Darkest Dungeon

I also posted here for my first trip in here but still...
What the fuck is going on here?

Other urls found in this thread:


/d/ and /x/ threw a party.

Why is Zealous Accusation so shit?

Not bright enough.

You just need to active 3 Iron Crowns

>recently discovered the fun of abdul+double bounty hunter
[snorting intensifies]

OP here
I think i suck

I'm having a blast running with double occultists instead of nuns.

>can't level up my boys since one ran away when drinking
Anyone else always run these two together?

you're actually not in particularly dire straits.

Gotta get that OCD out of your system, m8. They'll both be level 6 eventually, and that's the only time they'll be in actual danger.

Literaly on my last legs

nigga you are overexaggerating that shit. grow a pair.

I don't know man, a part of the fun is attachment to your crew for me.
I completely gave up on that stuff while playing ironman nu-xcom and while sending soulless rookie meat to the grinder has it's merits, it lost it's value to me quick. Having some sort of head canon for your characters makes the grind a bit less tedious for me.

Cheat Engine's speedhack function makes the grind less tedious for me. 3x speed makes the animations MUCH more reasonable.

Is there a guide/script for it? I might try it out.


Not all the time, but I do it where it counts.


>that close to a heart attack
At least they found their redemption

Uh. Install cheat engine 6.7. Click the glowing computer icon in the upper left. Choose Darkest Dungeon. Check the "enable speedhack" function. Change the 1.00 to 3.00 and click apply. Now the game moves faster.

>rip a decent heal on the MaA
>only have to divvy up end fight stress heals on 3 since you got a virtuous
You are serious pussy if this is end of the line for you.

193 stress.

OP here
Everything is absolutely fine

The worms thank you for your service.

holy shit how the fuck did you mess this up.

Sorry for your loss.

overconfidence tide yadda yadda



So this is how the tide turns...

You should have learned.
I shall remind you.

More dust, more ashes, more disappointment.


Regroup. Reassemble. Evil is timeless, after all.

How the fuck do I beat Bloodmoon mode?

I didn't divide the supples very well and i got quite a few 0hp heals with a bleed on the side from that piece of shit occultist


A heavy loss of investment, but you will bounce back, and the thing will be defeated.

I managed it, the only advice I can give you is before week 4 you need to git


How is the DLC for the game? I'm afraid to start the quest for it since everyone says vampirism makes your roster worthless

>vampirism makes your roster worthless
Don't listen to scrubs.

Too easy tbqh
The curse should have been much more detrimental

>maa doesn't have the talisman of the flame

uh user

Curse is literally a boon now that they added a constant quest to go get Blood.

owo what's this?

Wow, free garbage!

only if you hate fun

>they are always level 0

Pretty much garbage, desu.

Is this a mod?

It's a couple different mods.

Crusader is a top tier class.

OP here
Here we go again

I threw out a free level 0 flagellant that you get after buying the DLC, will I still get more through the stage coach?

inb4 another wipe

He isn't a primary damage dealer. He's a frontline stunner/tank who can stress heal. His decent damage is just a bonus.

Where are your heals, bro? Where are they? Are you relying on the Arbalest? Dude. Dude!

that arbalest better have healing otherwise you're fucked

why the fuck didn't you give the man at arms the trinket?

This makes me happy

I think he's going for arbalest+crusader heals and maybe grave robber dodge tanking. Even then, shit's fucked.
Arbalest has shit heals and can't heal spot 4 so it's going to be tough

Boss 1
Let's go!

>no guard

You're not getting out of that unscathed.

Can't wait for a train wreck.

>no lunge on GR
>no lance on crusader
>probably no breakthrough on hellion
You're going to get shuffled and fucked eventually


Moving on

Now for the true test, hold fast or expire.

That's what you get for relying on an arbalest who can't heal herself to be the main healer



>this group and skills

Shit's getting stressful

Boss 2

I kinda want to mod Momiji into houndmaster or his dog but I have no idea how much effort it would take.

Moving on again

What could possible go wrong?

>no barbaric yawp
>no iron swan
Jesus christ op

I think i am gonna make my best decision yet and tap out, i don't believe in myself enough to do this

Getting mighty hungry there, boss.

>everyone is pretty much dead with no healer
>yeah nah I THINK I can't do it
Bring a real healer next time, if you brought an occultist or some shit instead of the arbalest you'd be golden right now.

For anyone wandering, the hellion sacrificed herself for the other 2

And in the end nothing of value was lost.

Also what the fuck?
Why do i have 4 talismans now?
Did rngesus see me from above and bless me with a boon?

>le epic racist slaughter of innocent muslims maymay XD

Exactly what about that references muslims?

Retards try to play him as a dps class, not a tanky stunner/stress healer. He is top tier for sure.

glorifying crusaders who were racist murderers

You are aware that a religion is not an ethnicity.

>god wills it
>it says you're a HERETIC
>the class is a literal crusader with flavour items to match
>nothing about sandniggers or mudslimes in specific
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
You got your (you)s, now cease posting

iirc its a bug that can happen when you alt+f4 out of the game since it will think your hero died and give you back the trinket

>Quick Reflexes

What quirks are the best to keep?

What the fuck

>Leper with On Guard, Quickdraw, and Quick Reflexes
>Quick Draw Charm & Berserk Mask


Quick Reflexes, Early Riser if you use torches, Night Owl if you go torchless, On guard. All of those add to your speed, you want to out speed all the enemies.

After that get Eldritch and Beast Hater/Slayer. Both are good for either damage or accuracy. Unerring is 10% damage to ranged attacks and Slugger is 10% damage to melee attacks.

So you want speed, then damage/accuracy, then anything that gives you resistances. Resistances like more HP, more prot, more stun resist, more bleed resist. A Man at Arms with stun resist is very helpful so he that he cannot break his guard. Of course due to the random nature just lock in what you can and don't be too picky as long as it falls under those categories.

>Fear of Mankind

literally me

Virtue chance
Deathblow resist

You will be beautiful