Have random added because they were fun in game

>Have random added because they were fun in game
>This happens

So why not give that game a try instead of bitching about "advertisement" or if someone suggests you something you immediately screech about fucking shills? How's that kneejerk working out for you?

the game is fun from what I heard. The community is low though.

Has Sup Forums broken you so badly that you automatically assume everybody recommending you a game is a stealth-advertiser?


kek, you should really stop browsing Sup Forums for a while

I don't see the problem. It just seems like he's trying to get a group going.

I would give it a try user. Its a really good game.

>Natural Selection 2
Don't do it, they are just desperate for new players to complain about

Fucking retard, drop him. NS2 is made on a custom built engine, not source.

Shills don't only use forums and imageboards but even talk to you in person to trick you into buying games.
You are never safe.

>So why not give that game a try instead of bitching about "advertisement" or if someone suggests you something you immediately screech about fucking shills? How's that kneejerk working out for you?

1) It's not 'organic' hype
2) Publishers have burned way too many bridges with their audience through bullshit marketing stunts
3) Gaming is a serious time investment, it's not like a friend offering you a drink or snacks
4) Get a real job, shill

Do you seriously think a game with like 100 people playing it is paying people to advertise for it?

Buy the family :^)

Yes, you sure showed me, my cover is blown, oh my god, what will I do now. Lmao, you're a fucking tool, but if you don't want to play it, you should have told him "no" and closed the chat, deleted the contact and not made a shit thread on Sup Forums. Enough of those here as is.

>wanna play a game with me?
>fuck off shill


Da phuc, game became family

dude phone posting lmao

boo-hoo somebody forces an unnecessary dialog on a massive shut-in autist, what do

Write a book about it

It's amazing to see what Sup Forums does to people.

Fun fact OP, he was trying to advertise it to you. So you'd play it with him. So you could have fun. Even if it's friends, sometimes you have to pitch an idea because you know the other person might not be up for it on a quick reccomendation.

Modern Sup Forums seems to rob people of their ability to see genuine intent in others.

>guy you played with likes you and asks if you are interested in playing another he likes because he probably doesnt have many people to play with
Yeah you definitely belong here op. Post the name of the guy and I'll add him to play with him, if you're too much of a faggot. Haven't played NS2 in a while anyway.

Op, be serious for one second here with me.
Have you been diagnosed with autism?

It's not really Sup Forums. He's just an idiot looking for validation and he posted an epic screencap for his user Sup Forumsros that will upboat it with (you)'s. But unfortunately things did not go according to plan and he got laughed at instead of receiving a warm echo chamber.

>But unfortunately things did not go according to plan and he got laughed at instead of receiving a warm echo chamber.

Another sign you might be a shill: you go out of your way to spell out all the many ways you're too good for this board and the people in it

I don't know how autistic do you have to be to get it from that post.

>I don't know how autistic do you have to be to get it from that post.

You don't know much of anything, I'm willing to bet...

>it's a Sup Forums turned a genuinely autistic person into a shillophobe episode


fembot detected

So you're even more autistic than I thought?

The memes are leaking

>it's an autist trying to act uppity episode

Just how conceited do you have to be to think that you're important enough to be individually advertised to? The world doesn't revolve around you, imbecile.

people take themselves far too seriously

if you say so, fembot

also, you may wanna update your "list of officially sanctioned slurs", all this button-mashing 'autist' is giving the game away

>play games with someone
>they think I want to play games with them

>officially sanctioned slurs
people are calling you autistic because you're acting like a retard. people aren't going to throw around faggot or nigger because they aren't relevant

Nice try roastie, I see through your obvious falseflag. Go trim your beef curtains for chad

>people are calling you autistic because you're acting like a retard.

says you, shill

>people aren't going to throw around faggot or nigger because they aren't relevant

oh, THATS where you draw the line, huh? how considerate of you.

>get exposed
>y-yeah well you're just autistic!

Works like a charm.


you might want to see a doctor soon, then

Do you even know what the word "shill" means, you fucking mongoloid?

there are multiple people calling you autistic but you seem to think it's one person

and no, you aren't doing anything homosexual and you aren't trying to steal things, so why would anyone bother calling you faggot or nigger

>genuinely being so autistic you think the world isn't just out to get you, but out to market to you
maybe take that chip off your shoulder, champ

faggot nigger

>there are multiple people calling you autistic but you seem to think it's one person

Nope, I know this place is lousy with you sad fucks.

>maybe take that chip off your shoulder, champ

I earned my chip, bitch. What else you got?

>Getting this mad from weeaboos on the internet

Nigger do you seriously think ns2 is being shilled when they're working on subnautica? The fuck is wrong with you you memeing retard.

>I earned my chip
How so? This should be interesting.

>Nigger do you seriously think ns2 is being shilled when they're working on subnautica? The fuck is wrong with you you memeing retard.

We were done talking about NS2 ages ago, now you're just pretending not to be the filthy whore you quite likely are.

Are you guys talking about video games here? Fucking shills, kys yourself!

>autistic autistic autistic
maybe take that chip off your shoulder, champ

Op, please do rhe world a favor and end yourself, you autistic fuck.

>mfw i leave the gate open at the cunt farm

Are you guys not shilling shitty games here? Fucking autists, kys yourself!

>don't call a spade a spade, call it a nigger

Nah he's right you know, back in school I fell out with someone who kept advertising sleepovers and timesplitters 2 to me, fucking corporate fuck.


OP is a paranoid schizophrenic

Remember when you were on the school play frounds as a kid and your friend comes up and asks if you want to play a new game they got with them, and you did and gad fun?

Corporations hiring shills in fuckin' elementary schools, how despicable.

He wanted to suck your dick

Indonesian Temple forum isn't really to blame here. Heck, even most of the oldfags here are totally functional people outside of Sup Forums. OP just happened to have a down syndrome.

>if I call him an autist I win the argument

>meet someone
>they enjoy game
>they ask you to play game with them

Waaahhh fucking shills.

Kill yourself you autistic nigger faggot.

Fucking gay enabling cunt, glad I told him to fuck off.

Corporations do shill in elementary schools though.

as opposed to calling you a nigger? And what argument are we even having? "You're a shill!" isn't an argument

"You're an autist!" isn't an argument

Think of the children, and their failure rates at having fun!

it's a better argument than "SHILL"

>meet someone
>they "enjoy" game
>they ask you to buy game with stilted language

Waaahhh fucking autists.

Kill yourself you shill nigger faggot.

>Just how conceited do you have to be to think that you're important enough to be individually advertised to? The world doesn't revolve around you, imbecile.

>please do rhe world a favor and end yourself, you autistic fuck.

What makes you think I like you that much to do you favours?

"AUTIST" is not an argument at all.

>it's a better argument than "SHILL"

shills gonna shill, they ain't even listening so why bother arguingg?

it's more of an argument than shill, autist

Im sure you've already read the post calling you a paranoid schizophrenic so I'm not going to post that again.

I bet you didn't even check his hours or check to see if he was starting a team or trying to get members for his team.

I guarantee you that you are one of those faggots that lusts for 'Chads'' life, whatever that fucking is. And yet when someone offers you an opportunity to chill and meet people in a relaxed environment you turn it down.

Yeah man I bet all women just hate nice guys like yourself. Fucking Chads and Normies are to blame in this situation, not yourself. Why do that ever?

Did you legitimately forget your meds before starting this thread?

alright, im in on the gag. hooooooow???!!?!?!?

>score with intel core
Like mondo kewl my fellow consum....I mean party people

who the fuck is chad?

Except it's not an argument at all, shill.

dude I'm not even the same user you're mad at. now you are just making a fool of yourself

no one FUCKING cares what you think, DAVID

When people simplistically convey their enjoyment of a game, it can almost always be made out to be "shilling" because it will seem like a low-level attempt to sway your opinion. The same goes for badmouthing games without any critical grit.

you mother fuckers have to run out of steam eventually. I gotta say, its been entertaining.

Speaking of which, I unironically get called normie in games and chats. How do you let Sup Forums take over your train of thought like this?

Bad mouthing games isn't shilling though.
It isn't about just "simplistically" conveying enjoyment of a game, it's doing so in a way that sounds unnatural and artificial.

Entertaining for autists maybe.

Just buy the game you autistic fuck.

>Just buy the game you autistic fuck.

Now there's an offer I can't refuse, you soulless shite.

I have more soul than you, autist.


>I have more soul than you, autist.

Did you buy it off Silk Road perchance?

Still more than battle born

NS2 is garbage, if all we had was Quake, Unreal and WoW like back then PC would be much better.

>reddit spacing

>why does this feel like an advertisement
because you think anyone recommending a game to you is "advertisement"
you should try playing eat a bullet 3: bullet time, it's a fun game

This is the highest level autism i've seen on Sup Forums in months

>add someone because you enjoyed playing a game with them
>they ask if you'd like to play a game with them
>hehe no thanks shill

Natural Selection 2 IS a good game.

Link that guy and I'll play a game with him.

>never get game invites