
>make squenix account
>put code
>wait until the beta starts
>pick PSN code

Other urls found in this thread:


what code

beta codes, this is for a guaranteed access, the actual PSN code is in your squenix account when the beta starts

Guess Im in OP, thanks.
Any idea when they'll actually do the beta?

they said this summer, so probably this, or next month.


Wait, do people have codes already? How?

They're codes for actually getting codes for the download, the codes they're giving away guarantee you a entry in the beta by registering on SE's site

Playing right now Bros!

>tfw need to increase my Nameless Guardian meter and green crystal so my Vivifying Lance gets a better Break Bonus so I can take out number 4 located on the minimap but my 2nd white circle mapped to triangle is still on cooldown

i thought console wasn't going to have this horrendous fucking ui

jesus FUCKING christ

That's probably about how many people will buy the game

Do you need PS+ plus to play the beta? If so fuck Sony.

So who are you trying first? Terra for me, good thing that guy who explains how the game works released a video on her yesterday.

Lightning and Y'shtola


you don't need PS+ to play, demos, online demos/betas/etc, free to plays online.

Where do I get the code? I already made the account.

Go to home, then find it from there, then register your PSN

That screen shot is old, he's trolling.

>That screen shot is old
can someone give me a screenshot of the new ui then

i really like dissidia but i really hate this fucking ui

What new UI? Game's not finished making changes, beta is also coming soon so there is no new UI atm.

ramza and cat waifu probably

What code? I can't find anything about inputting a code.

im confused

where do i get the original code after signing up? read the thread and it doesn't really make sense

No codes yet, ignore OP just register your PSN account.

Where tho

It says to register but it takes you to an account creation/login page. Doesn't say shit about psn

>Enter a code to get a code
What the fuck is this? Why is Squeenix so shit at handling basic concepts?

Some anons are confused as fuck. Ok read carefully:
>do the "vistit mhu fb page" so you don't have to make a twitter account
>now you see a code
>register here sqex.to/register and put the code in the same page
>now it will open a new page, scroll down and if you see PENDING then you're done
>when the beta ia going to start, you will receive a PSN code via email, or in the squenix site where instead of PENDING
>redeem code kn PSN

Thanks I guess, didn't think this was legit

Mine worked. Thanks, OP.

What the fuck is the mhu Facebook page?

user please, just click the last link, were it says "visit that Facebook page"

That worked. I just don't understand how TrueTrophies is abbreviated to mhu.

So what is this weeb shit for anyways?

Danke herr OP
Was already registered normally but getting day 1 access is better

mhu = my
i said " visit my fb page" to abbreviate

Dude, I registered on my SE account and also on my Sony account and now you're telling me there's a third way?

Thanks OP, I just did the visit facebook option and it worked well, got my friend and I a key.

Will it has PC release?

Shoutout to the guy at EVO this weekend that snagged about 100 codes from under squeenix's nose to pass out.

If you're here, the dude sitting next to you thanks you.


Thanks OP

Nice, I am in, thanks OP

some confirmation mail would have been nice tho

thanks user worked like a charm.

C'mon guys, where's the hype? What a let down.

Noice. Worked for me. Really appreciate the heads up. Looking forward to playing.


As someone who plays this almost every weekend in the arcade: It is a really fun game. Hopefully the internet lag won't be too bad.

Also, Y'shtola is bae.

wow Sup Forums fucking thank you

I made an account, where's ny code?

Could they have picked a worse character to represent 14? Like the one fag and his sister, that would have been worse.

Go to OP's link, choose to visit their facebook which causes the continue button to light up which gives you your code.

So now we just wait for the beta to begin.

Any idea when that'll be?

This. Pick mother fucking Estinien at the very least or Alphinaud.

Do you need PS Plus to play the beta online? You didn't for one of the Overwatch free weekends before that game launched

Thanks a lot OP

Later in summer it said so hopefully at the start of August or something

You don't need plus to participate in betas.

Oh thank fuck.

I had already used my free PS+ trial to play a bit of SFV multi and that had run out like a week ago or so, so for now, I'm not playing any of that shit until I can save up for a bit more before I can buy a year's PSN subscription.

So glad to hear I can just play this whenever.


Pretty sure that wouldn't work out too well since Kain is in there

Honestly though Yshtola is okay

As for the villain rep i hope we get Gaeus or Livia

i dont see a code

Estinien is admittedly very awesome. Just wish his role was larger in Stormblood since he got the main character treatment for Heavensward.

And yeah Kain more or less fills the Dragoon space in the roster.

Not the link, below that. Fucked me for like 10 minutes.

i went here instead, logged with my account, and was sucessful

Only logging in gives you a CHANCE of having a code sent when beta begins.

If you actually enter a beta code, you're given a screen saying your beta code WILL be delivered when the beta begins.

Will best girl Freya get in?

You mean Celes?

How did you get these OP?

OP you gracious mother fucker thank you I'm all set for guaranteed access.

No new UI yet but they said at E3 that they will be simplifying it as the chaotic original UI was more suited for arcades.

How do i get the code? Ive made an acxount and linked my psn account. Now what? Im lost.

Thank you OP but how the fuck did you get so many codes?

Linking your SE account to PSN is basically entering for a CHANCE to get into the beta. Go to the page OP linked and hit the coupon thing next to the facebook link at the bottom of the page for an actual code.

Thanks man.

thank you user, your actions are greatly appreciated

Got it. Thanks.

If the OP for this is still in the thread, I fucking love you.

>register product
yeah i cant get a code when it's asking me for one now can i point dexter

Hope so.

For all the skeptical cunts, it's real. I registered to my account it then added a button on the account page to check for my PSN code when the beta goes live.

Dissidia Y'shtola looks so bad. She looks like a bimbofied version of herself.

The Heavensward outfit is slightly better, but she still looks like ass.

>game has no singleplayer

into the trash it goes

I'm just happy he (and Aymeric and Lucia) were even in Stormblood, instead of simply forgotten about.

are you retarded this is a multipalyer beta

The entire ps4 game will feature no singleplayer

They said they are adding a single player story to the main game, the arcade will stay Multiplayer only though so only PS4 will get the story elements. Takes place after the last Dissidia.

>current year
>single player

ty op

Thanks OP, you're a godsent.

Will you need ps+ for the beta?


Why was he the best newcomer in XIV?

Thanks OP. When the announcment first came out, my SQEX account didnt work, now it does. Fucking nips fix your shit. Also are any of the villians playable like the original series?

Didnt see it when i scrolled through. Thanks.

>put code
What fucking code???
It's asking me to register a product

Never mind, am retarded
Thx OP

OP you are a god. I got in. Now for them to put Noctis in so I can main him

Yes. They've shown off Kefka, Mateus, and Kuja so far I think.