>No games (other than Breath of The Wild)
>Everybody wants one
What the fuck is going on?
No games (other than Breath of The Wild)
Its a great console with a solid number of massive titles on the horizon.
It could end up being the best Nintendo console ever with BOTW already confirmed GOAT and Odyssey looking like solid 10/10.
Not to mention the frenzy over Splatoon 2.
honestly I have no fucking idea, kektendo magic, they fuck with people's brain I swear
Yesterday I've heard from a chad in the gym that he has recently bought a Switch, in EUROPE. It's officially over Sony.
BotW isn't even the best Zelda game.
Gunvolt Havoc
Bomberman R
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
Splatoon 2
Disgaea 5
Mario Kart 8
It gives me titles that I actually want to play. I haven't amassed a library this size on a launch console ever I'm pretty sure. It took me a full year and a half to find that many interesting PS4 titles.
I'm waiting until hax are released before I buy one
and how could I forget Snipperclips
Well it's this mostly
>Zelda, Mario, Pokemon is Nintendo
>sort of a handheld and sort of a console
>it isn't the Wii U
>children are a large and influential demographic with parent's purchasing power
>Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, Mario Rabbids, shows a heavy reliance on the plumber
>means a new Smash, Mario Party, Mario Sports, and Mario Land/World type are a safe bet
>the first Nintendo console in a while that doesn't scream "CHILDS TOY" at a glance unless you have colored Joycons
People come up with any excuse for spending money haphazardly. My notoriously impulsive friend bought one and had buyers remorse within the first week. He has all the killer exclusives like Zelda and Mario Kart 8, and wanted to blow his brains out when someone tried to convince him that Arms would be good. Though he did buy it because he was led to believe MHXX would get ported.
Currently a shit console. Given time it'll be better. Just like my favorite Japenese handheld device
Everyone and their mother loves Mario Kart dude.
You got Zelda for the daily gamer..
Splatoon for the daily gamer/kids.
Mario Kart for the moms.
Mario for everyone.
ARMS for the fitanfags.
And a bunch of indies and weeb games to fill the gaps for people who play games all the fucking time.
It pretty much appeals to every crowd except for the uber hardcore MUH GRAPHICS crowd.
The irony is they're anxiously awaiting BOTW emulation, while wondering why the hardware is selling.
>hax released
>nintendo updates internal firmware on all new switches
That's gonna suck.
Snipperclips is one of few reason I'd consider getting a gf
never gonna happen though
>Everybody wants one
Lol no, its still ninteniggers hunting for one. You cant take online talk serious about nintendo because the fanbase shills for nintendo 24/7 and the same happened for the WiiU at the beginning.
Just wait for the production to ramp up (artificial scarity to end) and the conversation will change because people will realize its not doing anything special and its another gen nintendo hardware will decline.
I am looking forward to more fighters for the Switch. Seems like it'd work well in handheld mode, the Joycon analog stick actually feels like it'd be OK for inputs because of how small and quick it is. The 8-way gate feeling would help too.
>haxs released with forced downgrade software
Fingers crossed
I ordered Splatoon 2 and that sexy Splatoon Pro Controller today. It could have more games for sure but it has enough games for my lazy ass to play
I was at a museum on Sunday and noticed the front desk guy was playing Mario Kart 8 on Switch under the desk. First time I've seen someone playing one in public.
Wish I could find one, they're still all sold out around here..
>Overpriced shovelware wagglan
>Overpriced shovelware
>Lazy overpriced rehash
lewd clipping, frustrated problem-solving debacles, and after vidya sex feels so fucking gud tho.
It's not like the competition has any games.
My co-worker, a huge weeb, is constantly trying to shill it, despite it having basically nothing that would appeal to me.
I'm 30 and haven't ever played games like FF, Mario Kart, LoZ and many other Sony/Nintendo titles and have no interest in doing it.
My girlfriend rarely plays any games or hold interest in on over long period of time but snipperclips is the one game that we have played almost every night for over two weeks now
Any other platform can give you what you wanted to play and more. You just decided to "broaden" your scope on Nintendo's Switch console out of necessity.
Proof: If Arms were released by any other company on any other platform, it would be considered shovelware. There is absolutely no reason for you to own 11 Switch games. If you accept that level of quality/variety, you would be an idort and know when to smell bullshit from a mile away.
My favorite part of these Switch threads: suddenly everyone is a Disgaea fan and have been their whole life. I bet everyone is gonna be all into FIFA too.
Can you objectively look at what you're saying and how retarded it is. It's already made it's way in with the normies and kids so it's good to go from here on out. The scarcity isn't artificial, Apple is fucking them over. On top of that, indies and ports are doing surprisingly well. Disgaea 5 switch sold more than the damn ps4 for cryin' out loud.
>its just ninteniggers
How does this possibly make it any less real that it's selling out.
Also, no, it isn't artificial scarcity, if it was they wouldn't have sold a few million.
>Op says no games
>There are clearly games in this post
What the fuck is going on?
You underestimate how alluring the portability of the Switch is. All those are ports, sure, but you'll have a hard time playing them away from a power point.
Where'd you get the pro controller? Been looking all over for it.
no shit?
No MonHun no buy
So what nintendo game, by your metric, is actually good? Besides what's wrong with ports? Switch ports automatically get an advantage in that they are portable versions of the game.
>Apple is fucking them over.
Its telling that you actually believe this trash.
>less real that it's selling out.
Did i say its not selling out? Learn to read homo.
Finland ;)
It's a good thing monhun xx is happening.
>you'll have a hard time playing them away from a power point
* on any other console.
I'd make a joke about the Switch's battery life but I've found it to be pretty good actually.
See, unlike with Sony ports Nintendo actually makes the effort to add new content instead of just slapping the DLC on. Which is why it was such a problem people had with the PS4 after all no one had a problem with the KH 1.5 and 2.5 ports (on ps3) because it was bringing over the final mix content same with FF12.
But TLOU? Gravity Rush? Literally the same games.
Get it now?
>I'm 30 and somehow missed all the classics but I'm still so invested in the hobby that I'm posting on Sup Forums early in the morning
Damn it gramps, you are the saddest shit i've ever seen.
What did he mean by this?
>My favorite part of these Switch threads: suddenly everyone is a Disgaea fan
It's pretty well known that Ninty fans are into weeb games. Why is this a surprise?
>I bet everyone is gonna be all into FIFA too.
Also a weird thing to say. FIFA is hardly a system seller if you don't care about sports all that much but if it comes to Switch and it's a good port then buying it to play with friends makes sense.
That would make three games champ.
I'll admit I broadened my horizons, but mainly when I got a 3ds. That same vidya taste translated over to the Switch. If a game is portable, I'm more likely to play it. I travel a lot and have lots of down-time so a game being portable makes me much more likely to play it.
Either way, my tastes aside, there is at least 2-3 good games that any prospective gamer can find on Switch.
Also, fuck you. Been playing Disgaea since 2, even got the psp prinny spin-off ones.
>Everybody wants one
just like wii u
>alluring the portability
Did you own a vita for the portability factor? I sure as hell didnt.
On the switch? Nothing really right now that you cant get cheaper or much earlier on another plattform.
>There are people, right now, on this very board that are actually trying to convince themselves and other people that the Switch isn't going to dominate the industry
Let's go through a quick checklist of all the audiences the Switch appeals too.
>Core gamers
Eh, needs a bit more time. Disgaea is a start but I am hoping the Switch becomes a sort of Vita 2.0 before I make judgment.
Lads, be honest. Is there ANYTHING that can stop the Switch from being a complete and utter success other than apple continuing to be cunts by buying all of the NANDs?
I don't know Japanese and I'm not keen on doubling my play time using translation guides in an already time consuming game.
Also MHW is coming, why the hell would I even want XX at this point?
The (hopefully) best mario game since 64 will come out this October. Errbody wants in on it.
>suddenly everyone is a Disgaea fan
Eh I picked up the enhanced versions of 3 and 4 and enjoyed them. Why can't I be a fan if I buy the enhanced version of 5 on the Switch?
Eh i kinda want one but other than zelda and FAST there doesnt seem to be any games.
There are NO GAMES man. This is my issue with every nintendo console.
>Vita 2.0
It's already on its way. There are so many "literally who" japanese indie games on the switch eshop already. It's just missing jrpgs and VN titles to be like the vita at this point.
Nah. I mean people can shitpost as much as they want but any handheld with Pokemon sells like crazy. And this will be HD. It'll probably break records.
>add new content
Yeah how great of nintendo to make content exclusive for a shitty new system you have to buy and sell them $60. BASED NINTY.
>Get it now?
Yeah, it got it the first time around you drones are stupid as all hell.
Fuck. Are you me? I have all those titles (except Disgaea and Arms) plus a couple neogeo classics, Shantae, and FAST rmx.
Next I'll have Splatoon 2, XCOM Mario/Rabbids. Pokken tournament (never got a wii u), and Super Mario Odyssey.
I am honestly not seeing the nogaems angle here...
>Core gamers
HA no
>suddenly making games worth the price is bad
Let's not forget the system has ONLY been out for a couple of fucking months. In terms of launch line ups, the Switch easily has one of the best.
>wtf you just like it because it's on Nintendo wtf!!!!!!!!!
Suppose that's true. What's the problem? If I lived next to the sea, I'd probably be into surfing. If I was the son of a magician, I'd probably be into magic. Not to mention that even if you are a hardcore fanboy, you are likely to come across the opportunity to get a cheap competing console you wouldn't buy otherwise, and yeah, you are also likely to fall in love with at least one game that is not normally in your console of choice. Hell, emulation alone exposed the whole pre-3ds/vita library to anyone that is remotely interesed in any of their games. I'm a fan of Dissidia despite never owning a PSP.
Wait, you aren't just mad because you hate Nintendo with a passion and it triggers your autism when people pass out on your brand of choice (99% likely to be Sony judging by your posting style) in favor of Nintendo, right?
hey now, it has mario kart 8.5 and baby squid shoot 1.5
>making games worth the price years after the original and after all the fans have already bought it once
>is bad
The Switch has the Japanese market. It's only a matter of time before Jap games come pouring onto the system. It's easy to forget just how young the Switch actually is in its life.
>Nintendo port meme
Nigga the "trend" that they JUST started is porting Wii U games and reselling at full price, while branding it as a different game (to the point where consumers are even unsure until they purchase it and realize it's not a sequel).
Ports on other consoles: 10/10 GOTY all DLC included edition plastered all over the box, some literally called Game: Collection, with some 2-4 titles on disc. Those are straight ports.
Crash Bandicoot was a complete remaster (not a fan though). Ratchet and Clank was a solid remaster. And the 100+ other ports all include better framerate, online support, cheevo support, and bang for your buck. These aren't even sold at full price at launch anymore.
>TLOU? Gravity Rush?
What are you even comparing it to? Mario Kart 8 on Switch? Apples and oranges
This is the same argument used for the Vita FYI
>Shilling shamelessly for a corporation
I bet your parents are proud of you.
What are you even trying to say?
That games can't ever be remade unless it's the exact same as it was before?
>No games!
>But what about games!
>Not games!
>Being an anti-nintendo crussader
You get extra special-boy points tonight.
Guess what, some of us didn't play those games on WiiU. Because Wii U looked like shit. I'm ok buying prots of Mario Kart and Pokken, I never touched them. Splatoon 2 being an actual sequel is an added bonus as far as I'm concerned.
They're sold out everywhere in western Europe. You can only find them in places like Poland where 370€ is half of a month's salary.
So you agree that the switch has less games than any other console released and is not worth the price?
Thank you for letting me know this.
No? how did you even discern that from my post?
I don't know. The PS4 didn't have games on its first year, but it sold like hotcakes.
People are stupid, I guess.
Personally I'm buying the ports despite owning the original because they have something new to offer me.
The only reason you should ever buy ports is if they add something new or come out cheaper then the original + DLC.
Which is what I did with Dead Island. Saved myself like £5 buying the remaster instead of the DLC.
No doubt, but I don't care; I just know I won't like them. Not in my taste.
Grew up with C64, Amigas and later even SNES and Dreamcast - now it's mainly PC and sometimes Xbox with a bunch of friends. Also:
>you are the saddest shit i've ever seen.
More like:
>I can't patricipate in a mature discussion, better resort to ad hominems.
And if that was the saddest thing you've ever seen in your life, then you're either a sheltered minor or an unproductive basement dweller. Now that's really sad.
WiiU had shit marketing, Switch had good marketing.
I wonder if they'll make a new Smash for the Switch or port the Wii U version with extra content.
Because MHW will be an "open world" game and not a monster hunter game
Nintendo loyalists had Disgaea 1 on original DS, which was a terrible PS2 port, and worse than the PSP port. Disgaea 3/4 were PS3/Vita. D5 was on PS4 two years ago.
>I love Disgaea now, because I've always been weeb
Nintendo and Sony are two good weeb machines, so when I hear someone say they bought Disgaea 5 on Switch, it makes me wonder how. Because even as a long time fan I wasn't that enthused with 5 on PS4.
It's called the bandwagon. A similar thing happened with Madden on the original DS. It sold well because there were no games other than Wario Ware Touched. And people who didn't even like for all bought it because it had "good graphics" and "interesting controls"
>anti-nintendo crussader
Is this how nintendo fanboys like you call people that are reasonable? You are the one shilling $60 ports here while sucking on nintendos dick.
>after all the fans have already bought it once
But that's wrong
Never owned a Wii U and I for one am extremely happy about Wii U ports.
If that upsets you then too bad nigs.
>Nigga the "trend" that they JUST started is porting Wii U games
people like me who didn't had a wii U would be buying them even if they were a 1:1 copy, which they aren't. I've never played them so it's all new content
Wii U is dead they say
Wii U has no games they say
then they buy a Switch to play ports of Wii U games
>I bet everyone is gonna be all into FIFA too.
I know friends that are into FIFA games. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean no one else does, that series it's a system seller with COD.
I guess the vita has gamed too and is the best thing ever because is portable.
You would've loved the Vita. Not joking
>it makes me wonder how.
They owned Playstation before but didn't buy PS4?
>It's called the bandwagon
More like people buy games on a console they bought
This. It pisses me off that nearly 70% of the fanbase is needlessly sucking its cock without seeing any real gameplay that redeems the open-world stream0lined casualization.
I have a Vita. I bought it last year. It's shit. I only got Persona 4, steins gate, persona 3 and tomba 2. Switch games are actual full-games. Vita games felt like gimped PS3 games.
Managed to get a Switch from my local Gamestop and pre-ordered Splatoon 2 because I bought a Wii U for Splatoon.
I have nothing on this console Sup Forums what do I do to wait it out?
New Smash would rake in more money.
Not in sweden? I can order 100s of switches right now if I wanted to.
Vaccine (if you like old resident evil)
Disgaea 5 if youre a weeb
Specter Knight if you want a really fucking good old school platformer/megaman clone
MHW will be casual garbage. A more streamlined version of Monster Hunter X, which is already streamlined to begin with.
You are literally defending a company that sells you the same game twice where the only difference is a small upscale.
Thanks for the list of shoverware and Disgaya
Define shoevlware
No problem