Is it September yet

is it September yet

Gives you time to go and play the original. Since a lot of you haven't.

just play AM2R instead of this chink bootleg shit

But AM2R is bootleg shit. Terribly designed bootleg shit at that.

t. shill


AM2R is the better game and doesn't cost forty fucking dollars.

now that Nintendo has established prime is the focus of metroid now, where can the plot go?

Sylux will undoutably be involved but the logo implying Phazon will be back in some form

>shitty romhack
>better than something that isn't even out yet
>better than anything

ok shill

Haloid isn't Metroid.


thanks for proving you're summer and have no idea what you're talking about. Bad b8

unfortunately for you nintendo doesn't agree, prime is getting a full fledged sequel on the Switch made in house while the next 2D game is a remake on the 3DS outsourced to a third party

Enjoy your inferior remake. Stop supporting Nintendo's pathetic efforts and demand better from them.

>But AM2R is bootleg shit.
Uh, no. AM2R is literally built from the ground up.

AM2R is shit, but Mercury Steam is also shit.

this, look up game maker studio and do research before making yourself look dumb nintendoshills.

>maybe if I throw in the mercury steam comment it will throw them off my trail

nice try.

>amazon still hasn't put the SE for sale

should I bite the bullet and get it from gamestop?

>Some dirty smelly spic in his basement managed to make a better game than a multibillion dollar corporation

Nintendo boggles the mind

That's how out of touch with the modern demographic for certain games of theirs..

Still bottom bothered that AM2R is dimestore trash? Yeah, the guy busted his balls, but that doesn't make it good. Still wish the 3DS remake could have a nice silky framerate like AM2R, but apparently Nintendo is choosing spectacle over performance.

Remember when someone said Metroid threads are now good again

Looking at this thread you guys are more cancerous than soulsfags.

>Still wish the 3DS remake could have a nice silky framerate like AM2R

is it not 60fps? Looks like it from the trailer

>Still bottom bothered that AM2R is dimestore trash?
>wish the 3DS remake could have a nice silky framerate like AM2R
did you take your meds today?

metroid threads will never be good again unless mods starts actually banning/deleting ACfag's anti prime posts that have been persisting for 4 years. Too bad that won't happen because they can't do their jobs.

This SR/mercury steam shitting will at least end when the game's released and it's inevitably great

>still forcing this shitty meme
Fuck off.

just don't reply to him dude

played zero mission, enough?

>unless mods starts actually banning/deleting ACfag's anti prime posts
Wait, I thought AC loved Prime.


And here come the Primefaggots

It's still so fucking baffling. We ask for a Metroid 2 remake for over a decade, we finally get it and this is the best they could do? It's fucking embarrassing that a retarded third world wetback was able to craft the best Metroid game in years and will be better than the official version that had 100 times the manpower and resources.

I just played through AM2R and I'm looking forward to see what twist this one has. Judging by ZM's surprise, I know they'll do something cool.

This is such a shitshow though. You don't have the excuse anymore that you don't get any games

How the fuck do you guys manage to be the worst fanbase on Sup Forums? Do you know what kind of competition there is?

we already know there are different power ups based off those totem things, I'm sure there will be a bunch of new bosses and areas

All Metroid games apart from FF and Other M range from good to amazing. Being contrarian doesn't work for this series.

how have you not learned not to reply to him yet? It's baffling

I'm already liking the 360 degree aiming. The aeon abilities seem cool, but will probably be a little over powered. The scan one is fine though, as super metroid had an xray visor to see all that shit.

He's not really wrong, it's basically a romhack and we never discuss ANY other romhack but it

>The aeon abilities seem cool, but will probably be a little over powered

I'm not too concerned about this, metroid games are all easy sans prime 2 anyway. Although I wouldn't want it to be like prime 3 hypermode either

and I really hope scan can be used for optional lore on SR 388

>craft the best Metroid game in years
You mean take an existing game and remake it? It's basically a romhack

Romhacks are editing roms using it's own data, while am2r is made from scratch in gamemaker using replicated tilesets from various metroid games.

>Romhacks take an existing source and change stuff
>AM2R takes Metroid 2 and changes stuff
In spirit it's a romhack

how anyone thinks AM2R looks better than SR is beyond me, and this is coming from someone who thinks AM2R is the second best 2D metroid

Of course I know. There's game you don't like and other game you don't like

Sure, why not.

Other M > Prime Trilogy

It's just a better Metroid game.

It's not a wholly new game, it's not a game INSPIRED by Metroid, it's a game that takes Metroid 2 and changes things. It's literally called Another Metroid 2 Remake.

guys what if there is a king metroid

SR might've looked good if it wasn't 3d. Save 3d games to the system that can fucking handle them instead

Have a (you)

literally a completely different game, are you retarded?

Mercury Steam is retarded enough to pull some stupid shit like that.

>apart from FF
Federation Force is good. it's at the very least a good multiplayer game.

nah it looks better than AM2R 3D or not. Also I don't think nintendo does pixels anymore

you know he'll keep coming back if you keep responding right

>nah it looks better than AM2R 3D or not.
nah, it doesn't

The game will set after FF. Meta-Karid will make its first 3D debut, Weavel from Hunters will also return as a boss. Meta-Ridley will be the second to last boss with Sylux being the final boss.
There will be no Phazon involved in this game, however if you managed to achieve 100% on all collectables, there will be a secret boss:
Metroid Prime, a mutated metroid created by Space Pirates Science Team based on the "secret worm" data they gathered but couldn't physically reached on Tallon IV.
After you defeat this Metroid Prime, the explosion will trigger a time-space rift that will send this metroid back many years ago to the womb of a leviathan just about to leave planet Phaaze. The leviathan would ultimatelly crashed on Tallon IV years later. Turned out both Metroid Primes in Prime1 and Prime4 are one and the same, that's why the game still has Prime in its title, it's the sequel to the prime trilogy but also a prequel about Metroid Prime's origin.

FF is ok

I'm pretty sure Sakamoto is in charge of everything....which means that's a possibility

I saw the picture was coloured, thought he meant the original metroid, I played the geboy one, didn't finish it, got bored honestly, I'll probably play AM2R.

but since we're here, does zero mission suffice to the original metroid? are there any differences other than the extra content at the end?

>There will be no Phazon involved in this game

doubt it, phazon is covering the 4 in the logo

also I'm pretty sure the metroid in the leviathan seed is explained by phazon metroids shifting through walls in prime 3

Omega Metroid Are the king Metroid. just like some fish, Metroid switch gender when they reach their final stage and become Queen Metroid. They then proceed to copulate with her guard of Omega Metroid.

>Enjoy your inferior remake
I don think anyone can enjoy AM2R

>Nemo could have been about a kid dealing with his father having a sex change.

Missed opportunity, there, Disney.

I can, because I did enjoy it.

I played the original a few years ago. Is AM2R really that much better?

Omega Metroid are infertile and are only there has sexless guard, just as most other kind of Metroid.

Only the Larva stage Metroid can reproduce. And only with a Queen Metroid. Because Queen Metroid is into Straight Shota.

All the other stage of metroid is competition to become queen and get the right to become fertile and fuck some larva.

this is why Metroid's population is kept in check. It's self regulated.

This thread is a perfect example of why everyone says Metroid has the word fans

yes. It's more unpolished than ZM because it's literally one dude but the gameplay strides made in AM2R are fucking fantastic. Hard mode is actually damn hard as well which is something the series lacks outside of prime 2

Damn the Chozo don't fuck around

I hate how right you are.

>The stories of Dark Samus and Phazon are done now.
-Kensuke Tanabe on Prime 4

The logo is nothing but a placeholder logo so they could make a neat lil' animation revealing the development of F O U R.
For all we know, the final logo could be covered in red goo or green plasma or yellow sparkles or whatever.

>blocky 3D models with ugly brown muddy textures
>Aeon abilities casualize exploration
>Mercury Steam the studio that brought you the shittiest Castlevania games
>Sakamoto the mastermind behind Other M

Please let it be September so this nightmare can finally end

oops meant worst sry lads

True, I'm guessing it'll be neon green/blue for sylux

AM2R shills arent metroid fans


haha i know right? lmao

*boots up Gamecube (AKA THE BEST NINTY CONSOLE EVER BECAUSE IM OLD SCHOOL) and plays Metroid Prime, a true Metroid game*

join me bro! Xd

When was this said?

>because queen metroid is into /ss/
Naturally the queen has some royal taste

Don't get Primefags confused with Metroid fans.

>Aeon abilities casualize exploration
Like xray visor in super metroid and general power bomb spam right?

>proving his point

That was when I knew they were the worst

>>Aeon abilities casualize exploration
Evidence? If you are pointing to the Scan Pulse, it's no different to the X Ray Visor. I guess Super Metroid was a casual exploration game too.
>>Mercury Steam the studio that brought you the shittiest Castlevania games
Who are only programming the game and handling art assets.
>>Sakamoto the mastermind behind Other M
And Metroid, Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, as well as many other solid Nintendo franchises.

>Meta-Karid will make its first 3D debut

As cool as that would be, wouldn't enough time have past that they'd just clone or regerate his body parts? Like Meta-Ridley is only a cyborg because they keep rushing to put him back together until finally they have enough time to fully regenerate him.

>Mercury Steam is only programming!
Have you played Lords of Shadow 2? It looks pretty damn similar. They are clearly being a part of the design process. Also if you knew anything about how vidya is made, you'd know that "they only program" makes no sense at all. That's like saying a colorist is only coloring a comic, so it won't have any impact on the art. Except that process is a series of decisions-- it'll have their mark all over it. Just look at the gameplay, their influence is very prominent through huge mechanics already: the parrying and the cinematic melee cutscenes.
>And Metroid, Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, as well as many other solid Nintendo franchises.

Which one are worse, Sonic, Halo or Metroid fans?

kraid is a lot bigger than ridley so that could be the excuse

>one of closest friends is a huge metroid fan
>tell him that nintendo is making two new metroids (he couldn't watch the direct)
>"fuck yes, i'm super excited. i honestly can't wait"
>go online
>"do not buy the nintendo remake! AM2R LIVES ON!"

i know that most of the fanbase isn't like this but come on boys

>Have you played Lords of Shadow 2? It looks pretty damn similar.

Not really.

You had to find the X-ray visor and power bombs first before you could use them. SR hands you the Scan pulse right at the start on a silver platter.

The 3DS and its garbage specs can't run a game even this ugly at 60fps. Screencap this.


I mean, the worst Metroid d fan do is complain about Other M and how Metroid is a dead Franchise.

Don't bait please

holy shit this takes me back. Thank god roleplayers are actively shamed on youtube now

Metroid by far.

Okay. Now search #openrp on Twitter.

>The 3DS and its garbage specs can't run a game even this ugly at 60fps. Screencap this.
Link bteween world ran at 60fps.
>You had to find the X-ray visor and power bombs first before you could use them.
You have to find the aeon abilities too.

I'll pass, thanks

the trailer and demonstration literally show 60fps tard

>get two beautifully crafted games from another company
>shit all over the entire series because their waifu turned bad

Not him but it didn't. The trailer was in 30fps, unless there is a new one I have missed. And the demonstration didn't seem to show 60fps either, but the game isn't still finalised.

Metroid fans.
Sonic fans are bad but don't ruin all SEGA discussion
halo fans are bad but don't ruin all Xbox discussion