Was Gamestop a mistake?

Was Gamestop a mistake?


before i watch it i'm going to predict it's going to be complaints that are universal for every retail job
t. worked retail

This thread isn't video game related


Yes, all retail jobs suck. Gives you a healthy disgust for humanity.

>just started working retail

Already wanna kill myself 2bh but its the only job I have.

Try telemarketing, I worked as a seasonal retail clerk and I enjoyed that more over that shit.

>not getting a comfy factory job

No but youtube was

This thread was a mistake.

>Not being a security guard while going to college
I'm comfy user, at work at the moment infact. Eight hours of Sup Forums ery Day

working retail always sucks
especially when your boss is a creepy prick nobody likes like mine was

>tfw comfy janitor job

Retail made me the man that I am today.

A bitter, vile human working in an office ignoring every charity email I get.

Stick with it dude, it'll ruin your taste for humanity and make you feel like a pussy but at least you have a job which is better than 95% of fags here

tfw finally got fired from job yesterday

>work retail
>Decent atmosphere, get paid to do basic shit, socialize and stock product sometimes

>work food service
>Need to be in 5 places at once or it isn't good enough, clean everything, and run around like a chicken without its head for 9 hours

Can't wait for college to start back up so I can get my cozy lab job back

>walk into work
>put earbuds in
>sit down at cubicle and do 8 hours of work with a half hour paid lunch
>go home and say nothing to anyone
>do this for 5 years now and I consistently top performance reports
My department is great, I love it.

>work retail
>steal constantly
>turn blind eye to shoplifters
>half-ass everything
>get good performance reviews
>employee of the month multiple times
>store manager calls me his best employee
IDK how I did it, but retail was ezpz for the 6 years I worked it. Probably stole $500 a month between shorting my till and pocketing games and such.

I'm trying to. I'm trying to think of the good shit I can get. New PC. A car. Maybe a new fridge in time.

I just hate dealing with customers.

>cozy lab job
>have to get up at 3am each day to mark growth curves for acmnpv
>crunch week doing plaque assay on 40+ samples in a single setting
>being stuck in an underground pitch black basement with a transmission electron microscope trying to find that one infected sample for the model
>for hours

what kind of lab do you work in that's comfy

College computer lab, it's where students go to get work done if they can't afford computers or their class is sent down there. I basically got paid to sit on my ass and play video games on my laptop for hours at a time at a 12% tax reduction as opposed to the 16% a regular job would give. I occasionally have to help someone with computer trouble or a project but it's very rare that it happens

i fucking hate telemarketing

damn, that's a nice deal. I thought you meant as a undergrad researcher

>bought into a "comfy warehouse job" post
>start working in a major warehouse
>hate it
>get offered a promotion to supervisor
>take it for the money and benefits
>hate it even more
>work there for another year, foreman position opens up
>regional manager asks me to apply for it
>probably will

If you accidentally drop a slide or something and it breaks would you get the plague?

Yup, I got an interview for a telemarketing job and had training the same day. I walked out after my first call, fucking horrid job.

yes retail sucks, who would have thought
at least gamestop is one of the few last small stores
fucking crybabies

Can't believe I watched 3 minutes of that video. What a whiner. Hopefully her next employer does some basic internet research and realizes that hiring her will be a mistake.

I get it. Retail sucks. Most of us have been there at one point or another. But badmouthing your former employer, regardless of how true, is not professional.

>tfw software engineer
>get paid top dosh to spend 70% of the day on youtube and reddit and occasionally write some garbage code and get people way smarter than me to help me on anything that isn't braindead easy
>constantly get told by manager that I'm doing a great job and recently got a promotion

school sucked but now I'm living the fucking life except still no gf

>too poor for higher education
>already became crippled from labour work
>no skills for office work
I just want to die at this point. Completely worthless and have no upward mobility

I was making $388 every two weeks over the summer, it wasn't bad money for doing what can be boiled down to jack shit

I package cups without having to talk to anyone for $13 an hour.

Yeah I'm sure she puts her darkwizard47 Youtube channel on her work resume you dumbass

that's why you get a job with a salary.

I think there need to be laws where businesses can't track how much profit employees are making individually and that they can't fire people working at low earning stores either. That will help things.

>too poor for higher education
Fill out the FAFSA and get some financial aid, start small at a community college or something cheap that you can use the aid to get into for free. It's how I go to college

>work at food for my only 3 jobs
>have no idea what i want to do and have no diploma or degree of any kind
kinda stuck and have to promote from the inside, at least its easy as shit. I'll always make shit money and work hard but at least i have money sometimes I guess

>doesn't want to keep his employer up-to-date with his poopfeast420 youtube vlog

Congratulations, you're a nigger.

I'm not American and my home is a place for rich people only. I'm fucked by way of being born

I work with baculovirus so it won't activate in human pH. Probably even have some in my blood right now cause I pricked myself a few times when doing injections

The only part I hate about telemarketing is how luck based it is. In Oregon at least if you don't make ___ sales you get fired, that shit is pure luck imo.

You must be very lucky to get away with it.

Not the user you replied to but maybe some advice that will help you:

A job is a job is a job. Don't take your work home. Every single customer who bitches at you and is a disrespectful piece of shit has some serious problems and just wants to let off steam. Don't let it get to you and don't even care what anyone says to you. Just do your job and then afterwards pack up, go home and leave your work where it is. You're providing service as a representant of your store, nothing more, nothing less. If people complain, it isn't about you, it's generally about what the store does wrong in their opinion. Your job is to treat the customers well and provide good service so that the store makes profit. You're supposed to kiss everyones ass, but it's not you, it's just the role you're supposed to play.
It'll be tough to apply at first, but I've worked in retail for many years and I don't even think about what I'm doing anymore. My head is somewhere entirely else when I deal with customers, so it doesn't matter to me what some jackass says. They are the ones who have issues, not me.

I always feel bad for girls like this, then I realized like 90% end up fucking their managers

Iv been seeing this video nonstop on my recommendations. It's annoying.

So... this girl was already scouted and fired by Gamestop right? Because women are stupid and do girly shit like roast their work on YouTube vlogs

I work security in a grocery store and I gotta agree, it's a super mindless job and I can focus solely on my homework. It's pretty laid back until I have to actually stop people, and my area is nothing but tweakers so more times than not I'll have to wrestle some crackhead and pin em down till the cops come. I'm a fit ass manlet though so it's not too bad. All I do is pick up chicks and stand around looking buff.

>used to work retail
>thought it was the worst
>become 911 dispatcher
>get treated like shit from public and media
>get treated like shit from officers, firefighters and EMS
>have to deal with 70+ emergencies a day, too many of which involve death
>Police/Fire/EMS takes one of those trips, gets to have hours to cope with it the same day and gets paid days off to relax
>you have 9seconds before the next call and it's a medical where you have to get a child caller to preform chest compressions on his mother while also getting their address because he doesn't know it

Retail feels so nice and simple again. All my coworkers are stressed out and complaining how awful everything is and I'm just thinking that nobody died today and it's been great.

>I'd never had a job until this year
>my job is the best job I could ever had
>they pay me really good and I haven't even finished college yet
>all the people my age I know are struggling finding a job and will probably end up in McDonalds
Feels really good.

There are so many grants and ways to get into college. Being poor isn't an excuse anymore. You don't need to go to Harvard to elevate your life.

I'm pretty sure you don't need to be a fucking detective to link her Youtube account to her actual social media outlets. Someone like this, starved for attention and validation, leaves a thick cyber breadcrumb trail to follow.

Not that any job she'll be applying for will even go through the hassle of something like that. But that practice will come back to bite her in the ass in the long run, mark my words. I bet she'll even do it in an interview.

Good job not telling us what the job is.

>Work at a thrift store.
>Quotas on how many items from giant metal carts full of garbage to put out.
>Need to work at breakneck pace 8.5 hours monday to friday to meet quota.
>If we're off quota by too much we have to work saturdays too.
>This is non-negotiable.
This isn't a job, this is fucking slavery.

heyyy, I work as an EMT. Some of you guys are all right

same except general grocery products for 12.50. I work 12 hour shifts though so sometimes the grind gets too heavy. Either way it's the easiest job in the world and the benefits are top-notch. I love amazon

I guarantee you she already has a job elsewhere and only put up this video about her experience working for Gamestop because they've rightfully been copping a lot of flack recently for the way they treat their staff.

Not him but I get to run around in fucking circles for my cock of a boss because they don't want to hire enough people to make the place actually run efficiently. Then he gives me shit when I don't finish his conflicting demands in a timely fashion.

Hanging out at the local park with my pants down and ass out for public use for 8 hours a day

yes, homosexuals love prostitution.

A warehouse opened up near me, I've thought about trying to apply there. What's it like?

>not wanting next to no hours
i dont really have to work and i can still tell my mom i have a job

Selling stuff isn't so bad as long as you look up what you'll get online. Sometimes shit will be a good sale but good game get you $1.47.

I sold 3 Lego games for the PS3, two 3ds games, and a last gen copy of MGSV and got 60$.

Thanks user. I ave some anxiety issues so going from neet to employed is a big change. But I wanted to do something and that's more or less how i'm trying to treat it. It's just work. People are assholes. I can walk away at the end of the day and enjoy being home.

Hang in there user, you're doing gods work even if you don't feel like it. Don't let your negative ass co workers bring you down. A lot of people in this world are just miserable as fuck and spread it to as many people as they can in an attempt to vent. I'm going to school to be a cop rn and I'll be sure to be chill to all my dispatchers just because of this post.

I'm a software developer, for some reason there's a lot of jobs in that area here in my country.

What kind of job do you work?

>Cushy job doing wedding photography
>Get paid thousands of dollars to do nothing but tell drunken retards to pose for photos
>Only have to work a few days a week

Legit it can be hard. You'll either be picking orders, packing picked orders or sorting boxes for shipping. Picking is thought-heavy and sorting is muscle-heavy. Packing is the delicious sweet-spot. If you're looking for a labor job though amazon will treat you well.

Working a thrift store sounds nastier than working construction.

Really? You guarantee me? I mean, I knew you were stupid. Now I see you're also delusional. What's the matter? Did I insult your latest Youtube waifu?

I wouldn't be surprised if she had a new job as well - in fucking retail. Maybe McDonalds.

I've never had bad allergies but when I go into work I'm constantly sneezing and coughing if I don't wear a facemask, and you're not allowed to wear one while rolling items to the sales floor. Getting paid minimum wage is pretty fucking terrible for this.

Exactly, that's the spirit. You've done a good step towards being more responsible and self-respecting and that's important. And you don't have to take your job home, because it isn't a career, it's just something you do to pay the bills, so treat it as such. Your hobbies and life outside work matter more.

Take it easy, user.

That's good to know but if I'm having trouble handling Wendy's I doubt that'd go much better

>buddy offers me a job with Pepsi, the company he's driving for
>it's merchendising
>realize it's shit work, but find out Pepsi starts off with 20.50 CAD/hour (about 16.50 USD) with full benefits

It's even kinda nice having a physical job, I've lost weight, toned by back and shoulders a bit, and I haven't slept so good in months. Also because it's summer I'm getting overtime hours like crazy.

>work as a caddy for years like 8+
>im 24 with my coworkers being actual 14 year olds

Yeah if you have trouble acclimating to a work environment you'll want to work on that first. That or maybe the shock of something totally different will trigger a change in you. Who knows. If you do decide to work at amazon, they typically hire at-will so you can quit whenever you want.

How many ball jokes do you know?

what the fucks a caddy

they carry golf clubs for rich people

Thats....an actual job?

>kinda stuck and have to promote from the inside
yes, it surprises me that people still learn this after they already get in the workforce. the only other option from learning a specialized skillset is to take a chance with an unsecured loan and gamble on business venture.

>Work a high volume department in a large retail chain
>Already short staffed as fuck
>People above our store level force one of our employees (skilled no less) to go to another store
>That store has more hours than we do, but generates less sales and has a lower approved rating in customer satisfaction
>Still barely make enough to spend 50% of my income on housing and utilities/internet
>The most I will make is a bit over 2800 a month
>At the rate of the housing market increasing, I will still just be renting

Kill me now.

So is making sandwiches in a backroom, but everyone needs something done.

i think that practically never happens, actually

>first job was a tech in a physical therapy clinic
>literally sit at a desk and help every two hours

I feel bad for retail people

how old are you?

No it's a fake job, country clubs only hire fake people and only pay them in fake money because all they're doing is providing a fake service. None of it is real.

I got offered a job at nestle by a friend, but I didn't have my own vehicle so I turned it down, and it sounded intense. I'm kind've lazy and get cagey too easily if the job im doing is insanely restrictive. Hows the day to day? Are you liking it at all or is it purely the money?

>Graduated high school in 2012
>Probably worked for 6 months during then and now
>Employment rates suck in my country
>Barely any work here
>Don't want to study and go to university because I'm afraid I'll get a useless degree
>Want to do something like Computer Science, but suck at math
>Can't chase most of my dreams because there are no opportunities to succeed in these fields in my country

It is and I make $120 cash for walking 4 hours with an old guy and trying to make sure he doesn't suck ass at golf

Although most of my coworkers who are adults are drug addicts or have gambling addictions

computer science doesn't need math just go for it

You can't be 18.

>Walk into work
>Security guard is doodling a very intricate Goofy
I want that job.

Who here /uberdriver/

before golf carts you would have to carry your golf bag everywhere on the course

Caddy is someone who works there and carries your clubs and gives you the clubs that you want. A real good caddy would also know things about the course, best ways to approach, what club you should probably use. At the end you would tip the caddy.

I have no idea where he would be that they would still hire caddies instead of just letting people take carts. You don't have to pay anyone(even if they make less than minimum because they're tipped) and typically people pay to use the cart.

No but I know alot of racist jokes

>Im not racist Jimmy I own four color TVs at home

I heard it does? I barely passed math in high school because I never studied. Don't I need to know linear algebra and other things?

A-Are those guys okay?