No seriously this is what I feel like when facing Viscount. He wrecks my party build to ground.
Any tips?

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DPS race, apparently the different corpses give different buffs when he eats them so make sure to leave the one with lowest hp alive since it buffs the least.

I'm playing on my vita and Im restarting when I lose a bossfight. It brings me back just before the fight. Am I a bad person?

p-permanent buffs?

Why would you restard user? Don't you wanna grind a 3-10 hours to earn new level 6 mentally capable character?

no but he eats em every round so fresh buffs every time, when he eats them he gets buffed im sure you have seen it if you faced him

I hate this meme, its not a grind if you are enjoying the gameplay. If you ever feel like you are grinding then you should take a break or stop playing. Usually when you are "grinding" youre doing it so you can move onto some other more enjoyable part that comes after, but in DD its just the same shit throughout. The game play never changes, if you are not enjoying it now you wont enjoy it after the next hurdle.

The problem is I don't have 4 level 6 Doggos and I practically never use Jester and Leper so DPS racing is kinda hard.

But when I focus all on corpses/living bloodbags by the time i finish killing them. Viscount already stressed my character and critted them to low health. And even then when fight gets even he has 4 fucking actions against my already broken men.

Lost 4 men, 4 times had to retreat.

Makes me think.

just kill one corpse so then he has a 50% chance to eat from the shitty corpse. then dps him down.

or just str8 dps him down and pray for that 33%, he only has like 150 hp as long as you do more then 50 dmg a round with 4 dudes you are on your way to winning in 8 turns.

>The problem is I don't have 4 level 6 Doggos

what is this and why does everyone worship this plan to no tomorrow?

>on week 155 my favorite Grave Robber dies to a bs crit from a fucking crab
>delete entire hamlet and start over in easy mode

Fuck this game

Hope you have seen the boss before seing this video as it's CC spoiler. But at least now you wont question Doggo holy quintinity.

It does look like he chumped the boss but man that 50 HP heal + 4 turns seems annoying

You tell me. I am so frustrated after failling 4 fucking times, have only 2 invitacions left.

This was the first time I actually hit the table out of rage in DD.

kinda wonder what the viscount's meals taste like desu

dogman - dogman - hwm - maa
Dumpstered him within 3 turns for me. Dogs + 2 ripostes do tons of damage and melt him before he gets a chance to do anything

Thanks will absolutly try.

The whole point is for the game to be a tedious grind. Otherwise there's no point to the sanity system at all.