Videogames need more gay and lesbian romance options

Do you agree with this statement?


as long as no one is ugly like bioware

No. Why would they?

Only if they aren't forced onto you even if you avoid it at all cost and the gay characters don't come off as completely and obviously full blown gay.


I don't think it NEEDS more, but I'm not against it either.

I mean, it's not my thing, but good on people to make shit that panders for their people I guess. As long as it's not forced in to things I like for corporate diversity reasons.

I'm fine with that gay dad shit since it's a bunch of gay dudes/fujos satisfying their fetishes. But on stuff like, say Mass effect, it feels so corporate and disgusting.

if the romance option is consistent with the plot and original vision of the creator/director/etc, maybe a subplot - yes

if it is shoehorned in or is invasive - no

Videogames need more big butt representation, nothing more.

also generally no, because if it's shoehorned in, I feel like it's not real.
I'd prefer games like GTA have male strip clubs or bf mechanics, but nothing scripted.

gross desu

That seems perfectly reasonable. Bisexual characters may be the perfect solution to satisfy everyone. No pun intended :^)

Only lesbian is acceptable male on male is gross

I only agree with half of that statement

Mass Effect Saga and The Sims are the best about that...
If you don't see that, cut your f*cking balls out, faggot.

No. They need better-written romance options. You know something's up when Wolfenstein TNO has one of the better romances of our generation.

Do faggots actually play video games?

>Mass Effect Andromeda was lauded as fag shit
>Fallout has faggot options
>no one cares

Nobody actually buys anything that appeals to them because of whatever stupid agenda they want pushed it's just the ones pushing the agenda trying to cash in yet fail because of it.

Depends on the game. Gay people aren't everywhere too, so having a bunch of them is unrealistic.

I play vidya

Yes, at least if there's a romance script programmed into the game to begin with. There's no reason why games like The Sims or Harvest Moon or Fire Emblem shouldn't have same-sex options. (And some don't, probably due to concerns about being rated up by the ESRB)

No. There's too much if this shit already.
If its not a Nintendo game its nothing but that shit and its tired.

Nothing wrong with more options as long as they are written like shit.

Lesbian only. The vast majority of gamers are men who find faggots disgusting and devs should know their audience well enough to keep that garbage out.

Yes, as long as it's a game about killing hordes of faggots.

cause we play good games, user.
pandering isn't a replacement for gameplay.

i'd rather just have hot guys to ogle at and slut (male) armor than gay romance options

Hatred 2 confirmed.

I agree that video games need more gay characters, fuck lesbians and bisluts though.

>ywn cuddle with a cute guy

Do I agree with the generel sentiment? Sure, more options are welcome even I'm not gay myself.

But - you need to be a good writer or game designer to not ham it and fuck it up. The people who strive to put this in their game for "progressiveness" are the same people who will ham it up almost on purpose

Let me food analogy: I'll take good provolone on my steak if I ordered Philly cheese-steak - but I don't want fucking cheese-wiz on steak if I ordered rib-eye

Then go to a fag show or something. Video games aren't for you.

Fallout 4 actually removed most of the faggotry obsidian added in NV. There's no confirmed bachelor/cherchez la femme perks or outright "look at meI'm gay" characters. The gay romance shit was just tacked on like Skyrim.


Don't forget the dykes

just a bit homo fanservice is good enough for me

>Do faggots actually play video games?

Yes. We also post on Sup Forums.

>Fallout has faggot options
>no one cares

New Vegas is my favorite game in the series, and in fact that only one I care to play at this point. Not necessarily because of the Confirmed Bachelor perk. That's just the icing on the cake.

I don't care for Bioware games. They went out of their way to make sure Baldur's Gate couldn't allow same-sex pairings, even though they went through all the trouble to program a relationship system in the first place. Then when the company decides it's finally socially acceptable, suddenly they start shoehorning LGBT characters left to right, and not in a particularly thoughtful way.

Despite what loud-mouth liberals would have you believe, gays are actually a minority. They don't really mean shit in the grander scheme of things. When you see a game pandering to gays, it's less actually pandering to gays and more pandering to the straight white college kids who cry about how games need more gays in them.

You don't want something nice to look at while you play, user?
Isn't that the whole reason you play as a girl (female)?

Aw, that's cute. The jannies want a sincere discussion about this topic so they deleted the OP image to make sure we all talk about this important video game related topic instead of asking for source.

What does everyone think about age gap yuri? I'm talking anything between intergenerational to the kind where the gap starts out significant before it stops being such a big deal. Video games.

>Do faggots actually play video games?
I could be your best friend and you'd never even know it
You just have a stereotypical view of gay people

Don't talk to me penis breath.

Kill yourself straightshit, video games need less fags and more lesbians.

No. They are already pretty unreasonably represented in all media given their extremely small percentage of the population and it's never for a good reason that somehow enhances the media they are a part of. They just throw them in there for political points.

I wouldn't give a shit about any of it if all those sjw faggots actually seemed like reasonable and understandable human beings.

Women are disgusting, no one wants that garbage.

If the game is has romance as part of its theme, sure. Otherwise keep every character's sexual preferences ambiguous/don't mention them at all.

I'm a faggot, I play vidya and I frequent Sup Forums. I would never play a mass effect game. I have straight friends who play that shit and I ask them "Wat are you, gay?". The girls I kno who play that shit, I just call them retarded. I don't want romance options or gay parades.

don't knock it till you try it

Hetshit is disgusting, a pure girl is getting violated by a disgusting male with his disgusting dick.

Once you consider all the closeted gays, the percentage is likely a lot higher than you think. And people like you insure they stay in the closet rather than be themselves

I don't blame him. Your "movement" and the faggots in the media shoehorn that shit all the time. If he's never meant a sane one, how would he know they exist at this point?

I only know sane ones exist because I'm smart enough to realize they must but I really don't have any proof since I've never met one. In fact, all the ones I have met were pretty batshit or very obviously gay.

Age gap in general is fucking disgusting
Might as well date and fuck your pet

I could classify all of my friends as "batshit" for one reason or another, completely irrelevant to who they'd like to pound crotches with. Everyone has problems, unless you mean something very specific

Do you use that same defense for pedophiles and people that practice bestiality?

>I only know sane ones exist because I'm smart enough to realize they must
You'd think that
Same with how you'd think a kind Bulldog must exist, but nope.
All of them are fucking savage

Is that how you project onto other people your inner struggles?

That sounds more like your problem. Just because you believe in that Kinsey scale bullshit doesn't mean that every person who's had a single gay thought is now completely bi or gay.

What you're promoting is sexual "liberation" where everyone just fucks everyone because hey, they're attracted to them so why shouldn't they? While history shows us that every time this happens, whatever nation/empire promoting it crumbles because guess what? It isn't a good thing.

I think we're advanced enough to accept some of the population has this mutation and it was out of their control so we shouldn't be killing them for it but neither should it be promoted as an ok thing.

Retards exist against their will and we accept and treat them but we don't go around saying how everyone should be retarded because they've all had stupid thoughts at one point.

No. But I do think we need more /SS/


As long as it isn't shoe-horned in and characters aren't just gay for the sake of being gay I'm ok with it.

Like, if said character was a fairy faggot that would be infuriating if they were all in your face about it, (unless its intentionally done to be humerous a la Tingle or the two gay dudes from Godhand), because those sort of faggots probably even piss actual gay people off.
Being all sterotypical and all.

Like here's a good game scenario for it:

Theres a male NPC character that avoids your female party members when they try to flirt with him or he somewhat coldly shuts them down and jokes around with the guys, and they all joke about him having some sort of tragic experience with women or just being inexperienced.
Later on in the game its heavily implied he's actually gay and its no big deal to anyone really since they all kind of knew it anyway, and kind of played for a laugh too since the guys been a bit of a joke character throughout, and now since its more out in the open he keeps getting more aggresively in trying to win the affections of the group's straight man who's admittadely a little uncomfortable with the situation because he's not gay, and he keeps trying to let him down easy but he keeps stumbling over himself and making everything worse.

You see that feels a bit more like a natural scenario to me, with character development and stuff and somewhat realistic actions and reactions.

Rather than Bioware's grab the bull by the horns, "gay character here -->" approach to things.

I unlocked that faggot perk to get extra damage.

>comparing two consenting adults having sex to pedophiles and beastiality
wew lad

No no man. I'm talking true batshit like they were completely out of their minds way too often and started fucking another guy in a group setting in a not very stealthy way.

I've only known about 6 gays in my life. 1 of them was literally trying to fuck everything that moves and did so in very inappropriate ways and times. 1 liked to try and seduce straight guys by looking as much like a girl as he could. 1 was extremely handsy with people who never showed interest and were never at all gay. 2 were just very obviously flamboyant gay. 1 was obviously gay but didn't seem so bad aside from that. It's probably worth mentioning I live in California so that might be increasing the odds of nutjobs but California is very liberal so the environment itself may be allowing them to thrive instead of suppressing that kind of behavior through culture.

>neither should it be promoted as an ok thing.
I don't think you know what it's like growing up thinking your very parents hate you for something outside of your control, and praying every night that "god" makes you normal because that's apparently something an omnipotent being should be capable of

Yes, everyone should think it's an ok because people are going to be gay whether you teach them it's ok or not. An accepting society breeds healthy people. A damning society breeds fucked up closet cases who can't accept who they are and have all kinds of mental problems because of it.

And I don't subscribe to the kinsey scale either. I think the vast majority of people are one way or another and having a fleeting moment of curiosity doesn't make you bisexual. It just makes you human. If you continually have that fleeting moment though, you might be more repressed than you think

Right, not liking fags means I must be one. People that dislike spiders secretly want to fuck them too.

I'm not expecting much out of you, you're already dysfunctional and confused but you could at least put out a solid defense. You can start with "I'm mentally ill".

They're usually the same thing anyways.

>fags adopt kid
>kid either thinks that's normal or gets raped by fags
>cycle continues


Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

That perk technically makes your character gay it unlocks homo dialog options