Feeling tired kid?

Feeling tired kid?

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y'know i've been disappointed with this game since it's release, found new life in it when they released ibuki (a butchered version of my sf main, but still the most interesting character to play in the cast, arguably one of 2 or 3 that requires any execution in the slightest), but that didn't last long, only somewhat sustained through my friends' interest

this character killed it for my friends and definitely was the final nail in the coffin for me

i don't play this game anymore

this stupid piece of shit made sure i won't play it again

i play rev2

What does Revelations 2 have to do with this?

shitty character design for one

The wheels on the bus go round and round Abigail's swole appendages people mistake for arms.

Can't wait to blow up waifu fags with this guy. Everything about him seems to piss people off

No one was asking for this, no one wanted this, and no one is happy about it.

What is your end game, Capcom?

Finally a Canadian

better than another waifu or fuccboi

abigail is the best thing capcom has done in a year

That is a BADASS character design.

>no one can jump over him

Honestly I really love the way Capcom designed Abi. People are just hating since it's Capcom, but once the hate train runs out of steam people will see how cool he actually is. Like, he has tires on his arms and makes engine noises while driving an imaginary car. How is this shit not the fucking coolest?

But they can and half their body clips through him

they better fix this, he needs to be literal immovable wall of muscle like this other classic capcom bad guy

Hope his taunt is making car noises

>friends messages me about new sf5 announcement
>'dude did you see abigail?'
>nice another waifu
>maybe she'll be a fun character
>i mean of course she'll be fun, right capcom?
>you can't strike out for 2 years straight, right capcom?
>surely they'll release something i'll like in this games lifespan, right capcom?
>load up trailer

he looks like a mod

As a big fan of Final Fight I'd actually like him a lot more without all the tire shit.

Pretty based character. I wish he was already out.

Not gonna lie, every time I look at this chode the more he looks like a trans FtM bodybuilder and it's making me feel increasingly uncomfortable

This. I want to buy SFV and then Abigail just to rake in the hate mail online.

Abigail is so comically stupid I can't help but like him. The massive salt is just icing on the cake.

So he's autistic?

>shotafags triggered at a big body character

I don't have any problem with the character concept, I just think it's a bad design.

I feel this way too, his design is so fucking goofy it's endearing. Like Birdie.

But don't worry, Sup Forums, the next character is delicious brown egyptian waifu. You just have to wait another 4 or whatever months for her announcement

you know i was thinking the same thing too.

Damn, SFV sure got BADASS

He just really, really, really likes cars.

>Wears fucking tires as rings on his fingers
You tell me.

Considering the game he's from, that might not be too far off.

Birdie isn't so big that a portion of his model doesn't have a hitbox though. The dude is comically big for no real reason.

Careful, the faggots who post in fighing game threads on Sup Forums are retarded enough to think you're being serious and unironically agree.

Too many blows to the head.

Or he's retarded in a similar way Lennie Small is in "Of Mice and Men"


That's true, I get they wanted to make him really fucking big but he's probably a bit too really fucking big

fuck da haters he looks cool

>HA HA ... HA

am i the only one that things it makes no sense with the way his talking animation works in his introduction? wanna know what he says in japanese

This, I actually like fuck hueg guys rushing through everything, but Abigail is just too much. He doesn't look human. You know something is fucked up when Hulk looks more proportionally balanced than it.

>The dude is comically big for no real reason.

Yeah, it's kind of a waste really. That you can still throw him and do cross-ups makes him being extra tall really for nothing. At least if he was immune to that stuff but weaker in other areas to balance it out it would be creative.

I don't care what schizophrenic welfare niggers and spics unironically think, bud.


Leave forever



literally Sup Forums: the character

Yea i used to like in samurai showdown when you fought earthquake you couldn't throw him so it would be a different throw animation. I had a feeling they wouldn't do anything like that though since it would take extra work.

Capcbros are becoming a vocal minority, even normalfags are shitting on MvCI and preferring DBZF

>Yea i used to like in samurai showdown when you fought earthquake you couldn't throw him so it would be a different throw animation.
Capcom probably too lazy to go that route.


>comic sans "MAD GEAR" on the arm tires
Holy shit i didnt think this character could get any worse

We should've gotten Damnd instead.

legit 0% mad he got in over more deserving characters

i probably would have been more accepting of him, if his costumes would have been his official outfit
but Capcom has this habit of making the worst costume the main one since they expect you to buy the good ones
fuck these kikes, i feel bad for anyone who got the season pass

>more deserving characters
In my opinion as someone who doesn't play the games but is digging the characters, I don't see how people could want to buy the same game with the same characters over and over again. Or what makes a character necessarily more deserving.

I mean, if I was into these games I'd be excited for totally new rosters with NO repeating characters. Because then there's no safety. There's no conservative turtling ground in competitive. Everyone has to hunt for and find a new niche.

He's bigger than even Zangeif. How is that even possible?


i'll agree on that
i'd love to have Fei Long in this game, and understand the idea of season 2 was to put in never played before NPCs in SF
but if they're putting in Abigail of all people, they are digging at the bottom of the barrel
fuck they don't even need to

Is it even realistically possible to hurt someone like him ?

>I, an ASW fan. hate Street Fighter

You people have been doing this for a over a decade. Most of you fags have dedicated a third of your life trying to kill SF and Marvel

It's just that Capcom wanted to bring in a big body grappler from Final Fight, and we got an autistic tranny body builder instead of Haggar.
>inb4 "but zangief!"
There's 3 Ryus on the roster, there can be two Zangiefs.

Does anyone think that teeth thing is cute? I find it hard to believe this guy is bad.

At this point, Capcom knows that they can release garbage to their fanbase and still end up with a sizable chunk of the FGC shilling their games for free.

There's no need to work hard when you already have a legion of neckbeards defending your honor like the thirsty faggots that they are.

they must have made a bet

Anyone who'd rather have another waifu than a huge dude is gay.

why are people so upset by this character? he looks breddy fun to play

Only emotionally.

literally, who in all senses of the phrase
if they were going for NPCs to be playable they didn't need take from the bottom of the barrel

close your eyes can scroll around and click until you find an NPC, that would have been a better character

>Anyone who wants more attractive women is gay.

I hate waifufaggotry too but I think you got you logic a bit backwards there

>close your eyes can scroll around and click until you find an NPC, that would have been a better character
this is who i got, how about anyone else

>first ever canadian character
>hair is literally a fucking leaf

Yep. The kids who watched ninja turtles were cool, the ones who watched sailor moon were gay and got bullied. The kids who played with gi joes were cool, the ones who played with barbies were gay and were bullied.

This is an important lesson that apparently some of you dorks never learned, someone was slacking on the bullying.

Lets be honest
realistically, there's no way he'd be able to do any "fighting" other than jumping jacks with his arms

I like Street Fighter 5 but the constant fucking hate for it really dampens my enjoyment of it.

I assume this is every single fighting game however. I bet there were even more people bitching about Street Fighter IV through it's entire life cycle as well.

I hope if Capcom releases a Super Street Fighter 5 that all complaints will be addressed. Not that I have any complaints myself, but just to get people to shut the fuck up about it.

When SF4 came out people called it turtle fighter 4 and fucking hated it. You can probably still find endless threads bitching about it on Shoryuken and other websites. Even gamefaqs was shitting all over it.


>Turtle Fighter 4
>People complain about it being too defensive
>8-Frame Fighter 5
>People complain about it being too offensive.


Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.


I like SFV too, but it's a very flawed game. But, I'm not insecure enough to let the negative opinions bother me. Especially, when alot of it is deserved. Can't wait for Abby though.

Mmhmm, how did people feel about SF3 on release?


They hated it, most poorly received SF ever.

Nip slip.

It's unfortunate that he's a huge joke, but you can bet your ass I'm going to be bouncing scrubs off the floor and the walls at the end of this fucking retard's enormous hamhocks. Vtrigger makes his heavy punches chargeable with guard break property at full charge.

that is literally what he is called in that game

Considering most SF characters can turn concrete in to dust with some being able to do much more I'm going to say yes.

Oh wow, weird how that works. So pretty near every SF since 2 has been received poorly and the game is basically running on the zelda cycle then?

Pretty much up until 5 released there was still a fair bit of trash talk directed towards sf4.

"lol who the fuck are these people?"
"fuck that i'll just keep playing Alpha 2 or EX"

4 hate was minimal, it's nowhere near 3 and V hate.

i don't know how Alpha as treated

Only reason 4 wasn't hated as much was because it was a lot of people's first fighting game. Vets all hated it at first.

I disagree man. 4 was the first fighting game I tried to get good at and all I could find when I looked for info on the game was hate. Vets hated it for not being 3s, new players hated it for defensive play being strong. It got shit on pretty hard.

Vets hate everything that's not ST, they just play for "Hype" and money.

3s players have always been pariah in the community. Before, SF4 the fandom was alot more fractured. SF4 was very popular in the mainstream.

On release I used to main Mika, but since the nerf I've found her pretty boring desu, the removal of mid-screen wallbounce butchered what I liked about her, namely the cool midscreen setups you could do with Nadeshiko, so I'm looking for a replacement.
I like RTSD, like good normals, but over anything else I like good damage. Not a fan of projectiles or grappers, nor charge. Who's better and why? Cammy or Karin?

>this character killed it for my friends and definitely was the final nail in the coffin for me
Why? He looks fun to play as, I also prefer ASW games but I'm not an anime bitch boy.

>Vets all hated it at first.
Not really. Most of the hate was some balancing issues (Sagat) and the speed of certain match ups (defensive Vipers and there being more Dhalsim players at the time).

Should I get into SFV? I like fighting game but never really tried playing one competitively. I figure I might as well try with the one that'll mostly likely be sticking around for a while so I have plenty of time to master the game.

I just googled turtle fighter 4 out of curiosity and there's a pretty significant amount of hate for the game across most major gaming websites from around 2009-2010.

I don't recommend it, but if you have the patience then go for it. SFV was stated to be the second Capcom fighting game where matches end the fastest. The first was Marvel, you'll get sauced alot.

His design is dumb he and exacerbates one of the main issues people have with fighting games, and that his hitbox isn't going to match his model. He's a big, dumb brute but a part of him doesn't actually exist.