- 2017, has the graphics of a game from 2004

- 2017, has the graphics of a game from 2004
- most autistic gun mechanics in a shooter ever
- Valve is too busy milking the playerbase with pointless skins to stop cheaters and smurfs
- constantly getting matched with russians, fuck off sjws that's not racist there simply is a huge language barrier, could be easily solved by adding region and language preference
- "I played 1000 hours of this, the first half wasn't fun but then it was really great because I could actually shoot stuff"
- why play cs if this is around?

SO, why is this game so great again?

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing CS:GO

only 12-year-olds play this game.

Either you play CS:S or CS 1.6, CS:GO is out of the question, lol.

Lots of depth. Solid Mechanics. Good (for some) gameplay. Huge inherited player base from previous titles.

Valve are literally just milking it at this point, but so long as it doesn't affect gameplay too much this shit won't die by them.

>Either you play CS:S or CS 1.6, CS:GO is out of the question, lol.

Literally the same game.


People still play this shitty game? Literally nothing ever gets updated in it, valve refuses to make any improvements or balance changes to the game, and everyone literally just uses it as a gambling platform for skins anyway now.

>graphics whore, most good players run it on low settings, its not about the graphics its about finding what works for you
>get good, there's a reason you get spanked every time by better players, it's not all random
>its the nature of anti cheat to be one step behind cheaters, they can't ban what hasn't been made yet, as for smurfs who gives a shit, git gud
>play with friends if you want to not play with randoms
>shouldnt take 1000 hours to figure out a game m8
>its like saying why play xcom when you can play WoW, they're different games

>Lots of depth. Solid Mechanics.

>Huge inherited player base from previous titles.
Most of the playerbase wasn't even born when the previous titles were still relevant.

t. never played anything else than CS:GO

Keep telling yourself it's the games "bugged game mechanics" that you're shitty, Phil.

Anyone ever thought about valve fixing player stats? There is no way that over 500,000 people are currently playing this. It takes ages to find a comp game.

I'm not wouldn't consider myself shitty nor good. Dmg eu here. However have you watched the vid? You can't deny that, or are you denying math itself?

I think it's absolute garbage. CSGO and any game where you ADS are boring as fuck. Shooters basically come down to movement positioning and aiming. Counterstrike almost entirely removes movement from fights. Arena shooters or really any game where you move during combat are way better.


vee is always so salty about the best fps in history lol

there is a reason why 20k people still play fucking cs 1.6, you know

tune in btw, there is a great tourney going on

I'm sorry user, not everyone is autistic

that's not in greentext
I cannot read that

Shut the fuck up cs go is the most compititve game right now


yes of course I've watched the video, I don't even need to watch the video, I've been playing Counter-Strike for over 14 years by now I'm sure.

It's stupid, but it doesn't ruin the entire game by any means.

Name ONE (1) modern competitive multiplayer game that people actually play with better and more skillful mechanics. I'll wait.

bots dude

Fighting games. Depending on your definition of "actually play" arena shooters.

>modern competitive multiplayer game that people actually play with better and more skillful mechanics
Starcraft, Dota, fucking LoL ... any rts or moba ever


>people play Starcraft, the RSI simulator
>DotA and LoL taking skill

you invalidated everything you said by outing yourself as a retard.

Most pro's would say that SF5 doesn't take nearly as much skill as they'd like. I'm pretty sure all of them are very unhappy with the game. Anything else either isn't modern or doesn't have the playerbase to say that people "actually play" it.

>I've been playing Counter-Strike for over 14 years by now
i doubt that. no one that seriously played 1.6 likes csgo. csgo is a joke. it's worse than source. the game is noob shit from top to bottom. the map design is horrendous, there's too many angles that really dumb things down. on top of that even the "pros" often just go straight to crouching and spraying without aiming. is this by design because the shooting mechanics are terrible or as the skill level seriously declined this much? the game sucks. the ONLY reason csgo is popular is because of skins and gambling. before skins the game was dead and dying. the competitive scene is alive simply because everyone gets salaried for playing a video game

What does "RSI simulator" mean?

Dota and lol take skill but they are bad examples since there's random chances of critical hits etc.

Nah a lot of pros have warmed up to it over the past year. The evo winner this year has been a fan of the game pretty much since release.

Tekken is also fantastic and has a big player base. You kind of dodged me on the arena shooter thing. They're way better than csgo man. Any game where you stand still or go slow to shoot is fucking awful, I'd even rather play class based shooters because at least they go fast.

>i doubt that. no one that seriously played 1.6 likes csgo. csgo is a joke. it's worse than source. the game is noob shit from top to bottom.


>why play this if you can play quake moba

>Thinks cs go takes skill


I never said arena shooters didn't take skill, but I said there had to be people that actually play it. Quake Champions will probably toil in mediocrity for a long time, never being adopted by the masses.

It means you have to be an autistic korean slave trained for 24 hours a day at the cost of the usability of your hands and wrists and body in general to be able to compete, forcing people to retire at extremely young ages because of the deterioration.

Really made me think.

>I--I'm really good! I just don't try because the game sucks.. ha...hahaha! Sure showed.. sh--showed you!

yeah, my friend bought four dig too despite starting to play in 2005

You're setting up a pretty narrow standard for alive. "requires a moderate amount of skill and has lots of 14 year olds farming for skins" isn't what I would consider the paragon of the competitive genre.

You discount anything harder with "no players" and anything with more players as "not hard enough". It's like you're goldilocks and csgo is porridge. It moves about as fast as porridge I guess.

>It means you have to be an autistic korean slave trained for 24 hours a day at the cost of the usability of your hands and wrists and body in general to be able to compete, forcing people to retire at extremely young ages because of the deterioration.

High skill cealing - high standards

Do those guys look better?

If it's hard to believe that people are both more experienced and better than you I guess that's ok, user.

you have no idea who i am or what my experience is. stop projecting, scrub

>- most autistic gun mechanics in a shooter ever
that's why

>High skill cealing - high standards

The game is shit, and so is any game that plays like it. Where a single mistake/delay in the period of the game where you haven't even encountered the enemy yet means you lose because of the butterfly effect.

No such thing has come backs, or being able to overcome disadvantages with skill or clutch. It's all about autistically executing your pre-planned build order as expertly as you can before you actually start fighting or even interacting with your foe.

Which one of us is projecting, again?

Not true, source had really big hitboxes compared to 1.6, it was really easy to hit anything. Csgo is closer to 1.6, maybe even worse in that regard.

you are, scrub. continue paying for accounts though

CSGO has the tightest hitboxes of the series.

Further proof the angry shitters have no idea what they're talking about.

I've literally never bought a 2nd hand account though. Is it that hard to believe that some people aren't awful, shitty players that need to make excuses for their lack of any prowess at all?

What a brainlet.

That's kinda what user said, stop playing low tier games and read a book.

I was agreeing with what user said, stop reading children's books and get reading comprehension.

you haven't played it recently have you

Alright, which fantasy books can you recommend? YOu seem to have experience with that.

The Last Wish :^)

Why do people insist on being so autistic about csgo's graphics?

They literally and objectively are not bad. Granted it's not 2017 quality, but all of the updated maps are perfectly well beyond 2012's
average graphics. And that's at a much higher framerate too.

60hz v-sync shitters.

>Plays cs go
>half of every round is spent to to set up in the same spots over and over again on the shittiest maps known to shooters
>for up to 39 rounds
>random chance decides who wins
>claims this takes skill

I only played CS 1.5 with bots :D

It't wouldn't be so bad if valve didn't make a good anticheat and make the gun fell powerful instead of like I'm firing a nerf gun. And why did they have to add all of these shitty guns the no one uses.

I play it every once and a while and I'll admit I do enjoy it but no as much as I would with cs source.

quakefags are obsessed

>random chance decides who wins
outing yourself as a lame, user.

it also has some of the best multiplayer maps in gaming of all time.

OP here, I'm aware that graphics don't matter for video games. It's still a lazy effort by Volvo if you'd ask me. Most of you probably don't even know that CSGO was meant to be a console port of CSS.

It's only popular with poor third worlders. You're deluding yourself if you think many westerners outside of underage fags and "pros" still play.

isnt this the game that has that sniper rifle that kills anything in one hit?

what's the point of using other weapons?

>underage fags
Who the fuck do you think made CS 1.6 a success with tons of players?

Games are played by underage fags, you dumb nigger.

I thought you watched this user?

>it also has some of the best multiplayer maps in gaming of all time.
Says who? Oh yeah the cs "community".
They are shit.

>unironic lol
14 yo csgokiddie go.

What a great counter, this truly shows how bad the tightly designed and fine-tuned-for-over-a-decade maps are.


unironically parroting this guys opinion, nice dude.

>Most of you probably don't even know that CSGO was meant to be a console port of CSS
It's a very commonly known fact how csgo started off, you still somehow managed to misinterpret that information though. Impressive.

>thumbnail literally says "Empirical Analysis"

It's expensive, you get very little cash for kills with it (Assault rifles get 300 per kill, AWP gets 50) and it have a very low firing rate so AWPers without AR backup will easily be rushed by enemy players.

You have 1 or 2 AWPers on a team to lock down chokepoints and that's it.

How the fuck do you shoot in this game?
Like I have my crosshair literally right on the enemy and yet all my shots miss and I die first.

Oh, did he empirically prove the maps aren't masterpieces of game design?

>every poster that complains about the game summed up

This was about random chance, the video has nothing to do with map design. How about you actually watch it?

>masterpieces of game design

I just think games where you stand still to shoot are bad and boring. That includes this and any game with ADS. This game is basically proto-cod.

I watched it when it was posted on the subreddit over a year ago, I didn't need to watch it then and I don't need to watch it now. First bullet inaccuracy is bad but it literally inconsequential in 95% of encounters, and almost always irrelevant otherwise due to the use of smokes and flashbangs and other things to close the distance before fighting.

These maps were designed by random modders who knew shit.
>Weapon balance is piss poor, was even worse back then
>Couldn't code for shit, bunnyhopping wasn't patched out until years later (which btw made the game even worse)

CS:GO is objectively the best CS game. 1.6 has better bhops sure.. but that doesn't make it a better game. GO is more tactical and takes more skill to land shots. I've played them all extensively. It's a shame CS is a hard game that scrubs like most of you will never enjoy.

There should be a detailed tutorial of the actual mechanics in the game, it'd be a lot more popular.

I hated cs:go at first too, but it's been patched and I've learned its mechanics. It's GOAT.

>These maps were designed by random modders who knew shit.
Yeah, maybe when they first ever released, or do you ignore the over 14 years of fine-tuning and honing of the design?

>bunny hopping was a feature of CS and not Goldsrc in general

it just keeps getting better, folks!

>there's literally a jump bug that is KILLING a MAJOR TOURNAMENT that's going on RIGHT NOW
Why does Valve let these things happen? What the fuck is wrong with them?

>This autism spewed by some retard that conveniently has no evidence to backup anything he says
>"Us oldfag Quakers, right guys?"
Funny how most of the people I knew that were hardcore into Quake also liked playing CS. Is it narcissism or just autism to think that replacing powerups with an economy system, adding rounds, or just having the audacity to make a slow-paced game about counter-terrorists and terrorists was part of some dedicated effort to dumb down the genre and piss off Quake players?



>I have nothing else I could say in response, let's post a funny meme to deflect! Haha! Reading a specific games subreddit to keep up with news is the same as being an EPIC plebbitor! Narwhal bacon loser! Hehe!

The CSGO sub is infinitely better than the awful /csgog/ thread which is full of actual faggots that are horrid at the game.

>more tactical
strategies are literally useless in this game compared to the previous installments
are you fucking kidding me


>>bunny hopping was a feature of CS and not Goldsrc in general
>implying that it wasn't a bug in the quake 1 engine

No it's not you dumbfuck, the players agreed to not use it and it only fucked up a couple group stage matches.

This major is hot garbage though.

Valve just needs to make an actual anti cheat and let players play MM on 128 tick servers. People would pay a subscription for it, they already do.

/vg/ is a reddit containment board so what's your point, redditor?

ESEA and Valve have an under the table agreement. They will not do this.

>random chance decides who wins
Then why have pro teams been able to dominate others for ages? NIP won 87 games in a row when it came out and Fnatic took nearly every tournament for like a year straight. How are some players and teams consistently good if random chance determines so much of victory?

Ya I mean they are useless when you are a silver like yourself and everyone just runs around and frags because they don't know how to play yet.

Like on consoles? Cool.

>I can't possibly prove my shitty opinions to be true, so now it's time to derail this thread with all of these EPIC images!

Ya there's no reason for it though, it only hurts the game. People playing on MM do not get the full experience, 64 tick is ass and the rampant cheating turns many away. Prime is a joke.

The win by using smokes, flashes and "teamplay". Trusting your guns is csgo is like trusting cards in poker. Kind of a shitty idea for a shooter desu.

>playing fps on console
o u hav me laffin m8

>The win by using smokes, flashes and "teamplay".
That's literally what makes it good...


assblasted baby trying to play a competitive game
with his normalfag mindset

Team shooters, for the people who don't have the skill for arena shooters but still want to feel "competitive"


>That's literally what makes it good...
Nah, more like that's what keeps it from being the shittiest shooter on the market.