
>Brian Ashcraft

>waiting in line for a raffle ticket for a chance to buy a product
I will never get this

was batman v superman really all that bad? I mean, it's cheesy but I wouldn't call it terrible

>Makes lotteries for lines of thousands so sell a couple hundred instead of making thousands and selling them to everyone just to give the impression of the console being a bigger deal than it is
I have a hard time imagining this working in the long run for them.

Why not wait a year or two when there will be more games and you can buy it without all this nonsense?


>Nintendo had to kill a console barely four years into its lifespan due to lack of sales
>Now they have massive lines due to the fact that their supply can't reach demand
This is stupid, it's like saying that the NES mini is more popular than PS4 due to all the scalpers

It's not really dead. nintendo has lots of people lined up to buy their system but no hardware.

When people get bored of waiting, what will they do? Go buy another system, probably.

>i-it won't last!

>have desirable product people want
>demand outstrips supply
>people jump through hoops to get a copy

not that hard

I thought the CEO of Sony was dead for a monent.


NES mini was just a holiday toy. Haven't seen this much hype for a console since the Wii honestly.

Oh the system will last, don't get me wrong.
I'm saying the lines won't. People will get sick of standing in lines for hours for a CHANCE to get the system. With no guaranteed monhun on it it's not going to have the massive clammoring jap market the 3DS does.

That's why it's not a thing that's happening.

Japs have 3 enormous games that they love confirmed for the Switch already.
Splatoon, Monster Hunter and Pokemon. The thing cannot fail in Japan, it's simply not possible.

Black man here, sony isn't dead. Nintendo isn't competing with them and xbox remember?

>Go buy another system
Yeah, they'll just buy another handhel-oh wait

i probably should just start to export switches to amerikans and japanese, but probably not worth it.

one store alone has 100+ switches in stock.

Japs are literally crazy.

I wouldn't line up like this for any console if it was made of gold and had free games for life.

yeah they'll go buy a 3DS instead.

Why don't they order from overseas?

Where does this line of thinking come from?
People don't buy consoles for the sake of saying they own a console. Consoles are carried by software. You don't buy a Switch, you buy Breath of the Wild and the console you need to play it on. You don't buy a PS4, you buy Bloodborne and the console you need to play it on.

If I'm unable to get the console I need to play the game I want, I'm not suddenly going to buy something totally unrelated for the sake of doing something completely different.

It doesn't have Splatoon 2

Every PlayStation console proves that people don't buy consoles for any specific game, and most are okay with the notion that games might be coming at some later point

Not that user but i disagree, i know many people that buy new consoles automatically without really thinking it through, usually because they end up playing the same games they always play like GTA or sports stuff

BUT if we want to talk about this situation specifically, then you're right, these people are waiting in line because they fucking know what they want and want to endure the wait for it, they won't enter the shop and suddenly go "oh well, i guess I'll randomly buy this other expensive item i didn't wait 4 hours of line for!"

Guess some people buy PS to be Netflix and Bluray player too
That being said, does Switch have any additions like that?

Actually, I think I heard it was due to the Yakuza.

>Yakuza pay homeless to wait in line
>They take their spots and buy Nintendo Switches
>They flip them for a profit

cool. They're missing out on a game, but can you say that these people will actually stand in lines for months and months and months and months till they're more available, and nintendo gives up this forced scarcity shit?

Fuck off, Brian.

>usually because they end up playing the same games they always play like GTA or sports stuff
To be completely fair, games like GTA have insane replay value.

Of course, it's undeniably a good franchise that gained this popularity

>still going with the artificial scarcity meme

Not yet but it still seems to be selling huh?

>but can you say that these people will actually stand in lines for months and months and months and months till they're more available

Stay booty blasted Sup Forums.

Nintendo will never see the jap game development playstation attracts

No, every PS4 console proves people bought it for CoD/Battlefield/FIFA/Fallout 4/Skyrim (again). Your mistake is thinking exclusives, not the multimillion dollar multiplat franchises, drive console sales.


>Of course, it's undeniably a good franchise that gained this popularity
I mainly play Japanese games, but GTA V is my most played game this generation. Over 200 hours.

>when they're having such trouble manufacturing units but still manage to get them out for major releases
call it what you'd like, but to me, holding units back is artificial scarcity, no matter what the reason is.

>He doesn't remember niggers and crazies literally stampeding in Walmarts and Bestbuys and knocking down grandmas to grab a PS4.

No... NO!
This absolutely CANNOT be happening.

*in japan

>It took four years for the PS4 to get ONE (1) game to sell over a million sales in Japan (FFXV)
>It took Switch less than half a year (Splatoon 2)

>Switch could have doubled their stock sold if they had the units and blown out 3ds sales by now

Most of shitendo switch buyers are already a ps4 owners lol

Hasn't Mario Kart or Zelda sold a million?

Look at those numbers for Layton's Mystery Journey and The Snack World.

Poor Level-5.

Obviously. It's Japan also the Nintendo Switch it's a complementary console you need another system, because you're missing most of the titles.
All the people know that, only Nintendo fanboys can't confront the reality.