Found these two in my brother's drawer in my mom's house...

found these two in my brother's drawer in my mom's house, i had given them to him like 5 or 6 years ago but obviously he got an ipod touch or whatever and never really touched them. took them back, updated the psp and cfw'd it and the ds had flash card and i updated the firmware for that too.
rec me some games to play, i've played the well-known ones i guess, so more obscure recs are welcome

This made me sad

Sonyegers aren't welcome here.


Was PSP Go any comfortable?

biiiiitch, so close
yeah me too. the amount of fun these two devices gave me can't be described. sadly i never got into the successors, or mobile gaming, so these were my last handheld devices

it wasn't bad. the analog nub isn't as comfy as the regular psp but that wasn't that comfy to begin with. i played ys games and kingdom hearts bbs on it which are analog heavy and i didn't have any problems

>give it back jerome


Play Dragon Quest 5 and marry Bianca.

God I love the PSP Go's design. It just looks so cool.

Something exactly like that but with 2 analogue sticks and two more shoulder buttons would be the perfect handheld machine.

Dead serious, play Jeanne D'Arc. And remember that the dog is literally the best.

Make your PSPgo like the Switch.
Get a dock, component cables and a DS3 controller. Comfy times await.

lol he couldn't care less

what's this like?

done and done, also played 4 and 6, 9 i played only a few hours

i remember wanting to play that years ago, cuz of level 5. will check it out

>unironically think the pspgo is one of the most beautiful handheld devices ever made
>fairly priced brand new units nowhere to be found

>he doesn't know about gets on Sup Forums
First day?
First day.

>found these two in my brother's drawer
Why are you going through your brother's drawers, user?

I always loved the professor layton series. If you like puzzles omg please play any or all of them

ebay the PSP and grab PPSSPP on your phone.

>fairly priced brand new units nowhere to be found
really? i thought they'd be dirt cheap.


played the 4 ds games, don't have a 3ds to play 5 and 6. the twists were always hilarious

>touch screen controls
yeah no


played a bit of this, was fun, don't know why i didn't finish it. i have finished the prequel tho (tail concerto)

Use the money to buy a controller to pair up to your phone dumbo. Android devices now do up to Dreamcast and way better emulation than PSP did. Not to mention the PPSSPP emulator works great for uprendering 3D PSP games.

Oh gg op I haven't even played all of them LOL

Furry trash

don't have an android phone but
>sell psp
>buy controller
>play games on your phone with a controller using an emulator
>play games on psp

>play games 480 x 270
>play games 1440p

If psp go can do psx games well I'd recommend getting chocobo's dungeon 2 (and 1 if you can read moon runes) and some twisted metal. Also get EDF 3 portable.


>caring about the resolution of handheld games

I think it's about time you left buddy

Nowadays I do the former. Had PPSSPP and controller set up on an iPad and played through all of Danganronpa and some other games with the enhanced resolution so that everything doesn't look shitty.

It does take a fair bit of work to get going but the results are pretty nice.

>Picross 3D
Excellent taste

It's just too slim to be comfortable in the hands for how small it is. It's good for one handed JRPG fair.

Why play Danganronpa PSP when there are newer, better ports.
Don't see how it being on a handheld makes the resolution not matter. There is no reason to not play 3D PSP games in HD these days.

Dude fuckoff, have you ever played a real PSP before? The original resolution looks like shit. You load up the same game in PPSSPP and double the internal resolution and the difference is night and day, especially if you're playing on a phone or tablet with a big screen.

Mind you this was a long time ago, I didn't have a Vita at the time and the vita port was the only english way to play it at the time. I got one afterwards to play DR2 though. I was just using it as an example.

>Picross 3D
already 3 stared the beginner and easy levels and started the normal. it's SO good, and a game that can't be done on anything other than a touch screen with a stylus. there's one for 3ds as well, i'll get it if i one day buy a 3ds

i can't say i care about the resolution bump in emulators. playing psp games on psp is comfy enough for me

>really? i thought they'd be dirt cheap.
Sony didn't make a lot of them and iirc they weren't released in every region

it was really ahead if it's time imo. shame what happened to sony in the handheld market

>tfw got one at its lowest point
>screen cracked
>layed dormant for years
>go to NYC
>managed to submit it for repairs, like $60
>it's good as new again
>in the middle of pic related
The PSP is super underappreciated

Honestly, it's not an overhaul like Dolphin and Citra are. The geometry and texture work still looks rigid as fuck even after the internal scaling.

It's similarly excellent. Also Picross on the DS (not 3D) is the best Picross game I've ever played. It too is amazing. Doesn't HAL make those games? They are all just fucking stellar. If you like that sort of game, look up Hexcells on steam. They go for less than a buck during sales.

>Picross on the DS
if you look at the pic in the op you'll see that i also have that on the flash card. yes, without a doubt the best picross game i've played. picross 3d is made bu HAL but picross (and the 74 picross games on the 3ds) are made by jupiter (the people that developed the world ends with you)

Good start.
Castlevania (all of them, PSP only has Chronicles X I think, which is a Rondo of Blood remake with unlockable SotN+original Rondo)
Persona 2
Gradius Collection
Radiant Historia
SMT Strange Journey
>Why play Danganronpa PSP when there are newer, better ports.
Because you can't play them in your bed or on the couch where you sit at a weird angle looking like you've been hit by a car.
Controller+smartphone isn't that comfortable.

Well damn dude, you know your shit. Good stuff. There's also a series of japanese-only puzzle games like slitherlink that you can find. You don't really need to know English to enjoy them.

>so close
We're almost through July boys. Hang in there.

>Persona 2
after playing 1 and 3 on the psp i was so bummed that we didn't get the second part of 2 in english, didn't want to play the old ps1 version so i didn't play innocent sin either. hoping one day we get the new versions in english somehow
played all 3 of the ds games, the psp remake is kinda bad, but the sotn version included is really good
>Radiant Historia
great game, loved it
>SMT Strange Journey
need to play this, thanks

The PSP remake is fine. I mean the original Rondo is better and it's included.
I think there is a fantranslation for EP that's almost done but I haven't heard anything new for a while

Strange Journey is getting a remake that comes out early next year. I would wait.

i don't have a 3ds

Does overcocking make any difference in games? I know it can speed up emulators but what about standard psp games?

i wouldn't recommend it, but you know better than anyone what your hole can handle


did you ever finish it? ZHP was really good.

Great game, do recommend. Feels just like those 90s jrpgs.

Infinite Space for DS

For the psp
>Metal Gear Ac!d2
>Portable Ops and Plus
>Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Freedom Unite
>Crisis Core
>Patapon 2 and 3, 1 if you like 2
>Disgaea 1, someone else already recommended ZHP which I was going to
>Birth By Sleep
>Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?

its small and really portable unlike the other models