Star Citizen Reduces Scope by 95%




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Thats actually pretty serious

I don't understand why anyone thought this was anything but a scam in the first place.

Post yfw you never fell for any kickstarter scam.

>mfw I did

Says there 5 to 10 systems but seriously, what a fucking shitshow. This is why you don't invest in kikestarters. There's nothing stopping the developers from just changing their visions or canceling their shit, leaving the investors with dick in their hands.


So did I.

>pay 100 million
>get 5% of a game

For Alpha 3. Call me in a decade or so when they release this game unfinished.

Honestly, I dunno why you faggots obsess over this non-game when you have zero experience in software development. Your opinions are about as useful as a fart in an ocean.

t. backer


>tfw funded FTL, Shovel Knight and Yooka Laylee

inb4 yooka laylee is bad REEEEE

>y-you can't hold an opinion about a product if you aren't a manufacturer of it!

People like you are why pre-order culture exists.



I don't understand why people don't just play Elite:Dangerous instead

Just picked up shovel Knight on switch a couple weeks ago and it's great

>announced in 2012
>planned for 2014 release
>more than $150,000,000
>"w-we have 2 or 3 p-planets"

Because it's not created by the Eternal Fleet Admiral, the Great Chris Roberts.


I put like 30 quid into this about 3 years ago and forgot all about it.
Maybe I'll play it when it finally comes out in 2045 if I'm not dead by then.

I funded Grim Dawn, Darkest Dungeon, Catacomb Kids and Sui Generis. Other than the last one, I've been getting my money's worth.

Can I get a quick rundown please?

>12 Moons
>Image shows 13 moons
What did they mean by this?

>tfw i never funded kickstarter games and just bought the good ones after release

Not at all. I just find it funny how people hate it here. It seems every dev that gets or has money to make their dream game is hated here. CDPR, Obsidian and whoever these fags making Star Citizen.

I've never pre-ordered a thing in my 32 years of life. Try again. You can have an opinion but if your opinion is uninformed then it's fucking useless. Go scream in an abyss, it has about the same effect.

That's fucking worse. There's nothing to do in that game aside from grind and the devs actually lied during development and did a bait and switch. They're also nickel and diming their current playerbase. It's hilarious.



>Let's promise everything and beyond
>oh crap as it turns out, you can't do everything and beyond
What were they thinking in the first place

One of the nep games.

she's from the crappy neptunia series.

How they could waste 50 million dollars probably.

For fuck sake, the sprite looks cute but Nep is far too autistic even for me.

It means you cannot fly through the universe?


I'm also kinda wondering about this.

Eternal reminder.

if you're are interested in a game because it has a cute girl nothing is too autistic for you.


Don't you play games just for cute girls?


Exanima's kinda fun to mess around with, though.

Are people allowed to get refunds?

>kickstarted in 2012
>0,25% out of 100%

>funded Mighty No. 9
>did not fund FTL, Undertale, or Shovel Knight

>less than 18 quintillion planets

It's like they aren't even trying

if they donated through kickstarter then yes
if it went straight through the website then no, unless you charge back through paypal/credit card company
by now i think its so old the latter is pretty hard to do

Feels great.


yfw posts ruin all discussion.


>There's nothing to do in that game aside from grind and the devs actually lied during development and did a bait and switch. They're also nickel and diming their current playerbase. It's hilarious.
at least it's out and playable

>check my e-mail
>still no respond from support about my refund

I can't believe anyone ever did. At least the bubble burst and people seem to have finally learned their lesson.

I thought they were going for procedurally generated planets? What happened?



>funded Mordhau, Crowfall, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, The Vagrant, and Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5
how'd I do boys?

top cuck, your money has already been spent on hookers dude

That takes competent development
Instead they spin their gears designing and redesigning cool ships and making ads for those cool ships begging for more donors

doesn't sound like it's going to play well at all
too early to tell
>kingdom come
you dun goofed
>the vagrant
>kingdom death

If the hacks at Hello Games can pull it off, then they should be able to at least hire some people to do it for them.

He made Freelancer and Wing Commander

I fell for mighty blunder 9

At least Shantae was okay.

>yfw CIG uses procedural generation for the remaining 95% of planets

He *tried to make Freelancer but left once he showed he couldn't manage a project and Microsoft took over

>donated $37 in 2012 or 2013
>stopped caring a month later

What, the gameplay footage looks like an improved version of Chivalry
>Kingdom Come




Where is this located? I can't find it on their website.

If its true im getting my cash back.

chivalry is inherently bad and kingdom come's combat isn't very fun.

first person melee is just a clusterfuck






If you liked Chivalry but you're tired of the broken animations and swinging your camera to the sun then you're in for a treat.
Hipster trash with literally zero substance. It's been getting shilled as an "indie" title among the MMO crowd for awhile, but realistically speaking Chronicles of Elyria or Camelot Unchained (hell, even pantheon) has a higher chance of meeting their intended goals and not being a clusterfuck of inexperienced decision making.
>Kingdom Come
Pretty hyped for this one desu. I'm still cautiously awaiting the day they announce massive downgrades but so far it's been smooth sailing.
>The Vagrant
It's kinda like Dragon's Crown which was a great game. I don't know anything else.
>Kingdom Death
Titty minis, aw yeee.

>Star Citizen

More like Scam Citizen

so when are the 'QUALITY NOT QUANTITY' posters gonna come in even though they've been shilling how 'big' star citizen would be from the get go?

I can't wait to hear the desperate attempts at defending this piece of shit.

I don't fuckin preorder either. It's like these children nowadays have no fucking idea of the value of money. Pre order bonuses can be pirated if need be, and I don't care about plastic toys or books that these fags sometimes get.

>Where is this located?
SA forums.

Source on image?

>as useful as a fart in an ocean
>farts are 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% CO2, 7% methane and 4% oxygen
>fart would give you some extra oxygen to live on as well as give nitrogen to any plants directly beneath you

sounds to me like a fart is very useful in an ocean.




>tfw i spent 60 bucks on this

You can literally play a complete version of Star Citizen RIGHT NOW for a fraction of the price and it's called No Man's Sky.

>There's nothing to do in that game aside from grind and the devs actually lied during development and did a bait and switch.
you mean like cutting out 95% of the content?
>They're also nickel and diming their current playerbase.
you heard it hear first folks, optional expansion pack is nickeling and diming.

Have a (You) retard.

sometimes when you preorder on Amazon you can get the game cheaper


>mfw telling steam friends that it will be a scam
>mfw it will be nothing like they promised if it does realese


Isn't this just talking about 3.0? 3.0 was never going to be the actual release.
There are also no sources anywhere in that image.

Only Kickstarter worth investing in. 95% chance of it releasing but probably 5% chance of living up to the nostalgia.

I get the feeling he is talking about ship kits, not the expansions.

If you are unaware, ship kits are 'optional' cosmetic changes that add physical features to the your ship, like a spike or a plate of some sort, ect.

The thing is, there is a bug in the game that causes those extra added spots to be invincible, so if you ram another ship and arrange to smack him with the ship kit part, he gets a buttload of damage and you take zero since the impact took place on the invincible part. They have yet to fix this bug despite it being in the game for years.

Because No Man's Sky was so good with it's gorillion planets, right?