Is Marina /ourguy/?
Is Marina /ourguy/?
I want to fuck her
How can some nigger who wears head phones as a fashion accessory while standing behind a faggy looking dj pult doing fuck all ever be someone anyone finds appealing? She's skrillex - the squid
I would literal murder an infant if it meant I could fuck her.
Octopi have no bones except for their beak. Imagine the positions she could achieve.
>See OP image from another thread
>Crop part of it
>Make a new thread with banal memes
Because smugface
they fucking ruined her. Treehouse does it once again
like this one?
Japanese Marina is true waifu
This game appeals to literal pedophiles. We're not memeing here this is made for obese manchildren who trade cp with their irc buddies
>Jap Marina
"Uguu Pearl I like your marketing strategy so kakkui desu!"
>English Marina
"Your shill game is on point you disgusting goblin abortion, it's amazing you're even sponsored at this rate"
You mean improved her
Marie is still the best and if you disagree you don't know shit about video games.
>a negro
>our guy
uhm, yeah, no
>She's skrillex - the squid
And you are gay - the faggot, if you cannot see why people find her attractive
there, here's your (you) now gtfo and never come back with that Sup Forums B U L L S H I T
True. Marie > Marina > Callie >>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl
I want 3 more and then I will leave
Maybe If you're a 8 year old or wanking to kids and have no dignity. Maybe ...
you know the way out reddit
>a kid
>with giant, fat tits
wow, what do they feed them?
>that image
>that post
So am I Sup Forums or reddit you fucking mongoloid?
they are the same thing
Ingame marina isn't even that busty or "thicc"
>reddit is a SJW bastion
>Sup Forums is an anti-SJW bastion
>same thing
you are so fucking retarded it's not even funny. It physically hurts being so much superior to you. Also, learn how to reply, worm.
>be Japanese game dev
>Make a duo idol unit for a beloved children's game
>Write the characters with complimenting personalities and authentic dialogue .
>Make one of them dark skinned
>Be fat American translator
>See beautiful black queen acting subservient to some nasty little white bitch
>What the fuck is all this shitty dialogue it all lacks ebonics , teeth sucking and sass
>Call in shaquanda'folikamika Jonson for inspiration
>Rewrite marina based on American tv approved blackness
>Suck off self for saving America's youth from the lack of stereotypes regarding black people
Thanks treehouse , you the real MVP
seriously, just for a second - IMAGINE being this new
Banner material right here.
>get destroyed
>-haha, l-l-look at the n-n-new guy!
I've been here for 10 years, fuckface, far longer than you, as I'm not some minde-wiped drone that calls everything reddit or Sup Forums
>get destroyed
strike one
>I've been here for 10 years
seriously, kek. strike two
strike three
get out
How can nintendo get away with this?
>skrillex invented DJ's
yes. we can now scientifically confirm that if you dislike marina, you're a class 1 fucking retard.
My god, you could bind all her limbs up against her body and use her as a jumbo fleshlight.
You know the good way of knowing someone both got destroyed and feels he got destroyed? They start speaking gibbberish in greentext, pretending that they are actuall replying to you and adressing things you have said, while in reality all they are doing is just 'LALALALAL, CAN'T HEAR YOU, NOW LEAVE!!!!!'
Look buddy, it's clear you are some newfag that has been here for MAYBE 2-3 years, if I give you the benefit of the doubt. You desperatly try to fit in, hoping for other newfags to jump your shit train and start replying to my post with the sammer manner of worthles, greentexted one-liners (that you are exclusively capable of spewing out), which WOULD have happened, if I actually said something dumb or silly or outing me as a newfag. Which I didn't. So you are alone, up in here, against me, who can do more than just hold shift, press a button above the Alt key and type out 'kek'
So. You have a fair chance of just shutting the hell up,. maybe lurking a bit and hopefull undestanding that the biggest retards in here are not reddit cross-posters or Sup Forums-cross posters but only faggots that call out anything they don't like for belonging to either of those categories. You CAN do that, or you can reply with >lol, check that fedorafag!, which won't really do a thing, as this entire thing was over before it even started. The choice is yours, user.
>ITT: Newfags getting triggered over the word negro
Fucking christ
hey nigger. How bout ya fuck off.
As expected.
projecting: the post
srsly tho Sup Forums is fuckken garbage
thank you for highhandedly proving that this shithole is infested by reddit
Nice reddit spacing
>marina thread ends horribly again
What did he mean by this
Mhm. The only thing I 'projected' was how long he has been here, which was actually based on something, this case being obsession with reddit and Sup Forums which was non-existant 4-5 years ago. Most of older posters are experienced enough to know Sup Forums always had some 'rival' boogeyman, which was accused everythin gwrong with the site. Back in my days, it was gaia online and on site, Sup Forums. Now, it's reddit and Sup Forums.
THIS is the state of Sup Forums
I too have read ED
Nice 6 month old meme that mocks my style of writting, that I have used since 2007.
seriously, topkek. only newfags need to remind everyone how """old""" they are
go away
>t. newfag
Nice phone posting . This thread is hurting my brain
>greentexting wrong
are you done yet?
my first post on Sup Forums, dude. Be nice.
>Not meme arrowing
Looking a little wan there friend
Wait, what was that word? Projecting?
I'm not reminding, I'm informing you guys that this shit you picked up less than a year ago is mocking something that has been in here since that site was conceivied.
Seriously, it's as if somebody suddenly decided greentext is 'reddit coloring' or some shit. Actually, I will fucking make this happen. Just for shit and giggles.
>he's STILL trying
please someone screencap this thread
You DO know 'reddit spacing' is hard to achieve on phone? So you LITERALLY just accused me of one thing and then immediatly jumped to a complete opposite of it, with no real proof, by the way.
I'm loving this thread.
I hope some really newfriends wander in here and this entire thread confuses the fuck out of them
Yes, screencap this so we can show everyone the newfag vs. oldfag encounter. Maybe newfags will learn that way.
>I'm loving this thread.
Me too XD! I can't wait to see a post about it on /r/Sup Forums
include me, pls
>You DO know 'reddit spacing' is hard to achieve on phone?
>quippy one-liner
>calling out to reddit
>some spicy meme, in that case 't.', even though it is apparent by the reply chain it all started with me calling Marina a negro
all you lacked was a disgruntled anime girl reaction image
Mfw this entire thread
you are reddit and you know it
You do? I wouldn't know, as I don't browse reddit. But glad you will find it enjoyable.
Writting lengthy paragraphs (with reddit spacing) is uncommon for phoneposters. Soooo.....
More like 'I'm reddit and YOU know it and there is no way to prove you wrong because you just gonna ignore anything I say'
that's not the point
He's made it this far folks but
Did you know racism is against the rules of Sup Forums?
I just thought it was interesting.
It's just nice to have a Nintendo thread without the usual level of autistic screeching though
please, keep going
It is.
suck my dick nigga
how new are you, nigger?
>this thread
It sure is!
Uhm, did you just fucking assume my sexual orientiation, you CIS scum?! May I remind you it is 2017?!
Please stop , this is starting to physically hurt me
you're not fitting in
So, you are telling me this is bringing you pain. And given I don't like you... why shoul I stop?
But I'm gonna be a pal, here. See this nice 'x' next to this thread's tab? If you click on this 'x', allllllllllll your troubles will dissapear.
Unless you are a phoneposter, then you throw you phone on the ground and stomp on it.
Reddit spacing.
I dont have nor play this game, but what is the problem?
Oh no. What now? Will the meme polcie take me away? LOL!
>slut clothing
>visible thongs
>tramp stamp
That's what yur mum said when she fuck my weiner lmao
Visible thong.
I'm still here
This can't be happening. I'm in charge here.
this is the most embarrassing thread of all time
Alright bros, I'm for a qucik stroll with my girl, then hopefully we will play some Splatoon and things will go naturally from there ;)
Also, I'm leaving since that faggot that kept replying either gave up or got banned.
Reddit spacing.
Just for scientific purposes, what countries are you faggots from? I bet it's either straya or leafland.
Nice try faggot , you're not cringe autism user who's been replying to everyone and their mom in this thread , I've seen through your ruse!
Shut up mom
No, like this one.
Okay, I guess I'm not.
UNLESS this is what you want me to say, because you want me to out myself as that very user pretending not to be that user pretending to be that user. In that case, I sure am that guy, dude, trust me!
I'm from Pakistan. We hate India, nuke soon.
And I'm from India. We hate Pakistan, nuke soon
you niggers are literally gay
Fuck, mods, pls fucking either ban me or just delete this thread, I honestly need to go, but this is all too fucking fun to give up. Do something!