*funds your game*
*funds your game*
Other urls found in this thread:
I would never offer such a reward
Thank you and what a lovable oc, can we use it?
>never follow any Kikestarter drama
>get Shovel Knight on sale
>decent game
>get to this faget
I seriously thought that devs were poking fun at generic JRPG protagonists or something which was great.
When I learned he was some OC self insert it was not so great.
Thanks! Our game is a gender bender adventure where the characters transform into beautiful chicks to fight evil!
Only if you make him SUPER EPIC >:3
Has he funded any more games?
Shit like this is why I would never add a "put yourself/your OC in the game" tier if I ran a kickstarter. I honestly think the worst example I've ever seen is Chroma Squad, just because of how fucking overrun it is with that shit, but as a single entity I dont' think anybody beats this deviantart OC shit except So Sorry and at least that had the decency to be so hidden that I didn't even know about it until after I'd finished the game.
To be fair, the Shovel Knight devs are pretty much using him to poke fun at JRPG protags
least they had some fun with it during the specter knight campaign
But is such a great idea for pathetic faggots to give you money though.
Same here. I thought it was a joke and only learned better like a month later.
If you don't care about the creative vision of your own story, fine, go for it.
But otherwise it's pretty shitty
Sure but there's a point where even if you're whoring out by going the kickstarter route you need to say "enough" and let it be your vision and not some faggot's glorified fanfic.
Where do these faggots even get all this money? Is it autismbux?
So you want furry mafia to put your project in grave because they donated enough dosh for "ur OC in mah game"?
Was this the one that got pissed when he learned you could actually win the boss fight against his submitted character?
Hey at least the devs get funded and his character isn't too terrible.
SoSorry was actually delivered pretty alright. Music and fight were good. I bet they were going to have SoSorry be easy to find, originally.
But yeah, the character was hidden away because who the fuck wants to make a game and have its players see the shitty art that thing was involved with when they googled it? Meanwhile the spider was such a great design they shoved her into the game somewhere that made no sense and made her a mandatory boss.
id play that
Just link the porn here already.
They're either NEETs with rich parents or poor NEETs that spend all their autism money on furry bullshit bu live in squalor to compromise. Some have extremely well paying careers but because they don't have wives/gfs/etc. for obvious reasons they have a ton of easily disposable income.
I want her to swallow me whole
These people who don't create something that fits the theme of the game are fucking cancer.
If I ever got one of these 'Design a character' deals (not that I would) I'd want to make damn sure the character looked like he belonged in the games world.
Why do you want to be known as the guy that soiled a perfectly good game with your horribly unfitting character
This autism is quite powerful, I wonder why always autismos and furries have the biggest bucks to throw around.
How much did Yacht Club want for your OC to be in the game?
High paying jobs.
Didn't they break most of his creator's autistic rules or something in SoT?
>those legs
My friend is engineer who makes Boeing engines and he spends almost all his pay on fucking Lego sets.
No desire for a family so they have loads of disposable income.
Didn't someone from here ERP with him to hilarious results?
you mean like this?
>t. Samuel
Butterdragon was a shitty design all around, and the amount of salt coming from him over the whole thing (and especially how Muffet was so much better in every way) makes it all worth it.
Also, the spiders were in the game since the demo, so if you think she was "forced" in you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
how does one learn to draw
Furries seem to be always the type of people who are complete aspergers, but they finished uni and landed on some high end job which allows them to waste thousands of bucks on OC commisions and other related activities.
it's from the yacht club games bodyswap posts, they did a bunch of sketches for all the NPCs for fun
>decency to be hidden
Toby is a fucking kike. If this happened to me I would be livid and demand a refund. I don't give a fuck if it was some fat fetishist furry, you don't take someone's money and then fuck them over because you don't like the character.
Besides it fit fine with the rest of the characters and I guarantee if it was a chick people would be jacking off to it.
I mean, those people never really cared about the game in the first place.
>14 years old
When will they EVER learn?
Muffet was designed by a confirmed pedo.
Oh but that's okay because it was made by a girl :^)
I'd say that's much better than funding games/art for your OC characters
>Oh but that's okay because it was made by a girl :^)
damn straight
>tfw 19 and 5'4''
That and we all wanted to fuck the spider.
Undertale has some OC shit in it?I do not follow anything about the game due to the fanbase, so once I finished it that was it.
>main designer on the BRRRRRT machine's laser targeting system was a furfag
how will /k/ EVER recover?
*funds your game*
yeah, dude loves getting fucked up the ass by big-dicked futas
Haha user I was 5'10" at 16
I'm sorry.
>If this happened to me I would be livid and demand a refund.
He actually tried to give SoSorry's creator a refund instead but he turned it down.
I knew a furry that dropped high school, got herself a job, wasted a shit ton of money on her furry OC characters and then blew it all over to become a guy
Last time i checked online what happened to her, she now have a fetlife account and claim herself to be a gay transboy. On top of that the first pic of him is a huge ass dick shoved in her mouth, and then a shit ton of other pictures. Should have stayed a girl since she was cute, now he looks like a shitty fuccboi
Muffet, SoSorry, and Glyde. SoSorry was originally going to be in Muffet's place in the story until muh vagina appeared at which point he was downgraded and then he found out SoSorry was a donutsteel at which point he made him possible to encounter for 60 seconds out of the year in a random room out of the way of everything.
Anyone gonna elaborate on this?
I actually like how this guy puts an ungodly amount of effort into making the most standard, vanilla kid hero imaginable. It actually comes off as refreshing compared to the boatload of fetish bait and edgy Sonic OCs fished out of that ocean of autism.
>Besides it fit fine with the rest of the characters
Fuck no it didn't.
What is the exact procedure to encounter this guy? I never played undertale.
tobyfox did the right thing
It was a male version of Napstablook that was a dragon.
exactly as he described. You have to play the game a minute a certain day in October for the path to the character to appear
>OC/Self inserts
Easiest way to make yourself automatically detestable
>t. schlomo goldenstein
Vorefags please leave.
You have to walk across an invisible bridge that only shows up at 8:00 PM on October 10th.
>Told him EXACTLY what would happen to his character, because it was obvious furshit OC
>He didn't want to back out of the slot (that someone else could pay for) and agreed to the terms
>Paid $10,000 to be in the game
Being mad for someone else who makes bad decisions doesn't solve anything.
The character would be alright if he had a different name, a different colour scheme and a face that doesn't look like one of the default rpg maker characters.
>jewing someone who drops 5 figures helping you make your game
Some people deserve to be jewed. I use the term 'people' loosely.
what the fuck, an usefull furry?
>complaining about furries
>in undertale
Toby and Mortis Ghost (made OFF) seem brotier for telling autistic tumblr trash to fuck off.
So is this guy a faggot pedo, then?
All of this work and money to create a fantasy life, but still be a fat basement beast. What a way to go.
>Oh but that's okay because it was made by a girl :^)
Compleatly agree with you
They did but the creator didn't give a shit and was just happy to see his character be prominently featured in the story.
Isn't he Korean?
I meant more like what """conditions""" of his did they break
German, I think.
>implying 10k isn't helpful
reize and the wandering travelers were pretty cool imo, even if they are OCs they still fit in the game and the devs managed them well enough
If he uses those boomberangs as swords that means he's basically always holding two swords that have no real grip. They're either impractical as swords (too dull) or if they're sharp then they're too impractical as boomerangs (difficult to grip and throw) or likely just very impractical as both.
>Autist's OC's double giant sword boomerangs are impractical
No shit Sherlock.
Most fantasy weapons are dumb as fuck, but these are a special flavor of stupid.
>when fanbase gets so autistic you want them gassed
Just put a disclaimer that your OC can be rejected or redesigned if it does not fit with the game.
He couldn't have a dad or something IIRC.
Tards. Undertale had multiple reward tiers. The highest tier was limited to one backer and gave the character a more prominent role in the story (Muffet). The next tier was limited to two backers and had their characters put in bizarre, almost un-encounterable spots with no effect on the story. Those were So Sorry and Glyde. So Sorry can only be found on a single time in the year on an invisible bridge, and Glyde can only be encountered by moving for four straight minutes without stopping in a really obscure area. If anything, Glyde got fucked harder than So Sorry. The furshit got a unique theme and everything.
What's even happening in that post?
Also OFF is GOAT so if someone's shitting on it, I will be upset
Based Mortis Ghost.
>At $500 or more, a custom character that is fightable can be included in the game. (2 only)
>At $1,000 or more, the backer's fantroll will become canon in Undertale. (1 only)
>You are wrong
>Is literally what he said
what did he mean by this?
It what way they're autistic? Because I really liked OFF