They don't want the leddit audience

>they don't want the leddit audience

Why do you care?

I think it's an excuse to start a Rabi-Ribi thread.

>come, Sup Forums, let us laugh at people for not being pedophiles.


LITERALLY every character in the game is above 18 you fucking idiot

Reddit are a bunch of snobs.

I bought this game just to spite reddit. And it feels good

>Um, I might look and act like a child wearing lingerie, but I'm actually 4000 years old!

oh sorry, have you spoken with that 2D character in person and confirmed that she is in fact lying and is really underage? My bad, I guess we are all wrong.

They're not much better than the people who buy the game FOR the outfits. Fucking lowest common denominator plebs.


Why did they call it Rabi-Ribi?
Ribi-Rabi sounds so much better and easier to say

Pictures are not children user don't be stupid

Ummm, sweetie, I'm sorry but this game is illegal?

Ribi-Rabi sounds jewish actually.

Only in Australia.

If you live in a retarded country yes, you know the kind that puts you in prision for masturbating to cartoons or if some random bitch says that you raped her in a dream she had.

So I'm not the only one who calls it Ribi-Rabi. It flows much better that way so it just comes naturally to me.

Isn't it Japanese anyway, it's not like the Japanese know what a Jew is

but lolicon is not illegal in the US, isn't this the only place where the latter occurs?

it's from tw

I'm pretty sure it's Taiwanese.

No one gives a shit about what Leddit thinks. Leddit AND NeoFAG.

In fall when the PlayStation versions come out.

Oh, well do the Taiwanese know what Jews are then?

>you game features females other than sassy muscular manjaw negroids with afro hair it means you're a child rapist

nice i have the physical edition too :D

What's wrong with children wearing lingerie?

Ablaut reduplication. In English we prefer vowels to flow I A O; hence why we say 'big bad' even though it's inconsistent with normal rules for ordering adjectives

First with Neogaf ,now with reddit.

Why do you guys need to make these threads in where you post screenshots of people saying stuff that is opposite of your way of think? Do you costantly need the approval of the rest Sup Forums to play your hentai stuff?


i enjoyed this game and its cast of women

look at that fucking smug fairy.

>I might look like a real person but I'm actually 2D and you are retarded for boing unable to separate fiction from reality.

that pic is at least a year old tho.


i didn't buy it for the polar opposite reason: no h-scenes or h-patch
either make a game that's interesting or make a straight-up porn game, not interested in cocktease games

Children should be naked instead of wearing provocative outfits designed to appeal to pedophiles.

>tfw been stuck on nieve for weeks now
How the hell do I beat her? She just eats up all my attacks.

clearly the only answer here is to kill all of the children so no one can ever sexualize them again.

what difficulty


>Fap to gay hentai
>"I'm not gay! You just can't separate fiction from reality!"


fuck off pedogaf, dont you have some real children to fap too

Take your inferior taste and leave

So lolis are the only way to destroy reddit?

doesn't normal give you handouts if you die a certain amount of times?

Apparently you can't, faggot

>lets laugh at people for having shit taste

is what we do here since forever dude

Hey newfag pot.

protip: if you have to change the argument completely to have a point, then its probably not a very good one

It's a fairy. They're supposed to be petite, graceful creatures. Does she need to look like a ham planet or a fertility goddess for Reddit to accept it?

Let me guess, you're an ironic furry aren't you

Sup Forums cares more about other sites and e-celeb drama than video games.

>taking the handouts
I might've spent hours on some of the last bosses but I sure as hell wasn't going to take the buffs for the easy way out

hello newfriend!
Please stop posting and lurk moar

pic related would still get you banned off of leddit for pedophilia, fertility appeal doesn't matter to them

best present ever

I wouldn't know, I've never had them. What do they give? Should I just take them on move on with it?

you better not have used healing items then noob

Yes, they are banned there for that reason.

saying something funny would get you banned, doxed and branded a nazy on leddit

why people even GO to that shithole?


Reminder that these threads are attempts to shill by distracting you from the fact that it's a shit game. It's the equivalent of EA blaming bigots and homophobes for negative reactions to BioWare games.


idk i never played on anything below hard
are you actually retarded?

>shit game

it's infinitely better than trash like hollow knight

Daily reminder not to buy Sekai Project under any circumstances. I worked with them in the past and they were utter garbage publishers.

I actually isn't a bad platformer.

>hollow knight
I like both Rabi-Ribi and Hollow Knight, you just hate it because it's popular.

Shut the fuck up newfag, it's a good game.

But Rabi Ribi is good and Sekai handled it well, so go suck it. I don't get the idea of boycotting publishers when you can reward them when they do good.

I'm also planning to get Maitetsu from them.


Holy shit, is that Medusa from Wizard?


I hate it because Hollow Knight had plenty of shill threads, even going as far as invading Rabi Ribi threads. I will refuse to play it if devs or their fans behave like that.


stop posting these disgusting old hags

You really have no idea how shitty Sekai Project is. The game being good wouldn't be any thanks to them and their translations of games are exceptionally lazy. Letting them die would be the best possible thing for Japanese games on the English speaking market and literally anyone else could do a more competent job of it than them.

>there are people who dont like or are weirded out by a pseudo hentai game where the main characters look young
are you surprised? Of course there's going to be a large chunck of the population that thinks its creepy, thats kind of the nature of hentai

>I hate it because of falseflaggers
That's a pretty shit reason for hating something desu

op here, i enjoyed hollow knight too but it didnt' hold a candle to rabi ribi for me. at least the la mulana poster isn't in the thread

>Letting them die would be the best possible thing for Japanese games on the English speaking market
Thank god i'm not a forever butthurt burger with a lifelong hatred for anything barely related to japan, then.

Developers needs literally to stop caring about minority customer opinions and just say "fuck you" if some butt hurt idiot or any else demands that they should censor their shit.

Game censored in certain country? Offer way to buy if from their site to bypass morons and their restrictions. Some developers are becoming more and more sheep's and care too much about silly things.

JAST and other don't have funds nor balls to handle stuff like Maitetsu.

That makes me like the game more.

Truly the normie kryptonite

>video games aren't real
>"you're gay if u liek ghey cartoons!"

Did I miss something important or this is a complete non-sequitor?

Believe me, if you ever worked with them, you would hold a grudge too.


you're part of the problem.
It's called "normalfag"

>liking features of 9 year old girls means you're normal as long as they're not technically nine

La Mulana, Hollow Knight and Rabi Ribi are unironically the holy trinity of metroidvanias.

I don't believe you, but I still want to hear your horror stories of it. Lie or not I'm sure it would be pretty accurate.

They find the word "fag" too triggering so they use "normie" instead. One of the quickest ways to tell you're dealing with a newfag Redditor, tumblertard, etc.

But liking 9 year old girls is completely normal human behavior.

That is some next-level idiocy going on right there.


>le ebin pedo witchhunt meme

What if I like the features of a 9 year old but only if they are ACTUALLY 9 years old? checkmate, atheist.