Is he alright?

Is he alright?

No, only based.

No, he's just right.

He sits in his billion dollar house with anything you could possibly do in the world, but he chooses to shitpost. Truly, he is our guy.

hes a billionare

he can drunk tweet whatever he wants

Coming from Sup Forums, he understands that money cannot buy the absolute high of (You)s.

Literally living the American dream.

He created something, sold it for billions, fulfilled all his desires, and now he just shitposts on twitter

I really love how all the people who are so rich and famous they literally have no reason to keep silent anymore are now doing this kind of shit

its great

He is.

whats gonna happen? hes gonna get fried from his job for shitposting on the internet?

the man can do whatever the fuck he wants. hes set for life.

base billionaire

More importantly he has no friends or loved ones to be isolated from. He's a miserable cunt which makes him completely invulnerable.

Name 2 more


Just don't be a Stupid Jasshole W

Notch is pretty overrated though. He's the type of guy who wouldn't say shit to anyone if he wasn't rich. But he is rich, so people like him.

Ah yes, true power.

Debbie Doui and Simitel.

>Sup Forumstards will unironically buy minecraft because notch is so omg le redbased xD


That's a nice story you made up in your head to feel better about yourself

I don't like him.

But why would they support mojang/microsoft?

On the day of the guillotine he will be one of the lucky few elites who are permitted the opportunity to live out the rest of their miserable lives in work camps instead of going straight to the block.

notch hasn't worked on minecraft for 6 years now

>spending money on a free gaem

why would they buy minecraft?

notch doesnt even support or care about minecraft anymore so buying the game means nothing.


Everyone who's been on here more than a year realises that the internet hate machine hates nothing more than itself.

We're like an old-time demon that has a tortured soul as its core.

Whats irritating is that sjws aren't even following their own philosophy well. The term was coined by Rawls, who pretty much said, "if you care about the homeless, you should be out there supporting the homeless, right now." It's supposed to be an evolution of Kants moral absolutism (where it is your sacred duty to be moral at all times)
Unfortunately, that sorta spiraled into what we have today. where people complain about not having blacks in games.

Notch left like 3 years ago, diingus

Remember he is swedish. He knows levels of SJW we can't even imagine.


How can one man be so based

Nobody cares about blacks anymore is all about the trannies now

ok i smirked

Trump, Notch, who else is set for life and just dicks on Twitter and how do I become like them?

WTF is a jasshole?

I think everyone who's going to play minecraft has already played it


>I think everyone who's going to play LEGO has already played it
This is what you say.

dumb tranny shill poster

Have a (you)

He just visited here like twice.

how the fuck are transgender people beating black people in the discrimination olympics?


Lego is a timeless toy that has seen countless innovations since the 1940s. Minecraft is a videogame and not comparable at all.

>not comparable at all.
You sound just like old people.
Internet? This thing has no future, we have TV and newspapers!

It's easy to be anti-SJW when you don't have a career to be afraid to lose.