Kratos and his son in Norse mythology. Tell me why this won't be epic?
Kratos and his son in Norse mythology. Tell me why this won't be epic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>his son
*his wife's son
>kills his own family
>decides to conceive again
because gow is shit
*and his wife's son
I don't think it's actually his biological son
I think you wanted to say - his wife's son
does he giv that sweet shota the succ
Stop this meme. There is literally no shame in raising another man's child; in fact, it should be every man's civic duty.
What's wrong with that.
My wife's son is sitting next to me playing xbox, while I patiently wait my turn so I can watch the football games later. I love that kid. So what if his skin tone is more tan than I? He is my son now, and it's my duty to raise him.
It's like this: you own a yard and there are two big trees in the back.
But one tree next door is even bigger, and the branches extend into your yard. One of those branches drops an acorn, and it starts to grow in your yard now, alongside your two trees.
Are you just going to cut down the new small tree? No...your going to raise it with your own.
My wife saw a bigger tree and had that seed planted in her. My son is my acorn.
>the state of the GoW fanbase
Too slow, fag. The guy above you got to it first.
i love this pasta
sony c ucks is filtered to sonybros
This is the 812th son of Kratos & the only one he has never killed. He has decided to try and teach this child his ways to become a God. The boy is 40% God but has no way to access his powers. Kratos chooses to teach the boy how to hunt and how to kill for fun. After the boy learns how to be a master in his skill, he will begin accessing his godly powers in his late teens.
Sadly, halfway through the game, the boy encounters a miserable beast while Kratos is in the bathroom.
The beast rips out the boy's eyes, legs and arms. He cannot see or walk.
Kratos is disappointed but still decides not to give up on the boy. He believes that the boy could regain sight and the ability to walk when he reaches his god status in 10 years.
Until then, the boy is now in a backpack that Kratos carries around. The boy is able to come out and hop around but that is all he can do.
It's an emotional game.
Its been confirmed that its his biological son. People claiming otherwise are cuck fetishists
>He has decided to try and teach this child his ways to become a God. The boy is 40% God but has no way to access his powers.
These games are for fucking nerds, holy shit
I'm gonna go plow my 9/10 gf, shit is so cash. Later nerds.
devs lying on twitter, nothing new
Oh neat. A backpack son. Thats even more retarded than just the wife's son meme from before. Santa Monica should've stopped after the first game to spare everyone their shittiness.
Backpack of War
Because you can't talk about this game anymore without fucking memers screeching in unison.
Nice pasta, I kek'ed.
samefag trying to force a meme
the fact that its in russian makes it so much better
>mixing mythologies
no it wont
goddamn cucks, kill yourselves, you are failures of life
thank you so much for this bait
>But one tree next door is even bigger, and the branches extend into your yard
More like God of Cucks amirite?
is this a nice girl?
Not his son.
Why does this wifes son meme even exist anymore when the Devs confirmed it's his real son.
How is it a cuck move to get with a girl and take care of a kid she already had?
I guess i understand if we're saying you got with a girl and she cheated on you and had a kid and you took care of it, that would be pretty cucked out.
because it looks really shitty and boring?
Sup Forums will lie to continue forcing the meme.
i've seriously seen screenshots from the plane scene from the switch trailer photoshopped to remove the guy's earphones just to justify BING BING WAHOO shitposting
You're getting with a woman that's been used up already it's sloppy seconds
Shitposting aside, can we talk about how fucking boring the norse pantehon is as a setting? It's the most normie pleb tier choice possible after greco-roman.
We could have had Aztec, Shinto, Hindu, Incan, Celtic, Egyptian, or Mayan. Wasted potential.
Unless it's legal to get with -16 year olds i doubt you're going to find many virgins especially in america.
The son is Tyr (God of War)
Kratos will die
God of War 2 with Tyr (son)
Are you that fucking desperate for pussy that you're willing to raise someone else's living cum stain?
Or maybe you think you can score with the stepdaughter too?
No. i just realize that we have enough deformed faggots out there and there are too many kids with daddy issues.
I would rather not get with women who have children but if you also have children there's really no reason not to.
in my fucking case if I'm gonna raise a kid I want that shit to be my own.
but you're right, in the public eye there's nothing inherently wrong with being a step father, though I really wouldn't do it. pretty stupid choice.
Sup Forums obviously has a warped perception on what they think it means to be a cuckold. Being a stepfather isn't being a "cuck". However, having your wife unquestionably fuck another man whilst you're still married to her and just sitting back and enjoying it is being a cuckold. idk why it's a fetish, pretty much the lowest a human can go in terms of self respect.
You're a fucking faggot if you don't think Nidhogg and Fenrir and Yggdrasil aren't the tightest shit. Just because Thor is big with normies right now doesn't mean Norse mythology isn't neat as fuck you cake boy. Besides if we're going to list obscure religions just to look cool I'd rather we get Zoroastrianism
> and your other wife's son.
Yes of course you'd rather it be your own.
My point was that i don't get how it's a cuck move to be a stepfather when they 1. didn't cheat on you and 2. the kid still needs a father or they will grow up wrong with just a mother.
A kid should not be raised with just a father or just a mother.
This is a pretty retarded meme since it doesn't make any sense
>Dev: Yeah, it is
Why are sonygers so easy to trigger?
They are cool, but any of the ones I listed are even cooler.
Aztec mythology especially makes norse look like pansy pussy bullshit.
Not really sure i blacklisted cuck, sony and nintendo a long time ago.
Why were the Aztecs so fucking brutal anyway? Seems a little overboard, you know?
I know he's always been very white but jesus that's too white.
you're right. it's not a cuck move, Sup Forums is just retarded.
This is a good thread.
Because very few people on Sup Forums own only one console and only participate in console war shitposting to get a rise out of other people who they perceive to be actual console war fags when in fact not a single one of them holds any serious ties to any one console. I hate all of you.
Gotta feed the gods blood to stop the skeleton star futa rattlesnake dick demonesses from eating the sun, user
A fucking world tree
A fucking snake that meekly nibbles on the roots of the world tree
Loki's bastard son who got tricked by Odin and is chained FOREVER. Well, until Ragnarok, but even then one of Odin's kids rips Fenrir's mouth in two because fuck you you don't get to eat Odin and get off scot-free.
Most of Norse myths aren't really that battle-heavy, unless there's Thor involved. They are stories of deceit. I mean for fuck's sake, one of the myths has Odin shapeshifting into an eagle and blowing wet farts all over some jotun's face.
Nice placement on the hands there.
Now he looks like he's forever rubbing his nipples.
Honestly that's probably intentional.
it's a girl
>Ouroboros is just a snake
>Cu Chulainn is just some guy with a gay spear
>Angra Mainyu is just a grumpy spirit
Everything is boring when you simplify it.
So you mean like rachet and clank ? Or rogue trooper ?
Your god isn't plant punching buddhist tier. Shut the fuck up also i bet your ass you read strategy guide before even playing the game.
wow you real cant talk about this game on here
It's other kind of boring. There is not a whole lot of ACTION to make it interesting for kids playing videogames
Okay, so here's a thing. Lemme give you an example of grandiose Norse myth.
>two god factions (war gods and nature gods) make a peace treaty
>they celebrate it by throwing a feast and mixing all their spit into one vat
>oh shit, they accidentially made another god and he's now the most clever fucker
>clever fucker goes to see the world, helps people, meets dwarves
>dwarves lure him into their castle and drain all his blood to brew a mead of poetry
>they give the body back to the gods because "We dunno dudes, you divinities have a habit of resurrecting, figure it out yourself"
>drunk dwarves kill their giant landlord and his wife
>landlord's brother comes over to sort this out and threatens dwarves in exchange for mead
>meanwhile gods are bored
>very fucking bored
>Odin's super-crows bring news that some asshole giant has a mead made from clever fuck's blood
>Odin stops by the landlord's brother's brother farm, tricks all his farmers into killing each other by throwing a shiny rock over their heads
>works for the landlord's brother's brother in exchange for promises of mead
>Tough shit, landlord's brother is an asshole, so Odin is forced to sneak into the mountain
>Mead is guarded by a female giant, so what is Odin going to do, kill her?
>Nah, he fucks her three times over the night while pretending to be the giant and convinces her to take a sip of dat purple drank
>those weren't sips
>those were real nigga chugs
>enough to drain all mead
>Landlord's brother hears about this, turns into a birb too
>Odin sees that faggot getting close, discharges the most wet, disgusting fart into gian'ts piehole
>black hawk down
>returns to Asgard
>barfs up the mead
>Gods think this is okay and now everyone can make nice sagas and songs.
How do you put this into gameplay, chum?
Because God of War is mediocre dogshit.
>So what is skin is more tan than I?
get a load of this fucking cuck loser.
That's the thing fuck boy, it's Norse mythology in GoW's world, they don't need to use the stories themselves, just the characters. Norse mythology has great creatures for a video game that will be using it's own format and story, it's not going to be a 1:1 recreation of Loki fucking a horse you dumb nigger
because subhuman savage injuns
Aesirs, being gods of war, rarely even fight, and don't get me started on Vanir
>Odin can do magic runes and shit and owns Gungnir but never really uses anything until Ragnarok
>Thor literally 1 hit K.Os everything with his hammer
>Tyr is a god of battle despite never showing that a lot. Closest thing you have is Fenrir biting off his hand
>Loki doesn't fight until the VERY VERY END, and even then he fights another Aesir
>Baldr just straight up sits in Asgard to eventually die and be like "eeeeh"
>Most Aesir don't even fight giants, because only Thor can kill them 1 on 1.
Yeah, nice fucking deities
Greek mythology depicts their gods as lazy, spiteful rapists as well and yet they made a whole God damn series out of those fucks. But now it's 2 in the morning and I should sleep so I concede to you, faggot.
>Tell son to stay but the son strays away cliche
It's alright my dude, I just don't get to talk about norse mythology a whole lot. Maybe it will be okay.
deserves another (You), and qualifies for a Noble Bait
he actually is
1000 replies
>Don't talk to me or my wife's backpack ever again
>Aztec, Incan, Mayan
Literally who injun shit. Might be cool but face the facts.
Been done before. Also not as popular and well-recognized to Western audience and nu-Sup Forums would call it weebshit.
Would hurt poo feelings.
Might be cool but face the facts.
Was considered but they said they chose Norse mythology because it was convenient for having the game focus on Kratos. Also they supposedly have a timeline in consideration and Egypt would be before Greece.
eric simply eric
For real though what is the internet's fetish over cuckoldry? Why do people get off from constantly spamming this
Because its fanfic tier shit
>moral codex of ancient germanic peoples doesn't fulfill my rpg-desires
yeah, you are a confirmed 100% faggot.
It probably will be epic
But epic isnt enough to get me to buy a PS4 or even interest me in the game.
I need good music and interesting premises than this dull looking shit.
Because we have already seen videos that look very lame.
I'm concerned with how the kid is gonna affect Kratos gameplay wise. I enjoy the previous GoW games even if it's just mindless button mashing and I'm not sure if the new GoW will still be more or less the same after this.