why do normies drool over terrible games? Mass Effect Andromeda, Destiny 2... why do they do this?
Why do normies drool over terrible games? Mass Effect Andromeda, Destiny 2... why do they do this?
Im a "normie" and I think its one of the best games ever made. Im not into faggot weeb shit and I like guns and space.
It has a great story mode, a fun pvp, and the best raids of any MMO all time. They are engaging and actually cinematic compared to boring WoW and FF14 raids. It has decent graphics, amazing gunplay, and my favorite type of aesthetic.
Is it really hard for you to understand why people would like space wizards with guns or are you just a retarded faggot?
>He forgot Destiny 1
Destiny is almost exactly the same retard. They just slowed it down so retards weren't supering 5 times a game/camping with snipers and shotguns
>girl with terrible tits
>white man with shaved sides and beard
what did they mean
by this?
white genocide
>great story mode
Oh hell. It must be a hard life if one is easily manipulated by ads
>reddit spacing
Listen, I'm not so devoid of a life that I automatically hate all games like you Sup Forumsirgins. Destiny was fun to play through. I made 3 separate characters and played through and had fun the entire story mode
Ive been posting like that on Sup Forums since 2010. You retards have trouble reading anything that isnt space out and concise.
What are you on about. I found the gameplay fun. But claiming it has a great story mode is straight up lying. ESPECIALLY when you take bungies previous games into account.
I am entertained shooting my space guns and magic. What more can you ask for?
Have you not played halo 2? Or any halo for that matter. I'm not a fan of "go here, activate ghost, shoot thing, ok done"
Just curious. Do you have a life outside of playing video games? Ill never understand your shitty Sup Forums culture
This is easily the top 4 worst boards along with Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/
>can't come up with an argument
>"h-hah you nerds are p-pathetic"
Well excuse me for wanting more out of my entertainment especially when it's from a company like bungie
>Comes to Sup Forums to complain about Sup Forums
Destiny 2 is still going to suck. Your shitty whining is not going to solve this
No sense in arguing with people devoid of a soul. You mindless drones will never like anything other than squidgirls and other anime shit.
Then how about you leave
You don't browse various boards from time to time outside your home board?
>reddit invented paragraphs
Do me a favor and stop drinking water and die cos redditors drink it too
>I'm so hip and trendy, I'm above all you neckbeard virgins LOL
go back
I guess even if you don't even know my opinions on things I'm devoid of a soul. Whatever helps you sleep T night
>Mass Effect Andromeda
Where the fuck did you see anyone drooling over this? Not even normies liked it.
>he only uses Sup Forums
I'd tell you the board I use but it's actually faggot free
>paragraphs are 1-2 sentences long
nice reddit education.
Right at the end you showed how youre a fucking shitposter instead of a marketer. Good job on all the (you)s you will aquire.
>I get all of my gaming info from Sup Forums!
Same reason Sup Forums liked Overwatch and Pokemon Go: shit taste.
shit b8
>people were shitting on it on Twitter
>people were shitting on it on Facebook
>people were shitting on it in the comments of pretty much every video
>defending the shooting of a game where all guns, even shotguns and smgs are mandatory to fire in ads and has healthbars that take up half your screen