If you had to buy one which one would you get?
If you had to buy one which one would you get?
i got both, fuck you
3ds in almost all situations.
Vita if you are a weeb who can read Japanese.
I am
The Vita because I already have the n3DS.
Should I hold out for a 3G one? It feels like playing a lottery looking for one with the right firmware and everything.
3ds mostly for monhun, but it has other fun games too
Neither. I'd rather keep the money because I'm not completely retarded.
If budget = $1000 then Vita
If budget = $500, then 3DS
If you want variety and nostalgia, Vita's the one to get. If you need Pokemon in your life with a side of Monster Hunter, then 3DS is your only option.
Vita. I just use citra for 3ds games
depends on whether you had a ds or psp
3ds if you had a psp
vita if you had a ds
3DS has better games, but the Vita is cooler.
>he doesn't want 2 fully hacked portables
no, you are a retard
I already own a 3ds so... a second 3ds. Fuck Vita and fuck proprietary sd cards.
>fuck proprietary sd cards.
3ds is easier to hack, but i have both and both are hacked
I have both and post-2013 I've gotten WAY more use out of my Vita. Before that though I'd say 3DS.
does the vita have any games i should get?
I had neither
>vita has great hardware but most games dont take advantage of it
>3ds has shit hardware and a lot of games are held back by it
Vita is undeniably worse.
I have both now, but I went with the Vita first. Would still choose it again, especially with Henkaku shaping up the homebrew scene.
I've both and I've played much more on vita than 3ds
Less than there should be but there's a good handheld
The less experience you have with Sony consoles the bigger that list can get, though
I have both, and i'm happy with them
Eh, not really considering how slow the second half of the 3DS (It's pretty much just been SM version for ages at this point) whereas it's the point where the Vita's insane attachment rate was beginning to be recognized by businesses and the amount of shit worth playing has increased dramatically.
a good handful*
I already have both but I got my 3DS first.
What in the fuck?! Are those legit adapters? Where do I get them?Holy shit, Google don't fail me now!!
Since both libraries suck for me they would just be emulation machines. In this case I choose a Vita, hoping the homebrew scene would follow the psp's.
Don't get your hopes up. They're not making that many at the moment and it's first come first serve.
I already got a Vita. I feel I should get a 3DS while it's still possible to grab one with hackable firmware, but I can't think of that many games I want to play on it.
Already have both. Pretty happy with both of them.
What do you like to play? Ill recommend some games
3ds because I already have a vita.
RPGs with meaningful customization, SRPGs, adventure, rhythm.
Well I know there's a fuckload of JRPGs. SMT style stuff, Bravely Default, a Monster Hunter Pokemon style game coming in October.
Fire Emblem, Stella Glow, more SMT for SRPGs off the top of my head.
I would recommend A Link Between Worlds for adventure, I dont know how you feel about Kingdom Hearts but Dream Drop Distance was pretty good too
Rhythm I know that Rhythm Thief is a fun game and there's more than that but I can't really help you on this one.
Dragon Quest 7
Bravely Default
Etrian Odyssey series
Shin Megami Tensei 4 and Apocalypse