>chooses mercy

>doesnt heal because "he" is Attack Mercy

does this game bring together all mentally disabled people or what?

essentially yes

Mentally disabled and shit people, yes

>playing faggot gaymes for faggit gaymers desiged by fag studios catering to faggots and faggotry

end ur faggotry

That's what you get for playing Overwatch

I'm a Heal Queen. What's the difference between my majesty and you, dirty healsluts? I am not oblidged to heal you. I am not there to support you. I am not there to make you feel better. I am there because you, dirty slaves, will lead me to victory while kissing my heels if I let you do so. I will resurrect you out of pity, because you, worthless worms, suck at this game. I will heal you, because you losers don't stand a chance against enemies on your own. And if I don't like something, if you don't crawl on your knees and kiss the earth that I walk, I will ignore your filthy corpses and step over you while you cry in chat or on microphone begging me to res you. And what will I do? I will ignore you. Because you, slaves and sluts, didn't ask me nicely. And didn't say "Mommy, I will suck your majestic healing cock if you bring me back to battle".

Do you really have a cock? That's pretty hot, I'd gladly suck it.

>Friend mains DVA
>I used to main roadhog
>Roadhog was literally one his only counters
>Roadhog is kill
now I'm maining healers in comp until I get good enough with another tank or DPS to use them

he just locks dva and gets someone to go winston and is virtually unstoppable, blocking more damage than a rein shield and swallowing ults with his alt fire

all the time saying that "hog is where he needs to be" and that things are "much better now"

Mfw mercy mains actually think this no joke

Sounds like your friend throws tantrums when all the chicken nuggies are gone.

I like playing mercy because people say nice things to me

I want to say nice things to you.

Like what? Got steam/discord?

>Got steam/discord?
I-I was just teasing, user.

Then tell me what you'd say!

I dig this.

Maybe lewd things, lewd but nice! Like you're so cute I want to plant my face into your chest!

Ahh! Well you can stay there all you like, I can keep you healed!

Maybe I can give my discord anyway.

Quiet, nerds

Hey user, use your mic!

Why are there people like this in every OW thread? Don't like it, don't come into the thread.

Ehh, why that suddenly? I wouldn't really mind though.


Ditch the cock and I'm aroused. Futa is gay.