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What was up with the bolt being a glowing orange peice of metal

I always just assumed it was a piece of red rebar from a construction site

It looks like a molten hot piece of rebar

It's red hot

phaw phaw phaw

>pulse rifle sounding like someone banging on some drums



It's electrified rebar.



Somehow this was the only gun in that game I actually liked.

the sounds it made was so satisfying

It is red, but it's also glowing due to the heat. The battery at the bottom runs a current through it until it's heated up enough to glow.

No, one battery like that wouldn't provide enough power in real life, but >vidya.



It's a piece of rebar, heated by the 6v battery attached to the bottom of the crossbow.

I'm not sure how realistic it is to have a 6v battery heat rebar to glowing hot, or if the rebar being heated up would actually make it any more lethal, but whatever.


It's a real gun, you know.

red hot 1000 degrees bolt vs combine elite

How does the Match variant differ from the stock USP? What does the little barrel attachment do other than look smoothe?

Are you feeling it now Mr.Krabs?

afaik it's just a weight added to reduce recoil

most of HL2's weapon felt like plastic toys, but I'm willing to overlook it because it was the first time I got to fiddle with ingame physics

*runs out of ammo*


actually OP its



actually it's





>obligatory standard issue underpowered gun to make everything else powerful


>audiovisual auto-alert

he didn't fly so good

I miss hl2DM

*notices you*

If you want to make this gun less shit there's a command that changes the gun's damage:
>sk_plr_dmg_pistol [any number you want]
You can use the command with any gun in the game, just replace "pistol" with anything
If you feel the ammo for the revolver is small there's also another command to solve that
>sk_max_357 [any number]
These commands will reset when you exit or enter a level
If you want to make the commands permanent you can change the settings in skill.cfg in the hl2 carpet

You could also try getting fucking good. The pistol does 5 damage and fires as fast as you can click. Aim for the head, retard.

>isn't perfectly accurate
>18 shots
>head damage multiplier is 3
>Overwatch Soldiers have 100 HP on Hard
>7 headshots to kill one
that's a stupid idea

I typed all that shit so that people can stop whining about it being underpowered or shitty
desu the only change i would do is crank the damage up to 7, but honestly the best thing to do is to "git gud" with it

>honestly the best thing to do is to "git gud" with it
The best thing is to just forget it exists after a certain point in the game.

Here's a fan fact: the basic metrocops actually get a significant HP boost once you get back to C17. You're fighting low-HP versions in the beginning because the pistol is just THIS bad (and you don't get lots of MP7 ammo until later).

+ barrel is longer than std

it helps that combine soldiers are pretty much braindead and just run into you to die.

didnt knew that metrocop fact
T b h i just like the sound it make, and i just use it when i run out of smg and shotgun ammo

>just run into you to die
they actually strafe left and right, more like

and the pulse rifle/shotgun versions do hurt on Hard

There's just no point to use pistol later in the game, I mean you can use it against headcrabs and such but Dynamic Resupply System ensures you get so much ammo for shotgun if you use shotgun so you might as well use shotgun. Shotgun's damn good.

The exceptions are probably that huge cave full of headcrabs in the end of Ravenholm. And Episode 2 last battle, pistol is very good at blowing up Magnusson bombs (though I liked doing it with an xbow or revolver for style points, but it's objectively a waste of ammo).

It's fine if you like it, I just got a bit triggered by the "git gud" user.

IIRC I think Combine Soldiers use some advanced tactics when you put the game in hard, they dodge and flank you, making them actually dangerous, but man, they are dumb as hell on medium

If you ever played Episode 1 with developer commentaries, it's discussed there. The AI isn't bad, but the maps are way too linear for them to do anything.


Well you're pretty goddamn dumb

*blocks your path*

>Mfw people say hl2 is one of the best shooters of all time.

Easily the coolest sounding gun in the game


Wouldn't the bar being red hot actually hurt penetration, since it would be more malleable?

it was in 2004

BOOM *kachink* BOOM *kachink* BWOOOM *ktchink*
*tchk* *tchk* *tchk* *tchk*

>want a USP match
>none on gunbroker
>airsoft one doesnt have a silver slide

Sounds like a mule giving birth


That's cool to know but outside of messing around for fun I play without cheats, games are easy enough as it is, ammo is plentiful and I'm not *that* attached to the 9mm. I do like the subdued sound it makes though and the revolver is great.

>mfw people say hl is one of the best shooters of all time