>Starring: The SKULLS Unit

Well they kinda are.

>Japs are STILL butthurt about the nukes
They should be grateful we didn't let the Chinese or Russians discover Unit 731. It would be Russian rape of East Germany x1000

>t. Worst Korea

Nukes are the reason two world powers who had every reason to go to war with each other throughout the 40s to the 90s, didn't. Do you know how devastating a traditionally fought WW3 would have been? Nukes are the best peace-keeping device ever invented.

It wasn't just about the nukes, it was also about governments and their control over the populace.

>Yes whaito piggu letting governments place restrictions on things is bad! Definitely don't put restrictions on trade so we can dump our shitty electronics into your country and destroy your electronics manufacturing free of charge!

That's not the issue of Metal Gear governments and you know it.

It's just as retarded though. Frankly I just can't take Japanese commenting on world politics or ideologies seriously, since they're so isolated from everyone else and all of their political messaging to everyone else is the same old shit while at home they do the opposite.


They're not even an ally, they're just like Guam and Virgin Islands, strategic positioning. They've frankly done more harm than good to the American economy.

what if
nukes are good

From the Japanese point of view, US is an ally and they basically have no other allies. Everyone in the region of Japan hates its guts. Even if US isn't super gung-hoon Japan, it's still literally the best they have.

The nuke was better than untold millions of deaths that would have happend if it was an invasion of japan instead.

The Philippines sucks Jap dick which is funny cause they're second only to China in the receiving end of Japanese war crimes.

>Implying Gook deaths are bad
Imagine how great Japan could have been as a state.

Japan post WWII is not the Japan from pre WWII

I know China is Chinks and Japan is Gooks, but what is the rest of Asia?

Koreans are Gooks, Japanese are Japs.

Many of the older generation in japan is still very much like pre WWII japan. Huge generation differences in japan.

Basically spics.

China are chinks, Japans are nips, Koreans are gooks, the rest of Asia is ether Pajeet or irreverent.

Japs are nips
Gooks are Vietnamese or Korean

I've heard philippines has great selection of hookers.

Better for the story to be about nukes than the Mary sue piece of shit the boss

i just call all of them gooks

>completely missing the point of the whole series

Nukes render soldiers useless, and that's not what The Boss wanted.

It's both

Nuclear weapons have done more for global stability than anything else.

Also there will be a nuclear war eventually, it won't be the foretold apocalypse.

chinese are chinks, japanese are japs and nips, vietnamese and koreans are gooks

That was a happy accident at best. In many other circumstances it wouldn't have done nearly as well, cite the middle east. There being groups that could actually consider using them is more than enough reason to hate them.

Trump will stop the manlet leader of north korea

So the boss is the real villain

>Dude it's cool millions upon millions of people almost died because of the most dangerous weapons ever invented and it's totally awesome that radical elements can acquire the means to murder that many people because fear keeps us in check
>Yeah, fear, that's how the world should be governed, instead of trying to work towards peace we should invest in bigger and better murder machines and spend all our money on xenophobic paranoia instead of making life better for everyone
People actually believe this

The Phillipines sucks the dick of anyone with money

Considering Japan is way better off right now than the Hispano-Nigger States of America, that would be awful

is this the joost thread?

Yes, nukes are bad. The road to peace should be paved with cooperation and prosperity, not intimidation and total devastation.

>Starring: The SKULLS Unit
>Starring: The Man On Fire
>Starring: Skullface

Thanks for the spoiler, Kojimbo.

instant alt+f4

>WWI had 15M-21M deaths

Oh boy we better work towards peace. Let's make a league of nations and work together to prevent wars

>WWII had 65M-85M deaths

Oh boy we better work towards peace. Let's make a union of nations and work together to prevent wars

The fact of the matter is that Japan is part of the reason the US is as fucked as it is now.

It is?

But nukes paved the way to make cooperation and prosperity possible
People have a lot less hate towards other countries when they haven't meat grinded each others solders


Partially yes. During the 80s and nineties the Japanese lobbied for basically complete destruction on tariffs and shortly after dumped shittons of electronics at prices nobody could possibly compete with as a result. RCA, Panasonic, and a bunch of other huge electronics manufacturers in the US and Europe went under as a result.

It can however prevent intervention in cases where a nation is killing itself, e.g. NK. There are cases where war would be the utilitarian solution sans nukes.

Friendly reminder that "B-but a land invasion would have been too costly" is a shitty defense because Japan is a net food importer that could have easily been starved out by blockade

what did you think of the hamburglar?

>Lindsay Buckingham reaction image
This is new

>nukes paved the way to make cooperation and prosperity possible
Nope, it's about economic integration and establishing a broader sense of identity and fraternity. The EU is a poster child for this mindset, and I can point to a lot of instances were nukes have only hampered relations, particularly in India and Pakistan.

that would have caused a lot more pain for the nation.

Kinda hard to do that when they've destroyed half your navy.

what's new or surprising about it?
i was watching an interview from 2013 I think where he was sitting beside Stevie Nicks and as she was talking he just had that face on and I thought it was pretty funny. Guy didn't seem amused at all.

>There are people that actually believe nuclear disarmament will ever happen
The nuclear powers have no reason to disarm, the non-nuclear powers getting butthurt that the nuclear powers have nukes isn't going to make them give their nukes up. No paper that countries sign saying "yeah we will give up our nukes" will ever actually disarm anyone because all the nuclear powers will think that the other nuclear powers are going to hide their nukes (not that they are going to sigh anything like that anyway, what are the non-nuclear countries going to do, cry about it?)

Literally the only time nukes may disappear from this planet is when humanity has developed a new weapon that is destructive that it makes a nuke looks like a firecracker in comparison.

India and Pakistan have only had nukes for decades. They've been killing each other longer than that.

But that's way, way more inhuman than a couple nukes

msg so top notch and yet so fucking fail.
game play is shit , story went to shit and now its hur durr dialog is dragging my heart out .
msg 1 is the only msg worth playing.

>dude just starve these people to death and let the soviets claim half of their country

I hope those who actually think the nukes were a good thing and "necessary" actually get their city nuked so that they can finally be happy with the thing they love so much.
I also hope they don't die, oh no, that's be immoral on my part.
Just staying alive with a few body parts melted from radiation would be OK, also they should be able to see how their relatives also get fucked by radiation for maximum enjoyment of nuclear radioactivity, since they like it so much.


that's just economics, if a nation can make something for cheaper, them shipping it around frees up the importer's resources to be able to produce what's cheaper relatively for them to produce. Protectionism produces worse results in the long run.

So are you insinuating that nukes will lead to better relations in the future? It seems more like a really awkward standoff which could precipitate the deaths of millions.

Get back in the camp ichiro


>le edgy opinion post
You don't get upvotes here

That would explain why every cyberpunk novel in the 80s made japan evil if it wasn't big brother.

I think it is.

>Snake's lifespan is half that of a normal human
>his life is half
>half life

tfw dont care about her feet but want to have her sweaty ass for dinner

>Protectionism produces worse results
I would take that seriously if it weren't for the fact that Japan says the same thing for everyone else but then has shittons of protectionist policies. They're basically the Israel of Asia.

>we should invest in bigger and better murder machines and spend all our money on xenophobic paranoia instead of making life better for everyone

I see you've met American conservatives.

and they're suffering terribly for it. birthrates are low, culture is completey inbred, food is expensive. They'll figure it out.

the birthrates don't have much to do with protectionism, but rather with the emancipation of women, the job market and the greatest social depression that's hit the country since ww2.

The EU is a disaster though

Go eat some more burger. And don't forget to support Israel.

Well... justifying the nukes is already kind of edgy in itself. So that user is right, he's hoping for more edginess to come into these people's lives, since they seem to enjoy it.

Birth rates have to do with work culture and living on a tiny ass island. Living expenses are high but homelessness is borderline non-existant. I'd rather people be having to pay 5 bucks for a hamburger than everyone being in a dead end job because all of the manufacturing jobs have been shipped to some third world shit hole because MUH TARIFFS ARE BAD.

The birthrate is evening out. Japan is a small island, it can't have a continually growing population sustainably.
>culture is completely inbred
yes why can't they be more (((multicultural)))
>food is expensive
Because they don't spend billions subsudizing it like the US, or let foreign sources with shitty business practices undercut national industry?

>nips making something with anti-nuke themes

Nah, really?

I'm not even american m8

fuck you


Considering the percentage of human population that has been dying as a result of wars has decreased significantly since the invention of nuclear weapons, yeah I'd say there is pretty good evidence that nukes lead to relative peace. But who cares about that, some naive retard's greentext is proof otherwise

I'm not japanese either, why are we discussing?
Oh yeah, because some edgelords think the nukes were necessary, the goons. I bet they also think fighting for Israel in middle-east is necessary.

food is expensive because they don't have land, and have high tarriffs on imports. it's clearly the dark side of protectionism.

Yes, and having a scarcity of land for food production sure would be a huge problem for the US. Sure am glad we shipped all of our production overseas.

Sounds like he stopped thinkin' about tomorrow.

>Sup Forums arguing politics

nukes were necessary. we should have used more on those fucking subhumans

>it's so good to live on a paranoid society! fear rules!

And then he calls others naive.

This is more peaceful than it could have been

They don't have land because foreign investment post-ww2 made them grow beyond their domestic means. Same issue as their birth rate problem. Becoming reliant on international trade to survive is a horrible idea.

Go eat a burger, you weren't even a thing in your dad's testicles when that happened.

Not an argument.


Are you saying the invasion was the preferrable alternative?

we produce assloads of food, because it's damn cheap, and import the food we can't produce. That's literally my point.
that doesn't follow in the slightest.
>growth is bad because it hurts a problem they already have
They would import either way.
Nations don't die, user. the imports will always be there. peace is the future.

yes good goy just surrender to our multicultural global market