed that harder. I didn't see any ads on the PSN store for it. I just stumbled upon it while looking for sales.
is this a videogame cosplay thread?
Who should play Samus in the inevitable Kīňô?
Never liked this one
Yeah, I only seen a magazine article about it.
first black chick I've seen where I can say she's legitimately fucking beautiful
what are you gay
>Come on, man.
Actually there is absolutely no issue with exploring. Just with utilization of your resources. Don't invest into straight up combat or resource-drop-increase stats until past mid-game: limit your skill investment into those that expand space and non-direct-combat options but not those that just flat out do more damage or drop more loot.
That is all. Do that and explore actually properly and you'll find the difficulty curve of the game very good, if a bit too easy around mid-game still, it gets properly screwed up in the late game.
>Enemies that are super easy to evade, for the most part
Not if you do want to explore, really.
Zipping past enemies actually means zipping past a lot of content too.
>Incredibly plentiful supplies
Not unless you actually again avoid all confrontation and just basically make a B-line to objective, or unless you max out recycler efficiency or combat-efficiency skills.
Actually: this is one of the most fun aspects of the game. You have FINITE resources. If you don't maximize your resource efficiency and actually don't avoid combat, you'll WILL find in late game that you just basically stripped the base of resources already. On highest difficulty, unless you go for boring "make-game-easy-NOW" or "Avoid 80 of gameplay to save up resources" upgrades from start, the resources will come bite you in the ass in a big time.
>The way health works in Prey means if your medkit supply is any good
It's not like games like Stalker - to which Prey owes a LOT by the way - does it any differently.
Though I do agree - I would not mind med-kits having more limitations - delayed onset, healing process broken on damage, or just flat out taking time to apply.
>You have to deliberately gimp yourself out of one of the game's main mechanics
Just don't go for the obvious "this makes the game easy" ones.
>DOOM can still kick my ass on Nightmare
Except it's boring as fuck.
WTF Mexico has white women???
That's a spaniard.
such an ugly picture, chewing gum dried nasty tongue.
He's probably just a drunk potato farmer.
She actually has the best, most accurate, most well made zero suit costume I've ever seen but I'm a racist and don't like black chicks so thumbs down.
Mexicans come in all shades of color user. My nino is a mexico native and he has white skin and blue eyes, and I myself have very light skin.
>They should have TRIED marketing the game.
They did. The game did not lack marketing. People are just fucking retards. All of them - including Bethesda's high-ups that decided the game has to carry the name of Prey.
But it sure as fuck did not lack in normal marketing coverage. Most people had actually hated the game long before it was even close to release, not because they did not know about it.
t. ireland