Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?

It didn't

>praised outside of butthurt catholics and fedora fags
>already guaranteed a second deason

fuck off cuck

fuck off cuck

Obvious bait is obvious. Can you kindly go to your restroom and slit your wrists vertically for us all OP?

Seemed great to me. One of the best shows I've seen in years. Why is everyone all bent about it?

it didnt, you fags and reddit love it

The music is near non-existent, I hope they fix that in the second season and onward.

Seemed pretty great to me pham

Some of Drac's lines could have been delivered better though he sounds like an old cancer patient at times

pandered to lowest common denominator atheists

OP is doing this thing where he makes a blatantly untrue claim and states it as fact in the hopes that idiots will go along with it. Most people thought it was good or decent at least.

Lack of video game music = perfectly fine

The vidya music would make it extremely goofy unless they did an actual good remaster, which they wont.

We already know its castlevania from the characters.

>he hasnt been reading the threads
even critics panned it

Because English Trevor was terrible.

wrong again, falseflagger. you might want to try something that won't be dispelled in five seconds by a google search.

It didn't fail. It's been greenlit for a second season.

If you mean fail as in keeping to the source material, then you're only half right. The show was good when it kept to the Castlevania lore. Which is actually did better than IGA did. But yes, half the show was repetitive cussing and gore with no development. Could have been two episodes just focused on the core story instead of five. Here's hoping season 2 will improve things.

>The vidya music would make it extremely goofy unless they did an actual good remaster, which they wont.
But they could have. So realizing that, they should have used music from the game. Especially since Castlevania III has the best music in the whole series. A solid remix of Prologue, Clock Tower and the marsh themes would have worked well given the show specifically went to those areas.

I've seen other threads with anons criticizing it when it was blatantly obvious they'd never watched it. The show has its issues but I thought it was just okay.

Hell I was in a completely unrelated thread the other night and just one user posting a track from a Castlevania game caused one shitposter to snap and start telling him to return to reddit. The autistic asspain this series has caused is incredible.

it is a pretty reddity series though
the opening scene alone severely turned me off

I found it questionable how the church was painted as so comically evil when as far as I'm aware that was never an issue in the games themselves. There were a few dumb scenes like where they confront the monsters in the last episode with the ice wall when immediately beforehand we just saw them shoot a massive burst of flame down a street and around a corner. I was also bothered by how abruptly Trevor went from not caring about people getting killed to wanting to save everyone, and I didn't like how he was written or voiced much in general; he just reeks of tryhard comic book snark and being the only character in the show who swears aside from the drunkards in the pub at the start also pulled me out whenever he did it while trying to sound cool.

Those parts aside I did like it though.

>one of the highest rated Netflix shows of this year

LMAO@ur life

boring and predictable story

animation was nice

>I found it questionable how the church was painted as so comically evil
>literally one guy in the show represents the whole church
Also in the games Shaft was a priest who lost his way and he plays a big part in Rondo and Symphony in resurrecting Dracula.
I will give you that outside of those games, the church is always portrayed as good.

because in 4 episodes basically nothing fucking happened.

It was 1 big giant cock tease. should have had a full season with something that doesn't just end right as it got somewhere.

Well the stuff with Trevor was something that was a part of Castlevania 3's original story. The Belmonts were excommunicated and were only asked to help when Dracula started fucking up.
I think the Netflix show tried to portray how the members of the Belmont family would have reacted to something so distressful. Trevor being a drunkard and not caring and being pretty pessimistic seems reasonable, and he does prove he has a good heart when he comes around by the third episode.

I was gonna make some comment about how it was edgy le church is evil fedora shit, but the (You) game is too easy.

Shitposting just isn't fun anymore, there's no effort, Neo-Sup Forums takes everything at face value.

animation was not good

I hate how everyone brings up Shaft like that actually means anything.

>nothing happened
Gen Z, everyone. Wants a full resolution to all conflicts served to him on a silver platter, immediately upon their introduction.

26 is not gen Z.

If you don't have a story don't bother making 2 hours of dick jokes.

>>literally one guy in the show represents the whole church
This might be fair if they expanded on it a little, but they don't. The show didn't make any time to explore the church, how much power the bishop had in it, or how many members of the church agreed with and supported him vs how many didn't. The only good side of the church we see in the show is the one priest near the end who blesses the water for them, whereas we do see a bunch of thugs supporting the bishop.
Really I guess it's more a problem of the four episodes and rushed story.

That I get, and I'm fine with Trevor being a pessimist and drunkard; I thought that fit well. I just didn't like his crappy quips throughout the show, and particularly the way his actor delivered them. Listening to other audio tracks I liked the Japanese and Italian versions of Trevor a lot more.

>lying about your age
Don't bother.