Assassin's Creed: Origins

So, uh, anyone else here excited to play an open world game set in Ancient Egypt?

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Don't give a shit about this game at all but I do love the color palette of the cover.

I like the cover, but the game will be fucking shitty

>but the game will be fucking shitty

Why do you say that?

Unironically yes.
Its the first AC I'm looking forward to since 4. Which was the first AC I was ever looking forward to.

Because every Assassins Creed except for the very first one was absolute casual bullshit, and the first one is only better because of the story, atmosphere, altair and staying at least somewhat true to historical premises

Can't wait, I love history. I am a little pissed you can't one hit kill higher level enemies with stealth attacks. But hopefully the game paces well where it won't be a giant problem

>First one
>Not Brotherhood

It's like you haven't even played the games...

Combat is completely diffrent. I got hope

The changes they did sound like they could just as easily ruin the game as much as it could innovate so I'll just wait a few weeks after release.

Pretty sure it's not set in ancient egypt, it's set in Ptolemaic egypt.

The AssCreed formula had some serious problems but I don't think turning it into a even more dumbed down Witcher 3 is going to fix anything.

>Pretty sure it's not set in ancient egypt, it's set in Ptolemaic egypt.

I think that since it's set during the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt (which existed during classic antiquity), it could technically still be considered to be within ancient times. So, in a way, it's still set in ancient Egypt.

>Assassins creed game

Choose one

I like the eagle, I like the bow, I like the big baddies.

But assasin creed lost the spice with Ezio. Connor was supposed to be great, the premise was awesome, but he just fell flat as a character. Without a good lead to make you feel like a badass, these games flounder (on top of not innovating gameplay nearly enough over, what, 9 iterations of this game?)

I was surprised they made real ancient Egyptians and not KANGZ

i would be if the last game had been Asscreed 1 or 2

I'm always excited for the newest installment of the Assassin's Creed series because I'm interested in history and I love the level of detail that the developers put into all of the cities, the peoples, and the stories. I'm especially interested in the Ancient Near East. No other historical fiction game seems to go into the level of detail that the Assassin's Creed games do, except for maybe the Total War games.

As for the gameplay, that's a different story. It's varied quite a lot throughout the series. Maybe the combat in this new one will be challenging. I'm also wondering if they'll keep a certain level of naval combat, similar to what they had in Assassin's Creed IV. Of course, the ships during those two time periods were very different, but there was naval combat during the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt nonetheless.

nah, it looked entertaining in a completely controlled scripted demo environment but regular gameplay in the open-world looks uninteresting. no interest in playing it.

>I was surprised they made real ancient Egyptians and not KANGZ

Are you suggesting that there weren't any black people in Ancient Egypt?

Because there were.

They were called Nubians.

Pic related. It's what present day Nubians look like.

this has to be a paid pajeet right? I refuse to believe a person can write this garbage out of their own volition

there is more than 2000 years of evolutionary gap. Stop trying to cling on the nigger dick, user. It's pathetic.

depends, will there be ayy lmaos?

Can you explore tomb and ruins? No?
Then no I'm not excited to play Ass Creed.

>excited for another game where you kill whitey ?

fo sho

These threads deserve all the WE's it gets.

Does this still have a modern day plot? I stopped playing after AC3's bullshit ending

>there is more than 2000 years of evolutionary gap

There actually were black people in Ancient Egypt, though. The Nubians even invaded and successfully conquered Egypt around the 7th century BCE. They had their own pharaohs. They built their own pyramids. They ruled for about a hundred years.

I know I am. AC is a guilty pleasure for me and I've always wanted it go to Ancient Egypt.

But man, I gotta admit, it DOES look rough as fuck. Something about the animations and traversal just doesn't look right.

It's an assassin's creed game

Specifically? Not really. "Open world" is pretty much a meaningless concept by now, and the sginificance of the good early AC games were the intricately designed city scape levels.

I'd be more interested if they promised well-designed cities like Alexandria, Memphis and Hermopolis, assuing the time line is close to the roman conquest.


But only because it's set in Ancient Egypt
Too few games are.

Apparently tomb exploration is coming back, along with naval warfare

Depends. Will there be murder solving missions?

The combat will be shit as always but I like climbing stuff


>this has to be a paid pajeet right? I refuse to believe a person can write this garbage out of their own volition

In all seriousness, what other historical fiction video game goes into the same level of detail that the Assassin's Creed games do?

There's history-based games like Mount & Blade, but Mount & Blade is itself set in a fictional place with fictional peoples.

There's other history-based games like the Civilization series, but the Civilization games are turn-based 4X-type strategy games.

There's games like Crusader Kings, but the Crusader Kings games are also strategy games.

There's games like Age of Empires, but the Age of Empires games are just real-time strategy games.

There's games like Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile, but that game is just a city-building simulation game.

There's the Total War series, but those are real-time strategy games.

What other video game series will allow me to freerun around ancient Egyptian cities?


No, we're saying the ancient Egyptian weren't Negros.


Why do AC1 cucks pretend their game was good?

Literally all the missions were the same shit like on Just cause 2 tier.

>No, we're saying the ancient Egyptian weren't Negros.

Depends on which time period of Ancient Egypt we're discussing here. The Kushite Empire was founded by the Nubians, who had Napata (it was a city-state in what is today called Sudan, a country that is considered within "Sub-Saharan Africa") as their capital city. The Kushite Empire invaded and successfully conquered Egypt around the 7th century BCE and started the 25th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. The dynasty ruled over Egypt for roughly around a hundred years. They had five pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. They even built their own pyramids. The Nubians are generally considered to be "black".

The Mongols conquered China does that make China suddenly Mongolian? Same with the Mughals in India, does that make Hindus Muslim? Five Negroid Pharaohs is nothing for a Semitic civilization that lasted two millennia.

Ancient Egypt seems like an awesome place for a modern game, too bad it's being made by Ubisoft.

Not really, after AC3 there has been next to no progress in the """plot""" they have now.

Nobody really liked AC1 it was at most a mediocre game AC2 on the other hand was great and compared to a lot of triple A action adventure games it was adored.

Greeks/Romans held Egypt for 1000 years, doesn't make them White

>The Mongols conquered China does that make China suddenly Mongolian? Same with the Mughals in India, does that make Hindus Muslim? Five Negroid Pharaohs is nothing for a Semitic civilization that lasted two millennia.

Yeah, no shit.

If you're going to use the Mongol Empire as an analogy to compare with the Kushite Empire, then consider this:

The Mongol Empire invaded and successfully conquered China. The Mongols ended the Song Dynasty and then started their own dynasty called the "Yuan Dynasty". Not everybody living in China today is a Mongol, but there's a large population of Mongols still living in China today.

The Kushite Empire invaded and successfully conquered Egypt. The Nubians then started their own dynasty: it was the Nubian Dynasty (or the 25th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt). Not everybody living in Egypt today is a Nubian, but there's a large population of Nubians still living in Egypt today.

Point of the matter is, that Ancient Egypt wasn't as black-or-white as people would like to think it was. The Egyptians of antiquity were regularly in contact with neighboring peoples (mainly: Nubians to the south, Lybians to the west, Asiatics to the east) going back millennia. There's recorded evidence of ancient Egyptians having colonies in West Asia (specifically: in what is today called "Israel") as far back as 3000 BCE or even earlier.

The peoples of the Ancient Near East were regularly interacting with each other for thousands of years.

Ancient Egypt invaded, defeated, conquered, and/or enslaved various different peoples throughout the Ancient Near East for centuries.

Likewise: Egypt has been invaded, defeated, and conquered several times throughout its history by various different peoples from all over the world these past 5,000 years.

This. I bought Black Flag only for the pirate shit and I will buy this one for the setting exclusively. They better put Caesar, Antonius and Octavian in there those fucks.

It's the orange and blue combo that isn't as overt as portal

One century. We talking one century of Kush rule. Five Pharaohs and we're talking about a game that takes place in during the reign of Cleopatra.

>I love history
Yeah those heat seeking arrows were real nice. Wonder why we got rid of those...

>excited to play an open world game set in Ancient Egypt
Yeah I just wish it wasn't ass creed though.
Will probably pick it up at xmas

Play paradox games and RP like the rest of us faggot

That's how ubisoft always ruins a good game. I have no idea why they still do that. Like Black FLag could have been a great pirate game but they just had to make the story about some weird cube that had like a hologram with the templar death star plans in it or something. Nobody cares about that shit. Just leave it out and you got a 9/10 historic game.

>like the rest of us
Not all of us are fags user.

>One century. We talking one century of Kush rule. Five Pharaohs and we're talking about a game that takes place in during the reign of Cleopatra.

No shit, right?

Point of the matter is that there were, in fact, quite a large number of Sub-Saharan Africans living in Ancient Egypt. A few Sub-Saharan Africans were even kings of Egypt for a time, although roughly seven centuries before this new Assassin's Creed game is set in.

It would seem that Assassin's Creed: Origins will be set around the year 40 BCE. During that time, Ancient Egypt had Cleopatra VII Philopator as its ruler. Her father was of Greek ancestry. Her mother's ancestry is unknown. Pic related. So far I didn't see how she will be depicted in the game.

And as for the game's protagonist, it would seem that he will be a Medjay, but not a Nubian. An Egyptian. According to this article anyway:

>When we meet Bayek, he’s already established in his world. He’s not an assassin in training or a young person looking for adventure. He’s in his 30s, and secure in his role as a Medjay. According to Origins’ developers, the Medjay were essentially the police of ancient Egypt. They were originally Nubian mercenaries, but over a long period of time they were absorbed into Egyptian life and served as pharaonic guards, security, and other peacekeeping roles

>He’s not Nubian per se, he’s Egyptian.

But I imagine that there will still be people bitching about the depiction of Sub-Saharan Africans living in Ancient Egypt like maybe some of these guys:

I will never be excited to play an open world anything ever again.

Open World game in ancient Egypt yes, but not an Assassins Creed game. Nor any other game developed by Ubisoft

There were migrations even then I think that user was trying to say the population of Egypt wasn't homogenous. Not that they were all black just that there were some black people and they were probably a significant part of the population even if you disregard the fact they were occupied by Nubians they were still the richest African civilization that atracted people from all over the continent and the mediterranean.

I pre-ordered the shit out of it.

But user I called you a fag first you can't just call the same thing I called you. That's not how namecalling works. No wonder you can't RP you're imagination's shit. Read a book.

>Play paradox games and RP like the rest of us faggot

Ugh. Fine. Whatever. I guess I'll just go back to modding Mount & Blade and Total War games to make mods set in Ancient Egypt.

5% is not "quite" large, don't exaggerate. Also "wuz" is not bitching, I've spend enough time on Civ4 forums auguring that Hannibal was white to finally see the tide turn.

5% of the modern population is not significant and you have nothing to prove it was then. In fact evidence is stacked against you, Egyptian explorers often commented on how "black" the lands south of Egypt were.

Did all the shills ITT not see the footage from E3? Game looks like horrendous shit but of course everyone has to feel like a snowflake

>yo DESU i loved black flag haha and i love Egyptian culture yo, im sure no one else does but me, but that makes me special and intrigued in this game desu fuark xD


This game is literally
>we want the Witcher 3/BOTW audience

Your starting to piss me off KID.

>The Nubians even invaded and successfully conquered Egypt around the 7th century BCE. They had their own pharaohs. They built their own pyramids.


>Game looks like horrendous shit


Watch a video, cringe-fag.

>Watch a video, cringe-fag.

I did.

It looks fine for a third-person, action-and-adventure, open world, historical fiction video game set in Ancient Egypt being released for the eighth generation of video game consoles.

Why don't you try specifying what you saw that you didn't like?

Not Ancient Egypt. The pyramids were built thousands of years before the game take place.

>Not Ancient Egypt

Depending on the historian, "ancient" times seem to have ended with the fall of the Western Roman Empire around the 4th century CE. But for whatever reason historians generally seem to regard "Ancient Egypt" to have ended with the Wars of Alexander the Great. Since this game will be set around the year 40 BCE, it could technically still be considered to be set in "ancient" Egypt. Or, rather, Egypt during classical antiquity.

>>I love history

>Yeah those heat seeking arrows were real nice. Wonder why we got rid of those...

With any piece of historical fiction (whether it be a: video game, film, television series, novel, etc.) there will inevitably be historical inaccuracies.

With the Assassin's Creed games it's to be expected, what with all of the First Civilization nonsense. But that doesn't meant that everything in the Assassin's Creed games is historically inaccurate.

If one is genuinely interested in history, there is always supplemental material (whether it be: interactive, visual, audible, readable, etc.)

One can always learn about historical inaccuracies in a historical period drama film from, say, the Internet Movie Database and the listed goofs. Then one does further research if they're curious.

>but the game will be fucking shitty

>it looked entertaining in a completely controlled scripted demo environment but regular gameplay in the open-world looks uninteresting

>But man, I gotta admit, it DOES look rough as fuck. Something about the animations and traversal just doesn't look right.

>The combat will be shit as always

>Game looks like horrendous shit


>The game that introduced 100% Synch requirements and having one boring city instead of multiple varied interesting ones

Shit game.

Been itching for a game set in Egypt, so I'll keep an eye out, but whether or not I'll actually get the game remains to be seen, still saving up to upgrade my machine and saving up some more to buy some consoles an shiet

Sure, looks fun to explore. I'll probably not buy it until it's on sale though. It's still an AC that still follows the same formula. While I kinda like that formula, it has been heavily overdone and does not motivate me to pay 60 bucks.
Not paying full price was how I was able to enjoy the series, mostly.


Nice job at ignoring how AC2, for a long time, had missable things that required you to restart the entire fucking game if you missed them. And that was intended.
I love AC2 but holy shit this was terrible.

I didn't ignore it, I didn't even mention AC2 at all you weirdo.

I love AC2 though, what can you even miss? Other than hugging Leonardo.

Treasure chests. You can never reach 100% if you missed even one in a secret area within a secret area that you could not go back to.
That is far worse than side objectives you can repeat infintely.

don't know, but I'll tell you this.

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is gradually poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sup Forums. Do anything else.

Did the game even track treasure chest completion?

At least side objectives made the games kinda challenging sometimes. Otherwise there is just a single strategy to everything ever.
Yes, there was a completion rating for side stuff.

if every piece of historical fiction were based in reality entirely, then it would just be a history book.

Unity and Syndicate were shit. Ubisoft is now just a bunch of diversity hires and nu-males, they can't make shit anymore (except Steep which was actually fun).

Edit: Thanks for the reddit gold :3

Well then that's some bullshit but it doesn't make 100% synch any better. The problem was they were usually completely retarded unecessary shit.

>Mission is to tail somebody on a super easy preset path
>Side objective: Use 2 smoke bombs

Why the fuck would I ever need or even want to do that other than for the stupid requirements? I hear you about the game too easy, but then just make the game more challenging and require some thought instead of just putting a pointless additional objective on. It's literal artificial difficulty, but still not hard.

>game set in egypt
>no actual egyptians in game

what did ubisoft mean by this?


Sheeit we wuz really kangz n sheeit

cautiously optimistic
im a huge AC fan , here's hoping its as massively ambitious as unity was


Unity is underrated as fuck

> A few Sub-Saharan Africans were even kings of Egypt for a time, although roughly seven centuries before this new Assassin's Creed game is set in.

Gonna need to see some proof on that claim, and my proof I mean peer reviewed sources. I am aware of the black pharaohs at the next of the empire but to my knowledge there was zero up until then.