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Video Games #3846
Video Games
Morrowind is an ugly ga-
Name a single game that's actually worth full price at $60 upon release
Hey Sup Forums a few weeks ago I made a thread asking if the Switch I purchased could be a scam or not and got asked...
Why Sup Forums claims that franchises such as Neptunia and Atelier are "pedophile shit" but at the same time Sup Forums...
Mr Bittler is ready for adventure!
What is the video game equivalent of this?
How much longer until we reach this level of graphics in games?
ITT: Characters that could beat the living shit outta Dante
What are some games where I can take the evil path?
FFXIV price hike
Name a game that you used to love but eventually realized was bad
Peach, Daisy & Rosalina appreciation thread
What are some games where the protagonist makes a miraculous comeback against all odds?
Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
Okay, I'm really liking Corruption of Champions so far. Can anyone recommend me more similar games...
ITT: Go on
How the fuck is anyone able to play through this? It's so fucking boring and slow
Post your sister's favourite game
Destiny 2 beta
Idiort Thread
Why do PCfags tell people that PC gaming is cheaper than console gaming...
Vidya characters made for sex
What am I in for guys?
What went wrong?
I bought MGS1 on psn store (ps3) and damn it's good...
Hey Sup Forums, seen any vampires lately?
XXx_36o_n0_$c0p3_xXx has joined
What genre has the best girls and why is it the fighting game genre?
There's a new Fire Pro game out, it's extremely good and has workshop support, and nobody here is talking about it
Left rightman
Which pokemon would you keep as a pet?
/dbfz/ Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Is it September yet
BR here. So, I will be on the US for a week by the end of September. And I want a Nintendo Switch
Game revealed with a black main character
Vidya ideas
Gorons or Zoras?
Recommend me some good games for local co-op Sup Forums
.hack//G.U. Last Recode is Getting a Physical Release for North America
Look at this thing, LOOK AT IT
Why this game is so perfect?
This is a japanese knight
Why does the Fire Emblem series, especially the newer entries...
Overwatch is dead
Which Link is the best Link?
No Asura
Not even 30fps
Someone stop them please
Best game valve has made this far?
Daily reminder that white women are atheists
Lightning in a Nissan commercial
SMT thread
Why are there so few games set in ancient Egypt?
So Sup Forums, how would you approach making a new Dead Rising title?
What's a good Switch case?
But will it be good?
Pls missah gib 5 credits
Can someone explain to me why people like this game and don't like 3? Or why people that like 3 don't like this game?
I stopped playing games about 5 years ago so I don't know anything about gaming since then
How did you post-rationalize your decision to buy and play Mass Effect: Andromeda?
Please everyone come play at Felmyst when it launches at 3 hours
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
I somehow missed Lords of Shadow 2, even though I thought the first was pretty good
History really does repeat itself
I've been trying to find a good list of all the kingdom hearts games in order so I can play it...
Does Sup Forums try to recognize voices in video games?
Chris will die in your lifetime
Tfw under 25
What are the best DOOM mods?
American level
No more games
Why bf1 run bad on i5 cpus?
Are you enjoying your Switch Sup Forums?
What is The Room of video games?
ITT: We try to remember the title of games we've played when we were young
What went so right with FFVIII's localization...
Are there any vidya characters that could kill SCP 682?
What artstyle fits anime games better?
Are you looking forward to his remaster, Sup Forums?
Since anime has become a joke of a medium has there been any good Japanese action games lately? Have a PC+PS4
Why doesn't Baurus get mad at you when you the emperor dies?
What does Sup Forums think about visual novels?
Join random game
June NPD - PS4 #1
Whats the most difficult game you've personally ever played?
Where the fuck are all the hack'n'slash games?
3x3 Thread, Friday Morning Edition
How do I meet girls that like videogames? All the girls I've dated have been basic normies
In what game can I just kill a bunch of Americans? I am sick of killing Russians, Arabs and German Nazis
Beloved RPG games In Japan
The Switch is finished -- First roms out
Gamer fuel thread
Treehouse in charge of keeping character personalities instact
Okay, Sup Forums
Untill Dawn
Who here unironically buys gaymer shit (products aimed at gaymers, led mice keyboards, gaymer food etc.)
Games are better with busty anime girls. This is your mage for the night
ITT: characters that take no skill to play
UNIEL[st] thread
He hasn't modded GTA IV beyond recognition with realism mods
What game can be 100%ed entirely using the starting character/abilities? or getting gud is the only power up?
Is it true that Cody is canonically the strongest being in the SF universe?
Do you remember Cheat with Kristin Holt?
What went wrong?
Going to police academy soon, what are some good games where I can roleplay as a cop/SWAT...
Find a flaw
Does Sup Forums expects anything from Bubsy's return?
The first release game splatfest is announced
That kid who always chose the Mclaren F1
Yakuza 1
It's not worth the amount they ask for
Was he in the wrong?
Gaming journalism
Fortnite begging continues
Remember logging into this screen?
Okay let's have one more thread about this
Five days until pic related gets released on PC and Xbox One
5 estus at start of game, 10 with humanity
How hype are you for DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Sup Forums?
Hide for 30 minutes
What games let me play as an empowered female?
What makes WoW so much more entertaining to watch over it's contemporaries?
ITT: reddit games
Destiny 2
Development complete
What is the Linkin Park of vidya?
- 2017, has the graphics of a game from 2004
Why did six button controllers never take off? Shit's cash, yo
Is this actually Battle Royale: the game? And if so, is it any good?
What are some 7/10 and 8/10 PC FPS games?
Tale from the borderlands is one of the best Telltale game
What are some games that you used to think were good but you eventually realized they were garbage?
Realistically, when can we expect Nintendo to restock the Switch in the US?
What if your parents never got divorced?
ARe there any choice games,where your choices actually matter?
How strong is Geralt in Witcher Universe?
Explain why you hate it
Top 10 thread
About HL3
Goblin model update
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT: characters only you find attractive
Sierra Thread
The game has slowly reappearing capcha
Why do niggers smell like shit?
Now what?
So am i gonna be meme'd by shills if i grab this off the psn sale?
When did tf2 die?
ITT the cutest video game girl
Are guardians the best designed enemies in zelda games so far
Game you love dies a slow and painful death until it finally because a shell of itself
So Sup Forums I just got a new 4tb Drive I want to stuff full of steam games
Talk me out of resubbing to Runescape after not playing for 5+ years
Choose wisely
Cataclysm did not ruin WOW
Shes the official mascot now, right?
ITT: Characters nobody likes
What's a setting that you think should be used more in vidya?
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
Big guy
What was the first video game you played?
What does [Glass Him] mean?
Is kh3 going to be shit or unfinished?
What games have an all female cast?
I'm in love with Kat. Why can't she be real?
Going to take a shower
Can someone help me identify what this tune is?
yfw you hear the enemy whistles
Can someone redpill me on the mmos on the market right now?
Replay a game from your childhood
What went wrong?
Is this game any good?
"Little brother, were you up all night playing video games?"
What themes work best on PS4?
ITT: Games with bad water levels
What is the best game from 2011?
Is Moogy-denka right about Persona 5?
Developer refers to its playerbase as in game role
Worst castlemania
Best Hitman game?
It's okay when sony do it
What are some video games where the concept is good, but the whole thing is kinda shit?
You're at agdq and as ur getting ready to leave this guy sniffs ur gf's (male) seat. What do?
How come he was a sweet nerd in Peace Walker but in V he became a snivelling wreck of a man?
Strategy games are dead, I s-swear!
Why does Steam allow this kind of content?
TES is a trash series - even morrowind - and here's why:
Graphics thread?
He thinks Nier Automata is original in any way, let alone a masterpiece
Who is the Chester Bennington of video games?
What's the point of motion blur?
3DS Thread
Reminder that you need a minimum IQ of 120 in order to appreciate grand strategy games...
Man sometimes I ask people questions about video games and anons will reply with an answer because they know about the...
What exactly makes a good metroidvania to you?
Drakengard Thread
Isabelle is cute!
What are vidya with God-Tier soundtracks?
I want to get into this series but how do I actually start? Theres so many games released...
Tfw hating japanese games because of the weebs and not because of anything related to the game
Health is red
Is it September yet
IS there an game that has insects as main protagonist or mainly bees?
What's the Bambi 2 of video games?
How much would you rage if this ever happened?
Post your current desktop and be judged Sup Forums
>five million sold
Where were you when Sonic became kino?
Download game overnight
Thoughts on sonic forces?
Fun games to play that are actually fun
If you pulled out that horn, would he die?
Is Matthew right about Demon's Souls?
Is Marina /ourguy/?
Splatoon 2
How did they manage to put out SIX fucking SMT games on the 3DS? Which one do I start with?
Looking up New Vegas mods
>chooses mercy
Dark Souls 2 was a flawed diamond
Give me one good reason Nintendo shouldn't make a Waluigi game
Apparently this guy that killed his sister was a "well known" Counter Strike player
Do any games have comfy, well written romance that will make my heart floople?
It still hurts
Reminder that Squad is literally the most rewarding and engaging shooter out right now
This game is about the jews
He uses Steam to play games
Gran Tourismo Sport
Did MGS3 have a lore reason for why Snake couldn't use enemy guns, like NANOMACHINES in the other games?
ITT: gaims that Sup Forums memed you into playing but you didn't enjoy
Oh hey Sup Forums
Name literally 5 (FIVE) good WRPG games
How will capcombros ever recover?
Arika EX/Fighting Layer EX
Explain this please Sup Forums
I'm replaying BoF4 and now I remember why I liked Breath of Fire 3 the best
How goes your progress user, surely you beat o4s already...
Refute this
The hero shooter genre is on its way out less than a year after it became a thing
Why do you keep coming here, Sup Forums?
Hanging out with older sister and her husband
The doctor is in
When will games stop doing this?
Literally a gift from God
This is fucking amazing
Best multiplayer fps of this generation
Morning, user. Did you stay up the whole night playing videogames again?
PS4 Was the Top-Selling Console for June 2017
What how
Alright anons post your age and another user will post a game recommendation based on it
Games you rented the most when you were a kid
What the fuck is wrong with Kojima...
I'm still mad
Filename thread?
Well Sup Forums? Can YOU handle the cult hit The Surge?
What went wrong with Sup Forums other than:
Why people masturbate to cartoons/pixels?
Can we have one of these threads?
Twitch grill nudes
What are some games where it actually feels like the enemy is afraid of you?
Where do Pikmin go when they die?
Was FFX Kinoc?
If you are old enough to browse Sup Forums then you are old enough to have self awareness and stop bringing your...
Which DLC is better?
>It's just a game, lol
How can anybody defend anti-piracy, when piracy is what Vidya was built upon?
Is vidya devaluing female companionship?
What worlds do you want in Kingdom Hearts 3?
What do you think about vita ports on PC, Sup Forums?
Sonic Mania
Getting a New 3DS XL soon, what games should I get? Pic unrelated
You now remember the (early) Ace Combat series
What are the best DSP Let's plays?
Are they really that bad? I mean they do shill for sony a bit too much but besides what's the worst thing they done?
Sequels that ruined the series
Do you use a screen protector Sup Forums? If not, do you have any scratches yet?
140hz or 240 for comp?
Walk in rain in game
How the fuck do you people get enough money to buy vidya?
Game has no men
What the fuck is a "Flexile Sentry"?
You should be able to solve this
Castlevania thread
What games involve the main character dying and then being revived?
DaS1 vs BB
ITT: awful games Sup Forums constantly recommends
Itt technical marvels
Tfw mario can finally into atmosphere
The new Uncharted game is coming out next month
Can I save her, or is she destined to die?
Have any of you played goty 2017 yet?
How is this game enjoyable? Even with a guide ammo and health is scarce. Then in comes Ashley fucking everything up...
Is 4 still the most overrated game in the series or has 7 taken that cake yet?
Dragon's Dogma
There will never be a good Stargate game in your life time
Fishing lvls?
Find a flaw
ITT: Never ever
Who was the wrongdoer in this situation?
Are QTEs really all that bad?
The great debate
Remake fails to capture the essence of the original game
What are some games that allow me to be a creep?
Filename thread
M rating: 17 years and older
Greatest RPGs of all time
Paying $60 for more of the same
The boss can one shot you
Itt: Under rated gems
You have twenty-five second to list every smartphone game you've played, and how much you've spent. Don't disappoint me...
This is fucking insane
Should Sup Forums be 25+ only?
Convince me to buy this
Is BB Hood the greatest fighting game character ever made?
You will never play Minecraft Alpha for the first time ever again
Were you as disappointed as I was?
ITT: Post the best girl from their respective game
Used to hate camping
Post shitgames Sup Forums memed you into buying
Is this the only decent subscriber only MMORPG left?
What did he mean by this?
Weekly reminder that battle brother Leandros did nothing wrong. He is your friend who fights for The Emperor
Is Naughty Dog 'our guy'?
The biggest problem with Atelier games is that they use the cute girl trope way too much
So to the people who spam WE WUZ KANGS EN SHIT in Assassins Creed Origin threads tell how the fuck is this a black...
Because it's their game
Explain why this isn't a fighting game
Post gamer fuel ITT
Vinesauce PCRF
Just your daily reminder that Mr. House is far and away the best ending in fallout new vegas
Why are Japanese Developers
Why is modern vidya so big?
Pixel art thread? pixel art thread. sprites welcome
Arc System Works visiting RIOT
Quick claim your wife before it's too late
Rate my set up Sup Forums
BOTW thread
What games do you play to occupy your attention while fasting?
What games let me play as a cheerleader?
*blocks your path*
What are some good RPG Maker games?
Video Game Tattoos
Why do most anime fanservice games revolve around teenage girls and not adult women?
People have been clamoring for Doomfist since the original trailer
Who do you pick user?
What were they thinking?
You did get Phantom Speed, didn't you? Tempest is ending in 4 hours
This is Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca also known as Ashe - the 19 year old Princess in hiding of the Kingdom of Dalmasca...
Ishiwatari confirmed Robo-ky to be the next character in Rev 2
Was this quietly cancelled?
Well, Sup Forums?
ITT:Games nobody asked for
What game had the best story while still maintaining good gameplay? (so no post strong bad TTG)
This is OBJECTIVELY the BEST game ever made
Choose one hero for the rest of your Overwatch career-- pic related or Hanzo
Shadow Warrior Special Edition is free on humble bundle
/dbfz/ Dragon Ball Fighter Z
ITT hyped games that were instantly forgotten
I saw this at Gamestop today and decided to buy it
Person 5 Pick Up?
Post a sadder competitive gaming moment
Do you remember the last arcade you went to?
ITT: games that could really use a remake
Is Silent Hill 2 the scariest horror video game?
ITT: we predict how stuff will be satirized in GTA VI
Oh hey Sup Forums
How weeb are you?
Sonic Forces - Infinite
What is the oldest video-game you've played?
Anyone else think 3D models were a mistake?
Idiort Thread
Controller breaks after it falls off my desk
What do you want in bloodborne 2 Sup Forums?
Remember when we got a literal anime character in mario?
Name one thing you like about Sup Forums. Name one thing you hate about Sup Forums
Now that Linkin Park is dead due to the suicide of the main singer...
What video game makes you feel numb?
How do you sit while playing video games?
Absolver thread
Today is the birthday of this young and thin ninja
Crazy damage while shooting in the general vicinity of his targets
Games that play off of a cheesy cliche setting/
Did Kazuya rape Jun in Tekken 2? I doubt it Jun will ever fall for Kazuya in a million years...
What are some games with actually good first person melee combat?
Thoughts on Toob?
If this game existed, who would you want to see in the roster?
ITT: Games Sup Forums sold you on but turned out to be pretty shit
How would you launch a successful kickstarter?
Do you have any reason to reject the best souls game?
Sad bandicoot
Im curious Sup Forums, did a videogame made you develop a fetish?Which was it?
ITT: Terrible character design
One day I will own this board
EEnE Online
One of these?
A single Lynel will give you more trouble than any Souls boss or "hardcore" game on any other platform...
Name one game developer that has never missed a step
No underage
Want to replay MGS4 every day for the last year
How much is too much for a gaming PC? Is a budget of $1300 or so overboard or just right? Not counting peripherals
Launch executable
ITT: recommend a game based on an image
Holy shit guys, Hideo Kojima wrote an article for the rolling stone about the Wonder Woman movie
Has a single game ever destroyed your enthusiasm for an entire series?
We are literally not allowed to talk about fallout new vegas anymore
Why do SSD make video games fast?
Overwatch world cup has less viewers than tyler1
On a scale of 1 to 10. How hyped are you for Kingdom Hearts 3
Arc System Works(Guilty Gear and BlazBlue) was just visiting Riot Games
How good are you at fighting games
Desert level
Is grinding good or bad?
Why is this board so full of Gohanfags?
Buy this on a friend's recommendation from Origin on the cheap
The Thalmor did nothing wrong
Present for Sup Forums
Only AAA game released in the last 3 years with a Multiplayer component that's not eSports focused
Best Fire Emblem girl coming through
June NPD is out nerds
Things that made you immediately drop a game
Roggvir did nothing wrong
Should I?
Ape Escape got a film and it was pure kino
Steam games rate thread
Why don't you go to your Local Competitive Scene?
Could this BE any more of a New Vegas thread?
Tfw no cute penelo gf
King of the HillZ Thread
PS4 is best selling console in June: NPD
I have a $25 GameStop gift card but I play on PC...
Game has romance options
Every time I play REmake...
Why do people still play melee?
Is this good character design?
So how is this game? Path of Exile thread I guess
Why is he so useless?
This is genuinely a fun game
What the fuck happened to mobile gaming
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Webm Thread
What are your hopes and expectations for system shock 3?
Are these two the biggest Mary Sues in fiction history?
Who is, theoretically, the most overpowered character in all of vidya history?
# The code is python
Hands and brain are too slow to play fighting games
ITT: Games Sup Forums never shits on
So this is the true power of indie gaming
Shit-ton of games
Meanwhile in RR
What are some games set on the Moon?
Any good games for the PS4 that you recommend?
Is he the biggest hack in vidya history?
Tits aside why isn't it respected by the FGC?
What's his fucking problem? Why does he want Sonic dead?
I got 2 screenshots of "Super Smash Bros. DELUXE"
NPD sales for June
ITT: cutscenes that are pure kino
Sup Forums hates gay people now
Is Neverwinter Nights 2 a good game?
Ubisoft insider here. We've been working on this for a while and I decided to leak this
This console is fucking retarded
Alright I've heard too many good things about this from people whose opinions I respect
PC """"""GAMING""""""
Why has the open world meme been so prevalent these past few years?
Real talk, do you think Dragon Ball Fighters and Blazblue is going to kill off MvCI?
A game you were looking forward to gets cancelled
Not maining great sword
Why is this allowed?
Mario & Luigi Thread
Do you see yourself still playing video games when you're old?
What happened?
Any good MMORPGs?
Where should I spend my money?
I have fond memories of Godzilla movies from my childhood. Thinking about buying this. What am I in for?
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
Now that the dust has settled, is this good or not?
Where are all the mech games?
Is the PC version still fucked up?
Is this blackwashing?
Any time now
ITT : Games that have never been made
Which one is the Wario?
So when will this pick up pace? I'm about 15 hours in and not much has really happened...
Germans and Russians are always depicted as evil bad guys videogames
This shit is gonna bomb. Hard
Want to play MGSV
"Boss, this pain... it truly is.. The Phantom Pain™"
He fucking did it bros
Treehouse Fucked Up The Translation For Splatoon 2
PS4 owners have spent over $150 for nothing
Is Wipeout Omega actually good?
Why does Sup Forums like shitty games with terrible poorly aged combat, garbage pen & paper based stats...
The failed Rockband rennesaince
Is she the final boss of Team Fortress 2?
It's time to discuss the best Elder Scrolls game
What's so great about this guy?
"Fighting game"
I know I am late to the party, but why the hell are you only allowed to be an ass to this guy?
You ARE playing games with your steam friends right? Right?
What is the gaming scene like in Latin America?
ITT:Meme complaints
Can someone explain to me why Bethesda, Todd Howard, and people in general love Skyrim so much...
DragonBall FighterZ
Can your Nintendo Switch do that? Yes, ut's raspberry PI turned portable
ITT: voice lines permanently burned into your memory
Is despair better than hope?
Now that the mobile game has flopped, is there any hope for Skullgirls 2? It seems the interest has died down
Games that you love but didn't buy because they're single player
How dedicated are you to your favorite video game character?
Villains who were actually the good guy all along
Does this game have the cringiest OST ever?
What mobile games are you playing?
What do you want to see in the inevitable revision?
Who had it the worst?
The southern belle
Hi there! I ruined every video game video made in the early 2000s
When did Gamestop start selling M+ games? I tried to buy this but I couldn't because I'm 23 and only 25+ can buy this
Gabe Newell, CEO of Valve here. I know you want it so I'm going to give you one chance
Why do people play this piece of shit?
So what framerate will this game be on Switch, Sup Forums? This trailer has it running at 60fps...
Thoughts on it so far?
ITT: games only you played
3x3 thread, r8 h8 b8
Be a dude
That game you suck at but you keep playing it
Why do people hate sfiv so much? I thought it was a decent game
What if his phone had died though?
So i just started playing this, gotta say it's great
Best Sup Forumsree to play games (free)?
Actually adding people from Sup Forums
What went wrong bros?
ITT: post dem blue characters
Should swastika's be removed from vidya games?
It's time
Radscorpions rape me in the cave
Spider/Haggar/FWest/Nemesis confirmed for MCUinfinite
>Every hit does double damage for no reason
Killer 7
How does it feel to know that you will never get to play Half-Life 3?
Would you let her join your party?
Was it really necessary?
Top 10 RPGs of All Time
I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee
Why aren't you going to buy this game, Sup Forums?
Rate my battlestation, Sup Forums
Mfw when the Bad Guy wins
What the fuck is this shit and why is it the top seller on Steam
New wow mount looks neat as fuck
Be honest. How many of your favorite games come from this country?
ITT Weapons, items, tacics, builds, charicters etc. That combleatly trivialize the game they're in
So the Sup Forumss recommended games turned to shit by allowing faggot mods who don't know what Sup Forums is run it...
Thoughts on this Sup Forums?
Why aren't you playing Yonder Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of dark cloud?
Did you have a cool apartment?
Which Aqua is better?
Why didn't Kojima just go into the film industry instead of the gaming industry...
Who do you usually play as in beat-em-ups?
You're going to play us in Blazblue Tag Battle,right user?
Is it really that important?
Night of the Final Day
Long story short, I decided to get into console gaming. Of the three platforms available right now...
What went wrong
What games do girls play other than mobile games?
So when does it get good
Is this the best rpg ever made?
Get really fucking drunk alone at apartment
Small company in Japan makes game
Why aren't you playing the new Layton game, Sup Forums?
Which of these is more overrated
ITT: Popular gaming opinions that make you agonizingly upset, and your reason why it's stupid
Mario is now faster than sonic
How're you enjoying the new class, Sup Forums?
N64 Mini Is Real
I just got this today, anyone else playing this!?
How did Lara Croft stand the test of time? The franchise is quite old, yet it still gets new games and even movies
ITT: Games we're currently playing and what we think of them
Would you rather be in the Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel?
Big Boss is said to be the greatest soldier on the 20th century
What would a Dark Souls movie be like?
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
Is Sup Forums ready for more treasure hunting kino?
Start playing Guilty Gear
Should i buy the ps4 ver or am I better off emulating it ?
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
ITT: Sluts
Perfectly ordinary thread
Sonic Forces - WHY???
Games Sup Forums can't hate
Post useless characters in fighting games
Ignoring gameplay, which Final Fantasy has the best (in your opinion) setting/lore?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...