No health regen

>no health regen
>no screen jelly
>no crafting
>no microtransactions / only cosmetic shit planned like a year from now
>no modding required
>not a console port
>no politics
>pure gameplay

This is the game Sup Forums always wanted. So why does it get so much hate?

It's popular

Too popular.

do not reply to shill threads

>bitch characters don't run slower, take more damage, or carry less
immersion ruined 2/10

i never see hate threads
just these threads claiming people hate it when its just a large number of people don't like shooters at all
and any "competitive" shooter with third person is casual shit anyway

>third person camp fest

It doesn't get much hate, it doesn't get much love either. It's just not interesting, it's boring to watch and I bet it's boring to play. It's the same battle royal shit that's been on early access for years on a much larger scale. Go play the game, there isn't much to discuss about it since every element is used and abused and lacking depth.

The game I wanted was basically a not-dead quake live HD with minor changes.

>multiplayer only

>not dead
>new features

pick 2 and you've basically described every last attempt to revive arena shooting in the last decade.

pvp does battle royale better justice than a story based single player campaign ever could.

> twitch shitfest

It's multiplayer.

I got it but i am waiting to really play until first person only servers, i can't stand casual cam

It's popular and I'm bad at it or too poor to buy it. I am also very insecure about my own opinions so I spend more time bashing a game I don't like than the people playing it.

>So why does it get so much hate?
Because it has some buzzwords attached to it that send the average Sup Forumsirgin into an autistic shitfit.

>early access

yeah, nah.

>early access
>shit optimization
nope fuck off shill
advertising is prohibited and bannable

Does it have a healer class?

>I don't like it so it's advertising and bannable
Not an argument.

There are no classes in the game dummy

First post best post

ITT the shill will be sprouting shit like "It's not an argument" "you hate it because it's popular" and hate on Nintendo

I wish it wasn't battle royale though. I don't find that fun.

learn to read idiot his argument is that the game currently a buggy mess and people will lose interest by the time devs polish their trash code

saw a stream of it today... it looks pretty good, except the scavenging looks a tad boring since it's just going into buildings that are all the same and looking in every room. also why third person view when not shooting? it's odd, I don't get why they did that.

>RNG: The game

Maybe because it's a shitty game at its core.

>learn to read idiot
>post literally says "advertising is prohibited and bannable"

Sure is summer in here

>Sure is summer in here
not an argument

git gud scrub

>names it after himself when multiple paople helped make it
what a cunt, fuck playerunknown