

Uh user, could you turn your toy off?


Outdated meme is outdated, reddit.

>being able to hear switch over loud music and normies talking
>not wearing headphones
>going to parties
What kind of normie are you

I know your scared of Splatoon 2 selling more switches but your constantly shitposting threads are getting annoying

I'll turn my game off when you turn your gay music off, bitch.


>playing video games in the middle of a party
op, don't tell me you're a faggot...


I have never gone to a party as an adult.

>implying anyone here would ever be invited to a party with that many attractive women.

Made me chuckle.

>zelda screenshot when "bing bing wahoo" refers to mario
Every time

>go to party
>bring mario kart
>people get drunk and play MK8
>good times are had

I don't understand where Sup Forums gets these memes from, bitches love Mario Kart

Fuck you stacie, I saw you how you watched chad fucking jamal you sick cuck.

Sup Forums is more concerned about being normal than those who already are

>browsing Sup Forums means you have to be a persecuted NEET shut in

Not everyone is as pathetic as you user

Really makes you think don't it

>>go to party
>>bring mario kart
>>no women play
>>only dude bros who argue and get food on your controllers
>>you never get the controller back because you're too beta and unlikeable to be included in your own game
>>no fun was had

sorry but.. that girl at the far right kinda makes me hard.
She looks like you're holding her secret fetish in her hand and she's a bit aroused while everyone else is a bitch about it

>things that never happened

I know your scared of the switch becoming mainstream, OP, but this is just embarrassing.

>projecting this hard

really gets the noggin workin

*stabs you with my combat knife once*

Uh sure, honey

*Keeps your joycon*



Why not just ask him to delete it?

>Having boardgame night
>New guy there
>Is playing his 3ds during the game

People who can't put their portable consoles down are scum.

"Uhm sorry, summimasen domo arigato! I will plug in my headoset right now hehe"

>Go to a party
>Take Mario Kart
>NIntendrones are this autistic

>have a general gaming night
>one guy can't get his hands off his phone

nothin personnel

That's not an instance of projecting considering what he was replying to

Well he is playing a BORED game

Uhhh, no?

What do people do in parties? I've never been in one but everytime I see a picture/video of a party it's always people drinking from a red plastic cup and kinda just wobbling around, almost like dancing.

why are muricans so ugly looking? i thought the mudslimes didn't invade yet?

looking at this image makes me want to kill myself
and i'm a self-admitted splatoon autist

>host party
>buy mixers and lay out some cheese, meat, mini-dogs, and more
>buddy brings his Wii U and some games
>other buddy brings liquor, his fiancee brings snacks
>one brings weed, his retro consoles, and his CRT TV
>we all relax and play games, drink, smoke, and have a good time
>might order a pizza or two near the end of the night, watch a b-list horror movie
>friends crash on my hide-a-bed and the air mattress
>we all go to brunch the next morning

And I even have autism. What's your excuse?

Well, people loved the Wii at parties, brought mine twice during highschool, but girls won't play anything besides sport games. At least you do have your time's worth when playing anything with bros.

I think we can all agree that Europeans cause most of Sup Forums's problems. How do we get Hiro to rangeban Europe?

What are you cringing about in this scenario?
Does any slight of negativity make you shudder like a 6 year old girl?

good god it's real... i had only ever seen the diagram of it on Sup Forums

Most people on Sup Forums are the type who were bullied in high school and never found a group to call their own so they have to shit on people who had fun where they can't.

>group of friends get together
>parties like you describe is mostly a 'kickback'
>get turnt on mix drinks in red cups, or beer
>music playing
>sometimes they'll get a video game system going
>someone else is usually playing DJ, or alternating with other people
>usually a group goes outside to smoke weed
>alternating between vidya, DJ, 'dancing', and just lounging at the pad while drinking

That's your typical 'house party'. Most I've been to are like that, but some get bigger, and then you get party games like beer pong going, or sometimes there's a pool in the backyard, and eventually if the party is good someone will jump in, and there's different cliques of people who do different stuff. Anybody interested in cars will go check out this one guys camaro and do a burn out, someone else might have a guitar and if you like music you'd listen to him..

It's just an informal social gathering.

Thats not a party.

Why even bother with the Switch app at that point? If you have your phone at hand already you may as well just use Whatsapp

Man you must go to shit parties OP. Every party I've gone to has usually was a strange spectrum of mahvel, coke, booze and a few people on their DS playing some nip game together.

High school was fucking weird.

It's an adult party not a teenage house party.


But see, I don't get this meme. Even the most spergy kid in my high school, who everyone hated and was in special classes, has gone onto college and unironically hit the gym.

He's still a bit awkward (getting better), but he has a circle of friends who genuinely share his interests, and he looks like a total 9/10 now.

Most people who complain on here are just too lazy to put in the smallest amount of effort to better themselves.

>it's only a party if it's a meme "house party" from my American movies with le kegger and blaring techno music and 100+ people
This is not how adults (or most people of any age) have parties, user.

>tfw you have hearing problems and going to a party means you can't converse with anyone because the music is too loud

he owns a switch of course he is

A party is at least 10 people

>Most people who complain on here are just too lazy to put in the smallest amount of effort to better themselves.
Pretty much.
I have to admit that through primary and the best part of high school I was the kid that was bullied but in the last two or so years of high school I found a group of friends I could just chill and shoot the shit with.
Hell when I went to college I even started with a friend an anime club and gained some best friends for life that I hold regular game nights with.

The people here just refuse to open up to anyone out of fear of being judged and excluded without realising that's a part of life.

Does anyone even know where the original image for this comes from?

MK is loved by normies dude. (yeah I said normies please get triggered)

Last time I went to a party we sat around smoking DUDE WEED LMAO and playing that old one on the N64

Depends on where you live, really.

I'd say 5-10 is a decent "party". More than that and you're hitting 'extended family gathering' levels of crowded, especially if you plan to do something as a group (like gaming, watching a movie, etc.).


>W-Would anyone l-like to play Splatoon?
>Here, we can play together
>Fuck off with your gameboy, user, we're trying to have fun!
>Eewww, what the fuck man, those look like little girls! What the fuck are you doing? You like kids are something?
>No, I—
>Just get the fuck out before we call the cops
>Th-This isn't how Nintendo said it would be.

Why do people go to parties and fuck their ears? I don't get it. It's a vulnerable organ and they willingly damage it beyond repair, they don't seem to care about it either. The reason the music at those places always has the bass turned up must be because they've all gone deaf and hear only through vibrations now. What a terrifying crowd.

hey me too but I still go to parties. usually just hang outside with my friend circle

>Not thinking party is four people
>on Sup Forums
you are a faggot nigger.

why do you have this image saved

why are there only two okay girls at this entire get together?

I never really looked at this image
why is this fuck wearing shades indoors


I'll take shit that didn't or will happen for 500 Tom.

how did you get that pic of jim sterling?

could be worse, expecting some guy playing flappy bird, candy crush or other shit phone game...

Yea, you're not a normie m8. You're an autistic Nintendork manchild.

Go to a bar and start talking about Mario Kart and film the results, I dare you.

I remember seeing a chart that said sports game were their least played

>Sup Forums is super paranoid about looking weird to other people
>despite that everyone here cries about tfw no gf while normies are playing on their switches

Went to a bar with some mates and brought a Switch.
Formed a crowd and got some others playing MK until the battery died.

Also made a new friend.

This happened to me too. The barkeep even let me plug it into the TV so we could play MK on the big screen. Everyone was crowded around having a great time, and I was at the center of it all, the pinnacle of cool, the purveyor of fun. ALl because of the Nintendo Switch.

After we were done, and I had acquired several new friends who would be life-long gaming buddies, two prime beauties sucked me of in the toilets because of what a Switch stud I am.

And then I woke up.

I'm always amazed by turbo-autist Sup Forums posters acting like they have any clue whatsoever about what goes on in social situations like parties while simultaneously projecting their biggest social fears and insecurities on the people who are confident enough not to give a fuck.

It's goddamn pathetic.

>And then I woke up.
Yeah, don't drink so much and you won't pass out.

Seriously though get outside, people aren't as scary as you think they are.

Fuck off, slut. I'm having fun.

Nothing happens at those places.

>you will never fuck those 3 girls in the front

Is that seasoning sprinkled on his back or freckles kek

do coke and grab girls asses

my sister had a house party
I just stood in one spot for about an hour while people walked around me to drink
everytime someone tried to talk to me I would just ignore them

parties are fucking overrated

Shut up whore and gobble my cum

hey guys what if

V I D E O G A M E S ?

This would be terrifying. You're just sitting there playing video games and then you look up and suddenly all these people you don't know are in your house giving you disgusted looks. You don't even know how they got in here, the doors are locked and all the windows are intact.

Those girls are so ugly

Get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops


>Wanting to fuck 3d
Come on now stop joking around.

only europeans use whatsapp

sounds like you're problem.
>i would just ignore them
what a cunt

>go to turn off the switch
>"Nooo user we're playing mario kart here, we meant the other toy"
>turn off the PS4 which has no co-op games

Who are you people, what are you doing in my house

wow that girl halfway right has such a punchable face and look in her eyes. 7/10 would hate rape

You mean discord

Why is that guy on the left carrying two cups stacked together instead of just one

talking to drunks is fucking pointless

you can see in the picture next to it that he has no freckles....