ITT: Games that shouldn't exist
ITT: Games that shouldn't exist
Q is a fun game
the writing is terrible though.
I would say Zero Time Dilemma but it would be worse to not have a conclusion at all that having what we got
An obvious choice
Here's your (((You)))
Persona Q
Persona 3 The Answer
Inevitably P5 Crimson
Shameleess Persona remakes and spinoffs are fucking terrible and shouldn't be encouraged. The games were fine without them.
>Shameleess Persona remakes
but IS and EP for PSP were good ports too bad no EP outside japan lmao
crazy frog is the original pepe
>those fucking zippers everywhere, especially on Donald's hat
Nomura was a mistake.
What's wrong with a little fan service?
>feMC is a shotacon for ken
aside from shinji it was a solid port
>zippers on donald's hat
i just noticed
what the fuck
That's not PeaceWalker Motherbase
Pisswalker was a mistake. I knew MGS5 was just going to be peacewalker 2 so I haven't even bothered to play it
Any Tony Hawk game made by Robomodo
Tennis For Two
>Yo what if we made the exact same game but replaced the fun assassinations with standing on a capture point, meme weapons, and more coop!
Sounds amazing I need to play it
it's pretty much etrian oddysey but persona
It's fun.
They do it with every game. They went the entire 3DS life without making a new Devil Survivor because they just remade both of the DS ones.
Even the Nocturne we got was a "Plus" version. But who wants to play Nocturne without El Matador anyway?
Why is the implication here? SMTfags jerk off over SJ when its pretty shit compared to EO, they are just as bad
>mfw personababbies can't handle etrian odyssey
there was a third version with raidou that we never got, although he was a reskin of dante outside of dialogue
That the game is good and persona babs are used to their easy games not saying they're bad, but you have to admit they're easy so when they try Q out they get BTFO
we have standards unlike you faggots, it somehow managed to make the characters from 4 even worse, and dragged the characters of p3 to the same level
>we have standards
No you don't
SJ is infinitely better than EO what are you on
SMT is just another pleb filter for Atlus's best series, smtfags are philistines
weeb trash that buys anything with generic moeblobs has no right to talk to us about standards. for the record, the artstyle of Q is nausea inducing, it's as bad as the chibi shit in ORAS
>smtbabs actually believe this
If this doesn't include some of the scrapped colossi then what's even the point? We JUST had a remaster on PS3.
It's not great. It feels like a really half assed Etrian game and you're better off playing EOIV or Untold 2.
agreed, I can't take a game seriously that has Goofy and Donald Duck in it
t. persona babby that can't handle more than 5 minutes of gameplay without having to blog about his experience on facebook and complains that you have to do A WHOLE DUNGEON without a 40 minute YA-tier kusoge VN break
>what's even the point
let's pretty up an existing game and resell it instead of making a brand new one from nothing
The whole premise is fanfiction as fuck. It's one of those crossovers that anyone with half a brain would like at and say "What the fuck, what audience are you trying to appeal to with this shit?".
SJ is a much better game than PQ though.
>collage bullshit
>inflated text
>reaction images
Christ, this is leddit.
>using kusoge in a serious context
thanks for proving the point I made about you subhumans in an earlier post
The most boring way to shitpost honestly
who's this qt?
Still fucking mad about this
le mellinom girl
>personababbies this assblasted someone called out their shit taste
I don't even know why you're here considering this is prime time for instagram posting about how much you and your friends are actually like the Phantom Thieves XD
Bought this on launch and I still havent beaten it. The first person dungeon crawling and tedious mapping killed it for me.
>still trying to hide behind shitposting after being called out
How do we make a cool third game for a series that has less relevant story than most fighting games and is entirely about extremely fast 1v1 giant mecha fights? Slow it down to fucking molasses, add shitty 2v2 where if the arbitary "leader" player dies you auto-lose, drop the skill ceiling to less than the first game's skill floor, turn the midboss from the first game into pedobait with Bruce Banner problems, and instead of adding new mechs (outside of the generic samurai mech), just make like 5 different recolors/weapon switches of each one. Force is the Smash Brawl of mecha games.
>flanderized every character, from based Akihiko to Shinji
>Only DA MAN was able to continue to be excellent
Why is Junpei so based?
On the upside, it gave them some fuel to use for some shit in Paradise Lost.
I didn't understand why Q's writing was bad until I played P3. Kind of crazy how P4's characters are so annoying that parodies of them are still pretty accurate.
At least the gameplay is nice.
>glorious persona on ninturdo
what are you going to do when Crimson ends up on the switch because of how much marketshare the vita will lose to it, I'm genuinely curious
>tfw you like PQ
>tfw you like all Atlus RPG's, SMT, Persona and EO included
When you skip all the shit pandering dialogues it's actually an acceptable little brother to the EO series.
>on switch
can I kek?
It was crazy how fast the character assassination happened. In the first ten minutes Nanako's acting like a braindead retard and it's all downhill from there.
how dare you have fun
Because you're too busy relating to him to notice he's been a one note character ever since he was conceived.
>a remake, and 3 spinoffs for P4
>a little fanservice
the game is totally broken mechanically
Ruined the OST, though.
>he whines about moeblob while he plays shitty escapist anime games
>the moeblob game he whines about has no uguu kawaii elements to it other than aesthetic. Meanwhile, the series he enjoys has shit anime dialogue, pandering, and fanservice; it is shit anime trash through and through.
lol standards
Actually enjoyed it, but should had been its own universe, not a cross-over
So is every EO if you try hard enough. I never had an issue with that.
The old one was also available
Which one was this?
Pic unrelated?
>one note character
are you stupei?
Junpei had probably the most character development out of all purse owner characters
>becomes bros with the new kid
>the new kid suddenly gets all this cool shit like the wild card, being the leader
>obviously Junpei gets envious
>he overcomes his envy and falls in love with Chidori
>Chidori's death gives him strength to fight on
>breaks down during the last month of the game, claims it's all our fault that everyone'll die
>by the end of the game he overcomes that feeling and would jump into a fire chasm after you
>in The Answer he's the most mature and the only thinking straight party member
But Persona Golden is vastly better than its original.
>if you try hard enough
That's the thing.You don't need to try on Q. The balance between physical and magic attacks becomes obvious after playing for a while.
the inclusion of Marie made 4 even worse, I thought she was original to Q until someone explained that she was from golden
Yukiko actually came out the better for it
DAN was fun
The good things Golden brought outweigh its sin of Marie.
>make storyline bosses easier
>make fusion even easier to break
>include skill and stat cards
>Marie, the absolutely pointless social link
>Rise becomes too powerful in terms of support abilities
Well, there's an epilogue, at least. That's something. It also makes Naoto less useless.
Golden has much more content than marie
Not being able to choose which skills your persona will inherit after fusing is stupid and breaks down the meaning of building your team.
>storyline bosses easier
dont play on easy then fuck boy
Fucking right, I bet those Square boardroom nips really wish they'd taken your advice. Hahaha
Same. It's barely even a crossover anyway, only Jack Frost makes a cameo.
>if you like Etrian Odyssey you'll like Persona Q
>"labyrinths" are tiny, EO4 tier until the end
>very few interesting dungeon puzzles and gimmicks, mostly walking to places in the correct order to advance
>by the fourth area you're seeing FOEs do things you'd encounter on early floors of most EO games
>character balance is a complete joke like subclassing except certain characters break the game and make everything from random encounters to boss fights an absolute joke even without sub-personas
>repeatedly shoves it's stupid plot in your face
>one-dimensional 2D characters on a 3D handheld
>said characters get repeated interactions where they show off their HILARIOUS single personality trait
>game never really has a significant spike in difficulty
>no postgame dungeon, just two fights
The only thing I liked was the variety of mapping tools and some of the music.
personababbie buttblasted
You could choose, but it was more randomized. Skill inheritance also included a priority/exclusion mechanic depending on the type of persona you were making. Ose, for example, could not inherit bufu skills, but if you were trying to pass down Agi skills, he'd be almost guaranteed to get it. Passive abilities had neutral priority, so you'd just shuffle for those.
Golden throws that out and just makes it so you can pass down whatever you want. It just leads to an easily exploitable system. Not to mention, fusion is largely trivialized by skill/stat cards. I don't like how fusion was handled at all. 5 has the same problem.
That doesn't matter when the actual properties and weaknesses of the boss are modified to be made easier. You're telling me to pick artificial difficulty over sufficient boss design. Why settle for a lesser option?
Fuck you, I liked it.
>implying difficulty matters when you give bosses weaknesses they didn't have before
Forgot about that SOS assistance feature, too. As though all the extra crutches weren't enough. Gotta give Golden credit for allowing you to skip cutscenes, though. That should be standard in JRPGs by now. Also, buffs being reapplied when cast is a great change. Whether or not it affects balance that much, I don't know. Probably does.
What's wrong with the mobile version?
>Persona 3 The Answer
The gameplay was bad, but beside that it was pretty good. I want to believe everyone that says this is memeing and never actually went through becuase the gameplay is so fucking bad.
The characters were pretty well done and all written well for someone trying to cope with a loss like that and explained what the happened and get all of lose ends together, so the MC can't magically come back to life like everyone was hoping.
>consolewar shitter
stick to your wojak threads