Injustice 2 thread

Um... his nerf is coming soon r-right??

they need to add Trudeau so I can finally have a challenge

Haven't played a fighting game since maybe Tekken 5/6, is this game worth a play for someone looking to get back into fighting games?

Need something to play to fill the gaps whilst I'm bored with other games.

Just nerf his chip. Otherwise he's just a good character

they better

Yes, it's very fun, story is great, collecting gear is addicting and gives you a reason to keep playing it. Community is fine for the most part. If you do get it, join my guild on PS4-Marvel is better

>spawn won the vote because of his costume
Wew, NRS

>still playing baby's firts fighting game

play the real deal

Is sub-zero considered OP at all? He seems to have a bullshit effective tools to play super aggressive and able to rushdown fairly easy. Pretty fun game other than that though, except for the matchmaking which will frequently stick me with new players

Is spawn confirmed cause the silhouette looks like azreal more than spawn?

Manta confirmed

Not really, just don't play super aggressive and zone him out. Patience is key.


Still cannot understand what the fuck they were thinking with his chip damage.


The character in general is braindead and boring as fuck. Did you watch EVO? The end was nothing but fucking HRRGNGNTNGNGNGNGNGAAAAHHHH and slippery skin.

Zone him out?? Are you serious? He doesn't have to try with that either with all of his bullshit tracking and reach. If you try to "zone" you just end up feeding him meter and taking excessive amounts of chip.

>If you try to "zone" you just end up feeding him meter and taking excessive amounts of chip.

I fully believe Cyborg can outzone the dogshit out of Aquaman thanks to his downward fireball

He has one tool that is effective in a very limited number of ways. All AM has to do is approach and it is over for Cyborg.

>He has one tool that is effective in a very limited number of ways
Cyborg's only weaknesses are his shit tier mixups and a lack of a good wakeup, which he makes up for with having S+ tier zoning and shitting out damage off of bounce attacks

I'm not saying Aquaman doesn't need to be fixed, but he's not winning a zoning battle against Cyborg and Cyborg has plenty of tools to push him back to full screen (and get away with his stupid fast dashes) and zoning is everything in Injustice

And absolutely nobody was suprised

>Zoning is everything in injustice
That is exactly what a lot of people have wrong. It isn't everything. Meter management is everything. Why? Armor and safety. AM's slippery skin basically gives him shitloads of free meter. When you don't have to make a read and you can just throw something out and SS out of any punish, that is bullshit. He doesn't need to burn meter to be safe. Then all his meter turns into fucking damage. Chip and otherwise. Land a TR? MB that shit for ridiculous chip and meter gain. Land a fullscreen FTD? Burn that shit and get a full combo. Opponent clash and you need meter to win? Don't worry you have shitloads to spare. I am not saying that this character is broken, but he is ridiculously designed in the context of this game.

That's how he was in the first game too.

Honestly NRS just needs to not include chip damage or make it very marginal compared to how they usually do it.

Wrong. Aquaman is extremely OP because he is the best character in the game in almost every category

He has extremely good zoning/counterzoning

He has the best anti air in the game

Some of the best damage in the game

Extreme chip damage, very good and safe normal strings/mixups

Expect Aquaman to be toned down in the patch that is coming with Starfire

He should have been in MKX.