Why is the Switch fanbase so rabid compared to the Wii U fanbase?

Why is the Switch fanbase so rabid compared to the Wii U fanbase?


They were just as rabid back when the Wii U launched, they were just bullied into submission to the point only the most delusional kept going.

This. Shitposters ruined every single Wii U thread, led by Sex Genie, Skeleton, Rugs and other Sup Forums namefags, by 2013 it was clear no discussion was allowed.
Switch owners are virgin to the amount of time and dedication the anti-Nintendo posters will spend.

Dumb hamsterposter
Umaru Vita game flopped hard

They're out for revenge

Because it's the first time since the fucking Gamecube that Nintenbros have gotten a proper home console without gimmicks that force the games to be made a certain way to accommodate for waggle and tablet shit.
The Switch is a pretty big deal in that respect, and has the potential to be amazing depending on how the library develops.
Nintenbabs know this, so they overhype small releases and ports.
Wii U was pretty much dead on arrival. Even people who like it don't care to get hyped about anything about it because they know it's dead and not even things like Bayonetta 2 and W101 could save it.

Switch has both wagglan and tablet shit

Point being that they're totally optional.
Waggle has strayed from being the main gimmick and is simply put to the side, if devs want to use it, they can, but there's no obligation.
Many games on the Wii had to have motion controllers to show off the console's main gimmick, and there was no avoiding the tablet with the Wii U unless you bought a Pro controller, which didn't work for all games.

>Nintenbabs know this, so they overhype small releases and ports.
Hopefully that works out better for Switchfags than it did for Vitafags.

Wii U was legitimately shit. The gamepad was always going to hold it back. The Switch has much more potential, so Switch fans are more eager to defend it.

>not even things like Bayonetta 2 and W101 could save it.
Out of all the big name games on Wii U you mention niche shit?

S2 soon

Can't wait for more Umaru

It doesn't matter what names I brought up.
Did you want me to bring up Sm4sh or something?

Even people who like the Wii U don't care to get hyped about anything about it because they know it's dead and not even things like Sm4sh could save it.

Dumb umaru poster

Wii U did well enough for Nintendo. It took time, but it ended up returning profit for them. You know what was the Wii U problem? That Nintendo has no place in the home console market anymore.

That's why the Switch exists. It was Nintendo's way to exit the home console market, since the thing is also half a handheld. They mixed their vanishing home console market + their strong handheld market into one device.
And given how much the Switch is selling, I wouldn't be surprised if it outsold LTD Wii U sales before it turns 1 year old.

> wii u was a total fucking failure
yes. Console their income come from LICENSING! not for how much nintendo is fleecing you for last generation hardware.

I don't know what kind of inbreed idiot you are that you were expecting a fucking handheld to be as strong as a PS4.

umaru is a dumb rat

I advise you to leave Sup Forums on Fall,because she is coming back.

And Poptepipic is coming too

Because most Switch users are dumb teenagers that follow the fashion of the moment.
The Wii U was never a most wanted hardware, hence the users were mostly hardcore Nintendo fans that actually loved the console for its games, not because marketing told them to buy it.