Was FFX Kinoc?
Even though ffx has a lot of problems I still really enjoy it, and it's not nostalgia I only first played it last year
Hell yeah. Localization is very bad, but if we take into account that it was the first Final Fantasy with voice acting, it is a very good game.
Was it kino?
There is a character in FFX called Maester Wen Kinoc... Also Inloved the lore in FFX. Spurs was a cool world!
No. because Blitzball, also voice acting and bad characters.
Yuna is a personality free mary sue, Lulu is a bitch and Tidus is the worst douchebro protagonist of all time.
Wakka is a bro tho.
I loved and Spira***
t.phone poster
blitzball was fun
>worst douchebro protagonist of all time
Have you even played FFX, nigga?
How is Yuna a mary sue? She hardly does anything right.
Was Tidus a Time Mage?
Why would you be playing FFX if you don't think an RPG is fun?
Because she is never really punished for it and everyone else fixes everything for her, yet she's always this special amazing person whom they all love and respect no matter what happens.
>He may not have been the man I once knew, but Kinoc was still my friend.
Auron was too good
Nah he was from the same timeline as everyone else except his world was locked away from everybody else
There's a lot more to FFX than an awful mini game on the side whose only occurrence in the main story is an easy game that can be cheesed with the Jecht Shot.
>TFW you can't do it kid, I'm the best
Everyone feels sorry for her because shes on a journey to kill herself. Would you call a cancer patient a mary sue if everyone treated them that way.
So you watched a youtube video about FFX memes.
Though I'm too lazy to learn the language, I've always wondered if there were any vidya with remarkably high quality writing by Japanese standards where the translations paled by comparison.
auron was the only adult in the damn game as far as im concerned with lulu acting like the 16 year old girl trying to be mature when it suits her
never liked that fat fuck, glad he died
>guns exist
>main character uses a sword
what the fuck?
some of ffx's main cast was a fusion of 2 ff jobs. White mage + Summoner, Thief + Chemist, Blue Mage + Dragoon, Fighter + Time Mage
>Guns are better than swords
Don't think so.
better yet
>guns exist
>party member uses a volleyball
fuck machina
better yet
>volleyballs exist
>party member uses a doll
Aw it doesn't have the best one.
>Squall, this is my friend's grave....
>sentient dolls exist
>party member breaks wrist punching things with oversized handcuffs
better yet
>dolls exist
>party member uses claws
she doesnt use claws, she uses fucking thermite and mini black holes
>he doesn't have an 100% petrify 100% death claw on rikku for normal fights
The game calls them claws, she's also one of the few video game characters who can summon up the power of the Godhand.
>Tidux the cuck
I kept her overdrive claws on her. teedus and wakka got that instead
That's just what being an attractive female is like