Didn't the TF2 community become infested with bronies back in like 2011? Are they still around?

Do you play on pony servers or furry servers?

Bronies literally don't exist anymore, dipshit. I haven't seen one since last year. They're an extinct species at this point.

friendlys and kids are the only real problem now

Not really

Well, if you'd also say that Britain is infested with British or that a desert is infested with grains of sand-- which is to say that you'll find exactly what you'd expect if you look where it should be. The furries were in their own servers. It's your onus to engineer the mad idea to not click on the obvious name in the server browser.
In fact, hold on, there are even servers that would ban furries for simply being furries. Can you imagine? It's called choice.

>Migrated from TF2 to Overwatch
>Never looked back

Why are people still playing TF2 these days?
Is it just because it's free and runs on a potato?
Or is it nostalgia?

When's the last time you saw a brony? They all collectively realized that even without all the memes, the stereotypes, and the rapid fandom, that MLP was only ever just a generic Flash animation cartoon that didn't deserve the hate or the praise it got.

overwatch is too slow and the balance is abysmal
>ratboy will never be good

>Why are people still playing Overwatch these days?
>Is it just because it's new?
>Or is it waifufaggotry?

Because its actually fun, unlike Overtrash

best site to download skins for tf2,GO.

It's a really good game. No amount of shitposting will change that for people.

>tfw I got sick of overwatch after a few week and ended up going back to TF2.
OW just feels like a cheap chinese version of TF2.

Do you attack friendlies?

free eyelander kills and they need to fuck off and stop ruining servers

Bronies where everywhere in that time, if you weren't a newfag you would know about the times before /mlp/ was created.
Its mostly died off now though it seems, it was just a passing fad that autists latched onto

>ruining servers
Oh no, people not taking a pub game seriously!

I've only seen one of these things since I redownloaded the game, guessing they're an actual problem in America.
What's the point anyways?

I'm convinced the people who switch to Overwatch and think it's better are the same people who would loudly complain about Soldier/Demoman, which of course means they never learned how to rocket jump. Junkrat-- Overwatch's Demoman-- has a remote explosive. It launches him at precisely the same angle no matter what angle you are away from it. It feels gross. It removes skill. But I suppose it panders to people who refuse to learn and that's where Blizzard found success.

Absolutely. The only time I don't immediately kill them is when they have a teammate trying to kill me.

You know the shit with MLP is just jarring to me.

There are no dedicated group of neckbeards for Rugrats, for Barney, for Veggie Tales. Hell, not even for the previous versions of MLP, so why was this MLP cartoon thing the one?

Sleeping requires as much activity as being "friendly" in TF2. Is it fun to you?

You are COMPLETELY wrong. Ever seen a Smash Brothers meetup or an anime convention?

Okay I need you to answer this for me; in what world is standing around eating a Sandvich/standing around the enemy base for extended periods of time fun/funny? I can understand short little interactions between the enemy team, but seriously going into a server JUST to stand around for the entire length of the match and not do anything? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Protip they're rare. They are rarer than hackers. Would you believe it? People hyperbolize.

of course degenerates will gather up in degenerates meet ups.
you can only find bronies nowadays if you put some effort.

This is the same sort of guy who micspams and gets mad when the votekick starts.

It's pretty balanced at the level I am playing at.

It's polished, something TF2 never was.

>2fort 24/7 is fun

Let's agree to disagree

>Overwatch is a cheap TF2

TF2 is so cheap it's free...

I mean, when there's a friendly on the server, you're probably playing on hightower or something so I just go and kill someone else.

It is pretty annoying when they whine about being killed for it, but really killing friendlies shouldn't be your prime objective. You complain about friendlies you can't complain about tryhards.

Every time I play Overwatch all I can thinK about is how much Id rather be playing TF2.

I haven't played TF2 in a long time. What the hell is a friendly?

>you can only find bronies in smash bros and anime conventions
i'm not surprised.

all the weapons in overwatch feel like peashooters

tedious game

faggots that join the server and do nothing. its usually a heavy that runs with fists

I'm still here user, and let me tell ya they take it a lot better than most people on here do.

>less voice lines and the only facial animation is on the character select screen
A player who intentionally doesn't kill enemies

What the hell is a search engine?

Ive accepted it isn't coming this week, maybe not even this month. Valve is clearly content to make us wait without even a status update.


It's always waifus.

>Unironically using elipses

I know tf2 threads are underage bait, but please neck yourself.

>reddit spacing
>OW fan


It was allegedly one of those children's shows that adults could get into.
You know, like Adventure Time.

>reddit accusing people of being reddit

>see an enemy Soldier having a melee duel with another one on Hightower
>watch him win and C+7 afterwards
>he considers for a few seconds before pulling out his RL and blowing me up

>kill player who's sitting in a corner taunting
>gets upset and tells me he's friendly
>tell him i'm not

Pretty much how most of my friendly encounters go. If they get upset and leave, that's great, a spot on the server just opened up for someone who actually wants to play the game. If they get angry and try to kill me, that's great, at that point they cease being friendly anyway.

I don't care about fucking voice lines.

I care about solid competitive play, something TF2 never had for solos.

your tourist visa is almost expiring,time to go back.

I disguise as the friendlies in my team and backstab idiots who believe it. After a few kills and laugh taunts the other teams friendlies get pissed and start playing again.

I get hard when I do. So yes.

No it wasn't.

Okay, to be honest with you. I watched some MLP episodes to see what are the hypes were about few years ago, and they were supposed to be the good ones. All of it sucked ass.

Beats all the other shit on.

gumball is good as far as cartoons go

>stop playing TF2 somewhere before Gun Mettle, getting a major burnout over that game after having played it for years and years
>get Overwatch at launch
>Honeymoon period ends after S3, play a bit of S4, haven't even played S5 at all
>reinstall TF2 somewhere last week
>most fun I've had with a video game in years
what the fuck?

is Wriendly season

Except all cartoons are fucking horrible and all meant for literal children.

You're kind of faggot who complains about Teen Titans Go and act like if children's cartoons are some sort of peak of art medium. Back to your containment board.

No matter how gabe the fat fuck who's getting major cardiac arrest soon may try to derail everything Valve worked for, at is core TF2 is a good game.

Have you considered watching shows made for adults, instead of shows made for children?

This is the most hilarious sickness to afflict this stupid dead game yet. How did friendly TF2 even start?

Yeah, I'm one and I'm here to stay. Deal with it. /)

Very similar experience here, except this happens to me every year or two. Every time I get burnt out and play other games for a few months I always come back to TF2 and get completely sucked in like no other game ever. Especially after Overwatch lost its novelty.

user I don't watch TV except for that one show, and even then it's rare. TV is dead for me and not you or anyone else is going to change the fact that we have different likes. Why you get mad over that is beyond me.

what did he mean by this

Meh it's just the result of a F2P game with cartoony graphics having really endearing writing and voice performances. It's almost a testament of how good the aesthetic is that people feel spurred to do it. Of course, the moment you kill them twice they get fed up and start fighting, so they're a non-issue.

>taunting with enemy team in a spot you normally wouldnt go to
>activley blocking or running past locations you need to get to caps/payload for

>solid competitive gameplay
A casual match on 2fort is more competitive than Overwatch in its entirety.

It’s been at least two years since I’ve seen “/)”, bronys really are dead.



>favouring polish over gameplay
at this point i don't know if you're baiting or you just have shit taste

It's like you're begging for ironic shitposting.

>All the servers with fun custom maps are friendly-only servers


that same thing happened to me.

The last overwatch patch brutally fucked all semblance of balance the game had left, so i reinstalled tf2.
Its been really fun too.

Every time. The worst that will happen is they start actually playing the game like they're supposed to.

great points.

go back to your hat congo line.

Fuck off, nigger.

>Except all cartoons are fucking horrible and all meant for literal children.
It wasn't always like this. What happened?


Gotta level up those stranges and show those kiddos they cant be taking up player slots.

Is tdm_hightower, dare I say it, the best map in the game?

Vermont, you suck at playing this game.

>press ult to win the game

It's been like that for quite some time at least in america

It's definitely the map I spend most time on these days.

the funnest moment i've had in overwatch is when our entire team was on the payload and some fucker came off the roof as junkrat's explosive wheel, did a 360 and wiped our whole team

It's a lot of fun for fucking around on but badwater and upward are the best maps by a large margin. Also thunder mountain is one of my favorites but it's not that great objectively speaking

so you can get banned for posting lewd pics but this is fine

There's at least 3 or 4 layers of casualism in that comment, disgusting.

It probably has something to do with money. Animators started appealing to children because it's extremely easy, especially when cartoons can have all those bright colors without looking oversaturated.

And that's why overwatch is a game for scrubs.

I mean, it isn't that gory compared to some of the shit I've seen here. Remember that pic of the cat with its skull going through its mouth?

>tfw playing phlog pyro
>with a pocket medic

It was retarded but still fun to watch


>this is the shitter defending overwatch

i have it saved

>Is it just because it's free

>did a 360 and wiped our whole team
so the wheel walked backwards?