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>yfw it's ANOTHER Big Boss game

Another remaster anyone?

mgs die with kojima

Have they announced a remake or is OP just a faggot?

MGS collection for PS4 I hope

Fuck off Caramel

Who else would it be about, Solid and Liquid are dead and we already know most of their story.

MGS4 ruined Solid's story.

remaster of a HD port, so th-this is the power of Sonyg.gers...

They haven't announced anything, and they probably never will. Konami are determined to make sure MGS fans are punished for liking Kojima.

Much as I want another MGS game because I'm a disgusting fanboy, I don't think we will ever see another game except that shitty zombie one.


MGS4 ruined everything


>tfw still no revengence styled game based around Grey Fox

The Boss. MGS0. Then the series can end. Stop fucking interjecting Big Boss games into the plot for no reason, the "missing link" was an advertising tag line since MGS3. Just stop. MGS3 was all we needed. You know why PW and MGSV are shit? Because they're full of one-off characters who don't matter, aren't memorable, or returning characters who act like entirely different people.


I want to know who Sunny's father is goddamnit

wasn't it that one hairy armpit boss in MGS2

I'm gay, I read "mother"

Can anything fill the void?
Is Nier even remotely close?

Sam full length game when

Nothing will ever heal this phantom pain

You just posted him, you know

Ocelot. I mean, why else would the Patriots give a shit about some pleb Russian soldier's kid unless the father was someone really important?

that's not the same


>Caramel didn't kill himself

Yes it is.

all games in their best forms (MGS3: Subsistence for example) remastered for current platforms on 1 disc.

Why do we need a MGS4 remake? It still looks really good to this day.

I just finished MGSV two days ago and it was seriously not that bad.
The ending came absolutely out of nowhere and the game is obviously unfinished, but it was still loads of fun (I'm still playing it) and the revelation at the end was nice. Not sure how I avoided it for two years, but I'm glad I did.
Also, who is the one who really controls everything through the course of history: Zero/Patriots AI, or Revolver Ocelot?

It is though. Nintendo fanboys are so blind to their shit its unbelievable.

>It still looks really good
Character models are great, but everything else looks kinda shit. The game was upscaled 720p, not even native. It could use some work
I don't think anyone expects a remake, but a touched up remaster would be great

I wonder how people would react if they actually came up with a long term plan to remake the first 3 MGS games while bringing hayter back

Or at least one of them. Probably 3

Patriots, everything Ocelot does is either for them or helps their plans anyway

a port is not the same as a remaster

Ocelot started out as a tool for the Philosophers and ended up being the one person who had a grasp on everything that was going down. I think everyone really underestimates how much of what happened was engineered by him.

MGS4 was the first game I played on an HD television, and I remember fondly just sitting there, panning the camera around, looking at the impressive character models.

Mario Kart is a remaster

that's like saying the bayo pc port was a remaster
doesn't make sense

I agree with this. Even as early as MGS1, Ocelot was setup to be the cunning double-triple-quadruple-infinity-agent who seemed to be guiding everything behind the scenes, going so far as to hypnotize himself on multiple occasions just to effectively reach his ends.

How is it not a remaster

Ocelot in MGS4 is completely against the Patriots tho, thats why he pretended to be possessed by Liquid to throw them off.

it's a port

A port with added content and improved performance
a remaster

It's literally the same game with all DLC and battle modes. Higher resolution, I think?
Remasters typically include updated graphics a la N-Sane trilogy.
I'm agreeing with you

Literally "its only okay when Nintendo does it"

Because he has no choice but he defies them at every chance he gets and wanted them gone.
Ocelot is the one true hero of Metal Gear.
But Tbh it was really fucking odd how he was not even against Solid but tried to seriously fucking kill him so often. He had no guarantee that he would survive all that shit. That's a bit much just to play pretend.

crash wasn't a remaster
it was a 1-to-1 remake

>Terrorists kidnap Solid Snake, who is currently in stasis until his super-aging can be reversed
>Raiden is tasked with recovering him
>1 game later...
>final mission
>Raiden is at the location where they're holding him
>It's to late, they've made him into the ultimate cyborg supersoldier!
>Final Boss
>Metal Gear: Solid

>Solid still has his mind but can't control his actions
>"Raiden think about everything I taught you. I can't control myself so you'll have to kill me.
>"But, Snake, I-"
>"Just do it."

>helps their plans
Did you play the games? Ocelot set them up to fail. Once Ocelot had all his ducks lined up post-MG2 he was basically unstoppable.

>yfw it's a game about solid snake and otacon destroying metal gear reproductions around the world

Isn't it amazing how nobody ever realized that the weapon that was made to surpass Metal Gear was Metal Gear Solid?

>"No!, I can't do it!"

so did the russians never suspect ocelot of being a spy? you'd think the whole american yankee yee haw cowboy get-up would be a major tell but i guess not

They thought it was so obvious that it can't be true. Bamboozled.

>Fox Engine remaster of 1, 2, 3, and Peace Walker

same assets
same engine
higher rendering resolution

in what world is that a "remaster?" if you buy a new GPU to play games at 1440p, are your old games all "remastered" now? Top fucking kek you tech illiterate console children

Man you metal gear fans are crazy, I've never even played a whole game in the series, but every time I make that campy-ass suggestion nobody shuts it down and some people actually think it's a good idea.

So its somehow okay when ports are done but not remasters?

ports and remasters are always OK. What's your problem?

You are not the first one to think of it.
And it wouldn't be any more stupid than most of 4. Although I have to protect kojima here because none of the shit from 2 was supposed to get logical and definite explanations. He was pushed to make MGS so much that he simply had to do it.

It's because it's a campy-ass series and your suggestion sounds more entertaining and eventful than the whole of MGSV which felt like it was deliberately engineered to be as much of a nothingburger as humanly possible

Then why make this comment

we mostly just wanna have fun. kojima is a surprisingly clever with his plotlines, and what he means by the games, but they are not the main draw. mostly people just like the surface level silly spy fiction (which is why everyone hates v, despite it being the best written game in the series. it suffers from being so spaced out, but he gets a lot of subtext in that way). it's why revengeance was so well recieved, despite not being kojima. people just like wacky shit, and as a proposition from some user it is perfectly fine to laugh and be jolly about, knowing it would never happen. if it was something that actually happened a lot of people would shit on it for being the worst writing ever, and how awful it is, but such is the way of user.

so this... is the power... of being a newfag...

I came up with that Idea a while ago when my friend was waiting for TPP to come out, and I've mentioned it quite a few times.
I am a fan of the series and story, but I've never played the games, other than GZ and the first mission of Snake Eater.

so this is the power of MS paint...

>we already know most of their story
We already knew most of BB's story until they made new games that just created more questions.

He was raised by Russians, in Russia, and is the son of a famous Russian super soldier and another who also defected to Russia, they probably think he is a Soviet god.

>believing I'd rather photoshop to pretend I'm not a shitposting retard than even entertain the idea that somebody who isn't a retard could have corrected you when you were wrong

Yeah this place is fucked, everyone is samefagging and any proof to the contrary is a shoop

>negative opinion of Sup Forums

>On Steam
>With controller support

>29 IPs in thread
wew lad

Reminder Sergio's surgery is this December.

>Hate James Cameron
>Neutral to Chris Hardwick
>Don't care about the color of peoples skin
>Neutral opinion on Sup Forums
>Tarantino is ok
>Girls can be cute but this should have nothing to do with whether a show is good or not
>Baneposting is FUN
>Jennifer Lawrence is a painfully average looking and acting person, don't like her
>Christopher Nolan is a Joke
>Her is pretty good
>Sup Forums is decent

Well, am I Reddit or not?

canavero thread?

>an MGS game without Kojima's retarded shit
I wish

MGS1-3 remastered on FOX Engine would be cool too though

We must let Solid Snake and the rest of Snakes rest. The times are changing and they will be remembered.

We can't let MGS be another Star Wars with shitty entries on the saga.

>imply Metal Gear series belong Sony after Kojima stabbed us in the back by porting MGSV to the PC before fucking off from Konami



>ywn have MGS1-3 with snakes switched around and told from their point of view
>ywn play as liquid going nuclear in russia
>ywn play as big boss with solid snake as the villian who stalks you and its just PTSD until one point it becomes the real solid snake
>will never play as venom alongside raiden for even more plot twists

>We can't let MGS be another Star Wars with shitty entries on the saga.
You're too late on that buddy. MGS4, Peace Walker and MGSV already happened.

I thought V made it obvious, the weapon to surpass Metal Gear was BB/Les enfants teribles

Well, it could be worse. See survive for example.

I didn't play Peace Walker, but ppl don't seem to dislike that one. MGS4 was really a shit festival, but it could be worse.

how is Survive worse?
at least it's not pretending to be canon or telling a story, it's just a game for retards who still like the coop zombie fad

What's more dangerous? A small group of super soldiers, or a parasite that can wipe out an entire population based on their language?

>peace walker and MGSV were bad
stop this meme. peace walker was fine for the system is was built for, it just became piss easy when given an analog stick.
>inb4 repetitive timesink missions
yeah, i played it at lunch in high school so it wasn't that noticeable. if you try and grind through it all at once, it's noticeable. again, fine for the system it was built for. mgsv was the same, not meant to be played all in one sitting, but we like to sit and play games for long hours here, so it again became very noticeable.

>thinking survive is a real game

t. brainlet

Well, the small group of soldiers was what suppressed the parasite in the end. I guess that's up for debate. Was it ever made clear what the "missing piece in Africa" was? My guess is either BB/clones or metallic archaea.

>game was at E3
>people demoed it
>"it isn't real!"

Man, we'll never have a MGS co-op where to agents must infiltrate a base and work their way to save someone.

two agents*

it's a shitty thrown together demo to distract people. they've had that same demo for a year. RUSE CRUISE IS REAL

>Fox Engine remaster of Metal Gear, Snakes Revenge and Metal Gear 2: Soild Snake

>implying the ruse isn't real

>metal gear philantrophy
i can dig it

>MGSV didnt have coop
this literally ould have saved it, FOB sucks and is full of hackers and bullshit, PW did it so would wouldnt V?