Other urls found in this thread:


Keep telling yourself that, user. Makes me somewhat hopeful still.



fuck valve for ruining tf2. Wish people stopped playing tf2


i cannot wait!
i hope pyros will be happy even after i headshot them from across the map!

whats that thing supposed to be

the Batman set for Soldier looks pretty good

Are they going to fix flamethrower mojo?

>you will never come home to find pharah air guitar'ing in her underwear


>been more than half a year since the last major update
>none of the balance changes mention fixing pyro
>no mention of fixing casual
>it was posted a month ago


thread theme

What's going on? Woah... Woooah...

It's been over a year since the last update, you dip.

Mouth Silence > All

Post them stories
>On Attack/Defend Egypt
>On Blu
>Notice we are slowly capping the point but just barely
>Decide to back cap
>Bonk to final point without anyone seeing
>Hide in a corner
>Demo man notices me
>I pretend to be friendly
>He believes me
>I cap the point

Hiding in that health/ammo alcove for the entire match as Scout was my entire early TF2 career



i just played a match and ranked up like 5 times
anyone else?


Wow you're so good, user

it seems like it was a glitch since it happened to everyone else i was playing with

What map?

if this shit isnt out by the end of summer i swear to god i will KILL MY interest in this game and go play something else

376 DAYS


Pyro-kun, i can't keep this pace even if i try, i don't think i could handle more nights like this, please tell me things are ok, please.

>caring about tf2

>Demoknighting on Badwater Attack
>Keep trying to get kills but some sniper with the worst aimbot Ive ever seen keeps stealing them
>He cant die because our medic is pocketing him and giving us a play by play on how he's the worst hacker on TF2
>We're nearing capture
>Decide to stand out of spawn heading towards the little house with health in it
>Kill an engie as he leaves spawn
>Get stuck in door
>A heavy and a demo come running out, releasing me
>They freak the fuck out and try to kill me
>Demo shoots a thousand pills trying to hit me
>Kill him
>We win and I 360 charge to kill the heavy
>Get killed by a roller
>Entire server laughs at me

I fucking hate demoknight.

thoughts on the balance changes

What and when do you think the last major update was?

Compfags ruin another fun game

why is that ass not ON MY FACE

is today actually the day?



>mfw i'll probably have to wait one more year for the heavy update

full moon when ?

No, tonight is the night

>mfw pyro update flops and tf2 dies
>mfw heavy never gets an update

August the 6 !? Fuck me...

Why did this wiki make me sad

nostalgia maybe


Too many

>valve servers are still sv_pure

Why do so many underage Germans girls male play TF2? Whats the appeal


You should be more disgusted that it's the weird skinny one instead of the deliciously thicc original.

mfw update is supposed to be next thursday


The slow-mo yeehawing engy and the blood splatters get me everytime

>he doesn't want to be the little girl



Whatever, senpai

what kind of changes does the Pyro need?

Disgustingly thin.

A consistent way of dealing damage that isn't based on latency.

Thin girls are beautiful user....

Mobility and more focus on his crowd control/flanking ability.


How do you feel about Mann Co.'s current CEO, user?

I disagree.


Where's the Australium, Olivia


>Plankton going into Spongebob's brain
Didn't already do this episode in the earlier series? Still like the visuals. A step up from most post movie eps

hat the fuck
>buff all sources of afterburn from 6 DPS to 8 DPS, except Degreaser
>reduce flamethrower cone size
>buff flamethrower cone range
>give pyro an airblast jump (works like force a nature on all primaries bar phlog)
>rework phlog into a lightning gun with more range and super thin cone
>nerf Reserve Shitter
>nerf powerjack and third degree
>rework axtinguisher and SVF

I heard they can't change Sharpened Volcano Fragment or Sun on a Stick due to legal reasons.

Could be bullshit but eh.

>not yore ugleh
Your appearance is unattractive

>I heard they can't change Sharpened Volcano Fragment or Sun on a Stick due to legal reasons.
I 100% claim bullshit
they've changed promotional items before


Hmm, fair I also love me some thicc girls
Just my last gf a thin transgirl who got me into TF2, also left me spoiled and took me off the thicctrain

>people still get hyped for Casual Fortress 2
incredible, really

Well I certainly can't call you an Overwatch shill



they changed SoaS recently, so that can't be right.

You may be getting confused with their legal reasons for not releasing a Strange Vita-Saw

>>rework phlog into a lightning gun with more range and super thin cone

Congratulations you just created Pyro Fortress 2. Nobody would use anything else.

Scorch shot is already fucking broken, afterburn is like 60 damage all told, applying it in an aoe from a distance is infinitely better than the chance of doing if you land two or the pathetic detonator jumps

Wow I'm retarded

What happened to the art style? Didn't item creators have to follow strict guidelines for their items to be accepted?

I can't unthink this now with those words

>legal reasons for not releasing a Strange Vita-Saw
Can you elaborate?

bug fixes to the way flame particles compensate for movement and map axis so the things range is actually consistent
faster particles/shorter particle lifetime, together giving the flamethrower longer range but less corner persistence
smaller flame particles/slower particle expansion for skill indexing, in exchange for maybe slightly higher damage output
actual, tangible degreaser downsides so it isnt fucking busted when the flamethrower is buffed, specifically targeting airblast and afterburn ignition to attempt to somewhat normalize "combo" dps so that picking it isnt just a straight upgrade like it is now
detonator/scorch buffs, most maps are designed around soldier rocket jump height, allowing pyro to reach that threshold is incredibly important for his overall viability as an offensive class
then you probably do something to afterburn as a property, free damage isnt all that enticing for skilled players so it only really serves as a crutch for shitters to secure kills after losing duels, something more debuff-like that requires skilled play to take advantage of would be more universally beneficial, albeit maybe requiring some kind of change in the way afterburn is applied via flamethrowers since 1 single fire particle = full debuff would be fucking stupid if the property was in any way meaningful or significant

Can this update happen already. I want to have a reason to play TF2 instead of Overwatch again.

The Phlog needs a buff.

>taunt restores health + gives you an overheal
>additonally to the crits you get a 50% damage resistance

Right now the Phlog is pretty useless. If you have to ambush with it you might as well use the Backburner which doesn't need to be charged and has airblast.

>The connection to BioShock is further reinforced in the name, which is a reference to the Vita-Chambers from Bioshock.
>Due to copyright reasons, this item is not sold in the Mann Co. Store.
use google next time friendo

I still can't believe people STILL think this weapon is OP

>Bioshock owns the word Vita
what the fuck

>use google next time friendo
Why use google when you can do it for me?

There's an artstyle, and Valve said fuck that, let's break up those sets, and add items individually into crates separately.
Oh, and, let's not add the weapons from said sets. Wait, shit, some of our fans want to use halloween items all year around? Alright, fine, here's a crate with 10 cosmetic items you can wear year round.

There CAN be good cosmetic sets, but most of the time, people are too stupid to make them, so they go with whatever's lolsorandumb or whatever cosmetic sets or items are being worn by youtubers. TF2 players lack creativity, and the most creative set you'll see is something found on a furrypound server.