How are people not embarrassed to have PSN/gamer tags like these?
How are people not embarrassed to have PSN/gamer tags like these?
Shadow_lord isn't too bad honestly.
If its anything like me, they're names they picked when they were kids that they cant change now.
I went through 2 accounts before I settled on the one I have now, and even then I still kinda wish I could change my name.
Fuck off, Shadow_lord
Any kind of anime name is pure cringe.
They don't care what other people think, unlike you
Whatever you say, Shadow_lord.
they are 12. what's fascinating is that they still refer to characters like sephiroth or DBZ characters which are from my era and means things were truly better back then
Don't get mad that you have a shitty anime name
This is what I'm talking about
There's nothing more intoxicating than having an edgy handle when you're a kid.
Mine was AnarchistPhreak. Probably inspired by State of Emergency
Retarded frogposter
>How are people not embarrassed
Because they're playing against literal strangers they'll never meet. The only thing more autistic than edgy names is people getting second-hand embarrassment from them.
>gets shit kicked in
>cries on Sup Forums
you lost to the goon squad nigga now stay your ass off our server xRegretx
Normalfags don't belong here.
When I was a kid, I thought these names were extremely cool
WHen I was a teen I picked roleplaying names
When I was a late teen, I started picking random concatenated words that sounded cool together, like GeoHot
Now that I'm 20, I pick names like epicANIMEgirl and EpicDeathLord out of irony. Much more fun that way.
>tfw to dumb too come up with creative names so just name myself after different mobile suits
Was MMO friends with a guy named Narutox before I knew anything about Naruto. I kept calling him Tox for short. In hindsight I hope he found that really annoying.
Not even, I just mean comparatively. A good screen name in online games should be simple, easy to remember and easy to pronounce. Calling yourself a mess like xX420DantEBlaZe420Xx or Samonosusukechii666 or anything to do with established characters or franchises, things like Sephiroth_ofWeeping_Angelz or Cloudd, Naruto immediately brands you as a fag.
Something like Shadow_Lord is completely ambiguous and simple. Even Assassin_Gamer wouldn't be too terrible in terms of a utilitarian name but I feel like it has too many syllables to be worth using in a team scenario because people will tend to trip on the words.
xXxAnimeWeedLord420xXx reporting in.
To be honest I kinda miss these edgy names. Everyone seems to have a "serious" pseudonym or even their real names nowadays.
What happened to all these edgy people? I want to see them again.
>People who put ยด or ^ in their names because the name was taken
Literally zero sense of self respect
>Having meme in your username
I remember the slow death of edgy names in WOW since that was the game I was playing at the time.
I was probably an early adopter of an ironic self deprecating name. People were actually surprised by the name and I got complemented occasionally for a few months.
After that it became pretty widespread quickly. WoW was a sort of self contained gaming bubble though.
edgy names > [random adjective] [noun]
But putting ^ and a number in your name changes its colour on some games
It sounded cool in 2006 and Sony's attitude towards name changes is "Fuck you"
>killman has signed in
I used to be Shuriken and my friend was named Axemurderer
This. We all grew up, and Sony hates us.
I input Destroyer of Souls instead of my real name whenever possible. 15 years ago I was a troubled kid who listened to Linkin Park, but now I just dont want to disclose excess personal info.
how is possible to become more embarrassing the older you get?
There are actual neurological changes in the brain that take place as someone ages that stops them from caring about social conventions as much, hence why old farts are often cringe.
>says while posting frogs
>Says while green-texting