Um... his nerf is coming soon r-right??
Injustice 2 thread
they need to add Trudeau so I can finally have a challenge
Haven't played a fighting game since maybe Tekken 5/6, is this game worth a play for someone looking to get back into fighting games?
Need something to play to fill the gaps whilst I'm bored with other games.
Just nerf his chip. Otherwise he's just a good character
they better
Yes, it's very fun, story is great, collecting gear is addicting and gives you a reason to keep playing it. Community is fine for the most part. If you do get it, join my guild on PS4-Marvel is better
>spawn won the vote because of his costume
Wew, NRS
>still playing baby's firts fighting game
play the real deal
Is sub-zero considered OP at all? He seems to have a bullshit effective tools to play super aggressive and able to rushdown fairly easy. Pretty fun game other than that though, except for the matchmaking which will frequently stick me with new players
Is spawn confirmed cause the silhouette looks like azreal more than spawn?