>so many people unironically think a niggress villain is better than this pure qt3.14159265359
How is this possible?
>so many people unironically think a niggress villain is better than this pure qt3.14159265359
How is this possible?
They need to make her facial features a bit softer and smoother. If she looked like a normal loli, she'd be loved by everyone.
Sadly, we have to stick with sweetheart chocolate.
she's not cute and you're fucking stupid
Her forward is too big.
Her eyes look waaaaaay better in-game than in the artwork.
Regardless, she'll be way better once she takes on a Marie-esque role in Splatoon 3.
There has never been such obvious bait. Even Sup Forums can't have such shit tastes.
Does Marina not have masking between her eyes?
that's an actual toddler you sick fuck
back to neogaf, or youtube comments, or pic related
No, Octolings' eyes are different than Inklings. That was present in the original game as well.
The more Sup Forums hates something, the more I like it.
>because she's a little shorter than most inklings she's a toddler
I need a version with Marie and Marina, the two best girls.
>people are going to eat shit and suck up an objectively worse character because of race
It's hilarious how far this alt right shit went.
It's not just her race. Her hair, her eyes, her personality, all just terrible.
Who said that? Any splatoon fan would obviously say Callie and Marie were the better pair.
Them beautiful squid sisters.
>tfw you will never forget the beautiful yuri porn of them
He was talking about Pearl versus Marina.
Other than that, I honestly don't get what the big deal is. She looks cute, her eyes are just like Callie's in-game, her personality actually makes sense for a pop star, Marina has none of that.
shut up Zone, the nigger is way better. Pearl has a better acting, her acting is what makes her appealing, but she is still shit, reminds me a little bit of that koopaling ludwig
The ones pushing the "white pride" narrative are hideous inbreds anyway, so to them actually is attractive.
>these shitty threads are still being made
You didn't need to be so redundant op
A childs game. Some pedo on Sup Forums is playing it and 2d lusting?
Ninchildren do it again!
you like traps freddy, you dont get a say
>endorsing a horrifying gremlin child because MUH BROWN SKIN EXISTS
This is petty as fuck.
idiotic bait thread aside, pearl's 3D models doesn't look as good as her official art
>having facial expressions makes her a horrifying gremlin
>being a couple inches shorter than her partner makes her a child
>implying anyone but retards care about Marina's skin color
She looks like a fucking gremlin
why the fuck did they make her teeth pink
Her facial expression is buck teeth, furrowed brow, and fuckhuge forehead.
She looks like a neanderthal.
basically means in a matter of serious personal objective opinion disregarding any novelty of some sort
nothing wrong here
>gremlin sized
>autistic looking face
looks just as inbred as you OP
I started off liking Marina more, but Pearl really grew on me, I prefer her more now
>Want to play as a girl for that hip wiggle.
>Family wants to play the game as well.
I find this image far more amusing than I should.
>living with family
It's just the lighting. Her teeth are white.
Good thing the final boss is actually Callie and Octavio and not a niggress or 5head qt
You can change your inkling's skin color, eye color, hair style, pant style and gender at any time. Just switch to the girl late at night when you're the only one up.
>That image
Does Pearl like, need to be hot?
>play girl during splatfest
>dad asks why i'm playing a girl
>say it's because i like the design better
>fun the rest of the night
stop being a social retard with your family
>Spoiler tagging that
Brah. You'd have to be a blind retarded to not know that.
Pearl is worst
>He doesn't have a close-nit family that visits often to stay in touch.
>stop being a social retard with your family
You have no idea how much of a social retard I am. Why else would I be choosing a girl squid to watch her hips gyrate?
She's an octarian. Octarians are literally the villains of the Splatoon games.
>visits often
if they're visiting either from the grave or from the other side of the us i wouldn't spend my time playing games
in fact i would be wondering how my dad came back to life
I mean even thats autistic
If my dad asked me, Id say the girl moves faster through the ink, which helps me get across the stage faster, as you have to cover the most ink
>a war that was forced by rising waters
>what is the inking war crimes
>implying the final battle of the first game wasn't just a kick ass concert with the squid sisters as an apology
>Octarian: Race
but not
>Octarian: Faction
Therefore not a villain (until proven otherwise).
You guys need to be more tolerant.
Octolings != Octarians
This is what came to mind when I read the OP. it's a video game black chick come on now
Nah, I love how Pearl's the butt of the jokes while marina gets all the good cheesecake art.
The Nintendo fan base is full of well adjusted people who don't have autis- *sees splatoon waifu thread
>the pink spills over into her teeth
Octo apologists need to be splatted
i don't know op
lol Garret's dad is dead
How will squidbois ever recover?
but the soul still burns
>octolings made my waifu irrelevant in squid society
How can anyone ever forgive them? Marina is the worst. Anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot.
i want to edit this to say brap instead
>she got a octo tattoo
Wew, literally branded by the enemy. Jesus christ. Porn for days.
That doesn't mean that she herself is a villain though. If anything, Pearl is closer to being one by not even caring that Callie disappeared.
>Literally got OCTOED
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
I always knew Marie was best girl.
>Marina just putting on an innocent act like this
It's so obvious dudes. She's gonna be the main villain in Splatoon 3.
Oh boy, another thread whining on about Marina/a dark skinned character, when will these threads stop?
We get it, you hate Negroes or whatever, can we all just move on?
>that 6 head
>anything other than absolutely disgusting tier garbage
>Tumblr pretending the black girl is the innocent one as bias confirmation
her teeth look like gums
The shitskin is definitely an objective downgrade, but it seems less worse if you simply consider her to be an octopus instead of a person.
>that disgusting hairdo
>anything other than absolutely disgusting tier garbage
who are you quoting?
Do you know that when there's a bunch of pink fireworks and lights going off in front of you, your teeth might appear to be affected by the lighting? I know it might be hard for someone with your IQ to figure out but at least try a little harder next time, huh?
"think a niggress villain is better than this pure qt3.14159265359"
fucking plebs... wow...
>user pretending the black girl is the evil one as bias confirmation
>neo Sup Forums likes down's more than browns
this is why your race is dying
Honestly I would like her if she maybe had some sort of bangs.....forhead is such a trash look, I can just like imagine her whining and throwing a tantrum, right into the trash
I like Pearls pearlsonality more than marina
I'm black and I prefer Pearl though.
What the actual fuck?
Do you... not like our shy smexy choco Octling?
Sup Forums is over there brah.
>Sup Forums namecalling
Curious: how do you stand it here?
I've been using Sup Forums for at least 6 years now, I don't really take any of the race shit to heart. Even if a few people genuinely mean it I doubt most do, and even then what does it matter?
Is there a problem, gents?
She look like she's 12 and has downs.
Not going to lie, I'm black and I get reaaaally uncomfortable when this site goes on anytime a black male is with a white girl or how it's always a black male doing the cucking. It's like we're the "other" and that girl has been tainted. I know it's just words and it shouldn't affect me, but it still gets to me.
super ugly character design
I find the cuck shit funny as fuck desu. Not sure what to tell you.
Different shitskin here, if you take shit said on Sup Forums to heart you either need some thicker skin or you should just leave.
Ooh I love my ugly girl
So rough and tough
Don't care about anything but me
Yes I just love her cause he's so crazy
Just crazy about me
Not that user, but it doesn't bother me much. Once you realize the vast majority of people here are idiots and shitposters with no actual power over anything it becomes a non-issue.