Was it autism?
No, it was kino.
I don't see what a lack of social skills has to do with hard training and understanding your opponent.
I guess it would allow him to focus more on the technical aspects, but he'd probably have less understand of how the opponent thinks.
I'll have to say 'no'.
Is Tokido Tookino?
Who poses like that on national TV
>Fchamp beats Tokido
Who wins evo?
He's 32, not that he's 12
Someone who's based enough to reveal their power level worldwide
It's his brand.
FChamp can deal with Punk. Say what you want about FChamp he didn't choke and gave Tokido the biggest challenge of the night
Someone who accomplished something they aren't ashamed to be proud of. Maybe you'll find out what that's like someday, but I doubt it.
Anyone remember watching this live?
The most kino player there is. Also unlike some certain male nurses, or high school graduates, he had legit high IQ, graduated from University of Tokyo and was doing graduate school before becoming Puro Geimah
Someone whose older, smarter, more fit, and more money in the bank than you.
Tokido at TGS with the ice cream was the best.
Why does effort=autism on Sup Forums?
Tokido is pure!
Easier to shit on others rather than put in the effort yourself.
Because scrubs need reason for why they are scrub.
>certain male nurses
Are you shit-talking Daigo?
>Tokido is known for taking on a somewhat eccentric persona on stage. Footage exists of Tokido imitating some of Akuma's taunts, and trash-talking his opponent Bonchan shortly before a tournament in 2015 became highly discussed among the fighting game community. More recently, Tokido stated that he is meaning to leave such behavior behind him because, as a professional gamer, he wants "to show that entertainment in game, not out of it."
I understand, but trash-talker Tokido is too funny to leave behind.
clips.twitch tv/DiligentExcitedKeyboardEleGiggle
It takes effort to win EVO sure
However it doesn't take effort to blare out cringe autismo poses AFTER you already won the game. That is just sheer autism
>a wise stance is cringe
Nothing wrong with that. It's better than if he had been a R Mika main and tried to jump and freeze frame after the match with a big fucking smile on his face.
People like it whenever he does that pose.
because Sup Forums is full of casuals who have never accomplished anything meaningful in their entire lives
Do any one has the live of this?