Is Joe okay?
Is Joe okay?
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He wants to be able to stuff his face and be lazy without anyone's judgement
the cleaning lady's son
He starting to sound like DSP.
He'd solve all his problem if he made a side channel and put "his content" there.
People are real autistic about stuff like that.
oh no its so hard making youtube videos for a living! can you even imagine the torture of being asked, in text you don't even need to read, if you're going to review popular upcoming titles? I cannot imagine anything more horrible.
>People watch your shit and pay your bills
>Stop giving them what they want
>They stop paying your bills
>"Hey guys what the heck?!"
This is basic economics lol, there's no demand for the shit he wants to supply.
I don't get it.
What's his name again?
Fuck e celeb trash. I hope it becomes even harder for these faggots to make money doing that shit.
I watched his angry reviews a long time ago, what's he up to now?
The inflated compadre
>woooowwwww it's hard being a youtuber boo hooo
fucking faggot you sit in front of a camera and slur like the beaner you are, the only """content creators""" that have any right to complain are animators that do decent frame-by-frame
People are bitching about his lack of content
he just want to take a two month break from angry reviews.
perplexed pedro
"I gave them free content"
Fucking disingenuous bullshit. Imagine hearing a radio station complain "we give you free song content" or a network station saying "we give you free televised content." Absolute bullshit. He gives content that he monetizes through advertising and subscription services, which makes him a fucking professional.
There's something both ironic and scummy about a professional paid "critic" trying to claim amateur status in order to shield HIMSELF from criticism.
His game reviews put him on the map no one cares about anything else he does
People will still suck his dick to defend him in comments.
are you ok? Is your life so shit that you have to latch onto twitter drama from a fucking dude who makes online videos?
Wow, it must be so hard to make YouTube videos for a living.
Livid latino
All he has to do is just copy AVGN. People watch James Rolfe and don't give him shit about the AVGN episodes because they come out regularly and know when to expect them.
James also has the deceny to not be a fucking faggot with the content that isn't AVGN, his Movie reviews are comfy and Monster Madness is amazing. you don't see "AVGN REACTS TO STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2" Videos, or "AVGN PLAYS "X" GAME FOR 4 HOURS" it's the low effort, uninspired shit that fucking made me unsub from this fat "angry" bean burrito.
this, first world problems
I love how you guys act like these people suddenly aren't human and weren't fat weirdo shut ins before they got "famous". They're still crybaby man children with first world problems that couldn't handle any adversity that they were before they got famous, which is why half of them self destruct and can't handle any type of fame for extended periods of time.
it's not rocket science
Irritated José
>The youtube bubble is about to burst.
>A legion of people who have high school level education are going to enter the workforce and have literal teenagers as their bosses.
>Probably lead to suicide with their sense of entitlement
Assblasted Alejandro
Can't copy being a mature adult. Angry Joe and Phil and people like them are entitled little whiny bitches.
Is that DSP?
He knows based Mister Metokur is gonna rip him to shreds at the end of the month. He's experiencing fear.
>darksydephil says this
>"waaaah e-begger fat fuck with no jawb waaaaah"
>angryspic says this
really makes u think...
Irate Ignazio
Someone give me the TL;DR
Did he beg for money on patreon or through donations or something and no one paid him anything?
The youtube bubble already did burst only pewdiepie makes real bank cause he has 50 million subs
>"free" content
I don't follow this shit but I think it has to do with that post.
He's complaining about people not liking him doing movie/tv reviews instead of gaming reviews.
another way of phrasing his rant:
>They gave me 9 years of free money, watched more than 1135 videos of a specific niche genre, and are now upset that I am no longer producing the same level of content that they initially gave me money for
Enlarged Enrique
Phil is a meme for better or for worse.
The world doesn't care about Joe in any way whatsoever.
When we are ashes Phil will survive as a meme in the deep confines of forgotten HDDs and SSDs across the world, Joe will be forgotten.
it's fucking terrifying, really.
Then the dummy should just do another chanel, plenty of people do so.
>his whole gimmick is that he's angry all the time and hard to please
>literally sucks every shitty AAA game's dick even when they're shit like fallout 4
this guy never had any credibility to begin with
Mad Manuel
He then stated his 'haters' will follow him there.
>his whole gimmick is that he's angry all the time and hard to please
>becomes angry all the time and hard to please in real life
Enraged Eduardo
>do "angry" reviews
>people love it, subscribe to him and expect him to deliver the stuff they subscribed to him in the first place
>where he is now is because of the original purpose of his channel, creating video game reviews
>stops making them regularly, puts out a review for one random game in a blue moon
>instead fills his shit channel with stuff nobody fucking cares about, so much so it turned into his main output
>now takes a "vacation" from the unbelievable hard job that is being a "youtube content creator"
>everybody is understandably pissed from his channel transformation
spic piece of shit, it's not rocket science why your "fanbase" has developed a negative perception of you.
Irritated Ivan
The whole "angry" thing was just copied from avgn there's like 50 guys who tried the angry gamer gimmick in the past decade
Irate Gamer Juan
infuriated henrique
Remember when the Dorito Pope crushed Joe in an interview?
How old is this guy?
Honestly, If i was Joe i would start weeding out my toxic fan base. I would make a second channel and slowly start migrating over there, eventually just posting my reviews over there. It'll be a huge pain in the ass but that's the price of freedom.
Is this some kind of ARG¿
He won't make a new channel. He would lose too many subs. Guy is filled with hot air and empty threats
Furious Fernando
Miffed Mexicano
I don't think he's angry about people watching, just that people keep shit talking him when he want's some freedom to do what he wants. And no, people watching ads aren't you paying for shit. If he had a patreon than sure, but watching ads is a decision your fault if you do it.
He's already got a shit storm
is he really getting this triggered over fucking youtube comments?
does he realize 90% of the people being mean in youtube comments are 14 years old?
>still makes $655 a month
>still has the balls to ask for shit like the Switch on an Amazon wishlist
I doubt he has a job with that work ethic and attitude, so someone must be paying for his house. Just buy the stupid Chinese contraption.
Fuck I'm mad he makes money doing literally nothing.
But he still is an ameature though. Just because youtube want's money from ads and allows you to make a portion doesn't mean shit. If you straight up paid for content that would be something else, but watching shit for free then pretending like you're responsible for something? Cool, you earned him 10 cents, fuck off. Hand him a fat check or stop being delusional.
Looks as though he is quite Angry.
If only this was false
>2 month vacation
>From YT videos
what in the fuck
he's a professional and knows what he's doing, youtube is all about "drama" now. Joe is just playing the game
What is he bitching about now?
You know, I always see Angry Joe threads here but I never watched his videos, so i checked him out and he's actually got a lot of views in his videos, but what gives? why do people actually watch his channel? He's really not all that entertaining to me, and if anything he's annoying.
Bojangled Bernardo
who is this guy like a CEO or something?
Jesus, what's with e-celebs and man baby reactions? You're not running a charity.
How would they operate with a regular job?
The definition of an amateur is someone who does something without getting paid. He gets paid, primarily by advertisers for views. This is literally his full time job and his primary source of income.
I've also never given money to NBC or CBS but they make money off of my viewership because of advertising dollars. That's how this works.
Hispanic Americans/Californians
Oh as if!
joe is right desu
it takes a lot of time to make videos. They have scripts and costumes and editing and everything
while all the fat NEET shits who watch this crap just post angry comments whenever they don't get more shit they want
I'm both of those and yet I'm still annoyed.
>ablooabloo this company is shit for censoring criticism -Angry Rant
>censors criticism in his videos
Like pottery.
but joe has to realize what his audience wants,
if his audience doesn't like what he's releasing he then has to make a decision, either keep making the content no one likes or revert back to what the fans like at the expense of his joy.
They wouldn't, which is why they do this youtube shit.
>And no, people watching ads aren't you paying for shit.
how dumb are you?