The Witcher is the best NWN mod I've ever played with a great alchemy system...

The Witcher is the best NWN mod I've ever played with a great alchemy system. Too bad the sequels turned into shitty Assassin's Creed knock offs.

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witcher 2 is the one with the good alchemy tho

i dunno if the mod doesn't let me cast weird then i don't really like it as a nwn mod

It's comfy yet clunky, the combat is simple but still fun, it's a shame that 1 was the only one that was an actual CRPG, oh what could have been.

Don't get me wrong 2 & 3 are pretty good but they could have been so much more than streamlined console games, they could have been the reason to get a PC, the Sonic The Hedgehog of PC's, a mascot that the platform never had.

you don't understand alchemy, faggot

I don't understand how those slavs manage to make the Aurora engine run so smoothly.

I still get dips in performance in NWN 2 in a modern gaming PC. Meanwhile The Witcher ran like butter on my old toster.

Also, what TW2 lacks in combat it compenses in great writing. So I'm okay with the shitty arcade combat.

>great writing
the writing is a mess. Everyone in the game is either a drunk or insanely irrational.

I find it somewhat amusing how PC games used to be all story with abstracted combat to make it not twitch based at all. Witcher 1 was still in the transition period. It gives a little to both crowds, but only the old PC gamers probably like it but hate lots about it.

i tried to play this but then i opened the leveling tree and got too intimidated to continue

Even considering they had a budget, it's still a pretty wild stretch of Aurora's capabilities. I'd kill just to be able to put real-time combat into an NWN mod.

>so smoothly
i cant even keep steady 60fps on witcher 1

Litreally 75% of them are pasive stats that repeat , from +10% , you now upgrade to get an extra +15% , etc

It's honestly pretty simple

You have two swords and each of them can do light attacks, heavy attacks and a thing against groups of enemies
Then there's a bunch of spells
And the alchemy stuff I think

So you just sort of upgrade the stuff you like and click on the guys it's really not that difficult

I myself liked the fire spell so I put lots of points in that and set men on fire

level igni and aard, ignore every other sign
max light attacks and group combat, ignore strong attacks
thank me later

For some reason I have NWN2 for PC in its original box. Something I should try out sooner or later?

It was written by Poles

NWN2 OC is utter shit
MotB is GOAT if you can stomach the shit camera and interface though.

I really like this post

Pretty sure most of that shit is locked when you're just starting the game, don't mind about that you'll get to that later on. You should play the game, it's fun and Triss has some sick tiddies too before she got hit by the ugly-wand. Also the ending is fucking brilliant. He uses the silver sword to kill the bad guy.

igni is so fucking broken it's not even funny
if you level it properly, you will have a giant AOE fireball at your disposal every few seconds. It annihilates groups of enemies and staggers bosses. What more could you want?

If you havnt yet or are thinking of playing it again I highly suggest the Rise of the White Wolf mod.

The Witcher 1 is a very great and unique game.

So was their any reason they tossed everything out the window for the sequels other than trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator to make more money or was that it?

why would you recommend RotWW?

1) the need to change engine
2) the need to change the shit character models
3) the need to improve the combat
4) the need to improve animations

>implying Witcher 1 is hardcore in anyway shape or form

Im pretty dumb when it comes to optimizing in RPGs and I made it through easy peasy. The game throws upgrades at you so you don't need to worry

So does the witcher 1 have you spend more time doing witcher stuff than the other two games?

no, although there are still witcher contracts that are better than w2 and give you a trophy that you can hang on your belt for bonuses

Nah, if anything it's less. Most of the actual witchering is relegated to sidequest, the main plot is an arab stealing your shit and chasing him down, eventually leading into you fighting a time-traveling demon man

I was more looking for an answer from someone who didn't drop W1 in the first chapter.


i completed the game m8

>not wanting to make money

so which of the games have you do the most witcher jobs?

Witcher 1 would have been better if they kept standard NWN combat instead of having to keep clicking.

Witcher 3 for sure. Even has two entire expansions dedicated to Witcher contracts.

Yes, yes, that's nice.

My bad, should have said "in attempt to make more money." Clearly it worked out for this company, though.


Huh, you're right, I must have spent 24 hours + a couple more offline in chapter 1.

You proved his point friend

How did I prove his point? I've completed the game once, and I played a couple of hours offline.

But my playtime isn't even relevant to my post If you deny any of these things needed to be improved, you're a literal retard that should open his eyes.

>I don't understand how those slavs manage to make the Aurora engine run so smoothly.
slavic technomancy

>Not wanting combat that requires interactivity

I read they were originally going to let you make your own witcher and they weren't going to bring Geralt back from the dead. What made them change their mind? And now they finished with the witcher series?

>completed the game
no, you haven't

nice shop

Seriously though, it amazes me that people still think screencaps prove jack shit.

completely changing != improving

dude can anyone help me? what was that one mod for nwn with vampires and shit? also what's the one with lesbos?

so you're telling me that
1) the engine wasn't improved
2) the character models weren't improved
3) the animations weren't improved
from witcher 1 to 3?
I leave combat aside because I actually like Witcher 1's combat and I think it's up to preference.

it had the best UI among the three games.
kinda wish the three sword stances are kept into the sequels, it'll be better than Nioh instead of the meh combat we get for 3(even some attack animations are better in 1 and 2).

too bad i dont have it installed otherwise I'd upload my pre-alvin faggot fight save.

I want good combat but its impossible for Aurora engine so I'll take the least shit combat instead.

You mean you leave combat aside because it demonstrates the concept that change != improvement.

But I'll pretend you didn't just basically prove my point so I can ask, what exactly was improved about the engine?

No I leave combat aside because it's entirely subjective you fucking dolt
stop dodging the question
and the engine performs much better while delivering better visuals as well

Acceptable, but I enjoy feeling like I'm engaged in the combat rather than watching autoattack swings

Thats why you add more than autoattacks like NWN did

Downloading witcher 1 now. ive completed 3, and made it halfway through 2 (roches route). What am i in for?

>because it's entirely subjective
If you're gonna pussy out like that then you might as well not even bother.

>because it's entirely subjective you fucking dolt
The fact that you recognize this further establishes the point that change isn't necessarily improvement.

A rhythm game

A game that's worse than 2 and 3

care to elaborate?

You're still dodging the question

Combat revolves around sitting still, not moving, and clicking lmb every x seconds, except there's no beat to sync up to, you just press it when cursor flashes yellow

Why would I bother? You're basically conceding as it is.

The alchemy and level up systems of the third game are incomprehensible. I don't even know what the fuck I'm carrying in the ingredients tab, I can't keep track of all that shit

well, staying still is a bit of a change, but that doesnt sound too difficult

What do animations and models have to do with gameplay systems in the Witcher's case?

the sequels were good, it's just TW1 had too many good things going for it, that when they spread out the scope of the sequels they didn't deliver the same quality elsewhere.

NWN2 OC isn't that bad. Yes, it's mind-numbingly boring at times and something you don't want to ever replay, but for a first playthrough it's completely fine. If you are a fan of Baldur's Gate, I'm sure you will like NWN2 as long as you can deal with the awful camera.

Read the original post maybe
It had nothing to do with combat

I didn't say combat, I said gameplay systems. As in, the core of the game. As in, what was specifically changed from 1 to 2. Improving animations and models doesn't really improve the game at its core, it just makes it look nicer. Bringing them up in a debate like this is pretty much grasping at straws.

I liked that in Witcher 2 you were just looking for an active ingredient and didn't need this one specific plant. Kinda miss it but I definitely don't miss the meditation system.

So I just finished the bloody baron questions to the very end and I'm pretty sure I majorly fucked up.

I decided to free the forest spirit because fuck the crones but:

Anna dies
Baron hangs himself
Johnny gets displaced
A whole village of people are killed
Dick spirit now roaming free

I want to go back and kill the spirit but I don't really like the idea of helping the crones at all. What do.

>That sword is for monsters!

>Yes, it's mind-numbingly boring at times
More than Witcher 1? Not that I don't like W1 but god damn sometimes.

I haven't played Baldur's Gate though, maybe I should do that first.

I'd say just keep going. minor spoiler though Johnny is ok

Good fuckin' shit.

That's in reference to the trailer not Witcher 1

Still Gearlt trying to act like a hard ass

Wait TW1 was a NWN mod? Never knew that

Witcher 1 is free on GOG

you kind of fucked up but it's ok to fuck up sometimes
it's hard not to fuck up something in W3

No. OP was praising what they managed to do with NWN engine.

>shitty ass creed ripoffs
>ass crees is already shit past the first one
Bs witcher is atleast bioshock tier good

>Bs witcher is atleast bioshock tier good
Not a particularly high standard.